A simple python crawler, crawling Zhihu

  • The main implementation is to crawl the pictures under all the answers in a favorite
  • The text message is not included yet. It can be realized by itself and is simpler than the picture
  • There are detailed notes in the specific code, please read them by yourself

Project source code:

  1 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
  3 from spider import SpiderHTML
  4 from multiprocessing import Pool
  5 import sys,urllib,http,os,random,re,time
  6 __author__ = 'waiting'
  7 '''
  8 Third party class library used BeautifulSoup4,Please install by yourself
  9 You need the spider.py file
 10 Operating environment: python3.4,windows7
 11 '''
 13 #Favorite address
 14 url = 'https://www.zhihu.com/collection/30822111'  #page Change parameter to code add
 16 #Local storage path,It will be created automatically if it does not exist
 17 store_path = 'E:\\zhihu\Favorites\\A world known only to members'
 19 class zhihuCollectionSpider(SpiderHTML):
 20   def __init__(self,pageStart, pageEnd, url):
 21     self._url = url
 22     self._pageStart = int(pageStart)
 23     self._pageEnd = int(pageEnd)+1
 24     self.downLimit = 0            #Answers below this approval are not included
 26   def start(self):
 27     for page in range(self._pageStart,self._pageEnd):    #Favorite pages
 28       url = self._url + '?page='+str(page)
 29       content = self.getUrl(url)
 30       questionList = content.find_all('div',class_='zm-item')
 31       for question in questionList:            #Every favorite question
 32         Qtitle = question.find('h2',class_='zm-item-title')
 33         if Qtitle is None:                #Be harmonized
 34           continue
 36         questionStr = Qtitle.a.string
 37         Qurl = 'https://www.zhihu.com'+Qtitle.a['href']  #Problem title
 38         Qtitle = re.sub(r'[\\/:*?"<>]','#',Qtitle.a.string)      #windows file/Special symbols not supported for directory names
 39         try:
 40           print('-----Getting questions:'+Qtitle+'-----')    #Get the link and title of the problem, and go to grab
 41         except UnicodeEncodeError:
 42           print(r'---The problem contains special characters and cannot be displayed---')
 43         try:
 44           Qcontent = self.getUrl(Qurl)
 45         except:
 46           print('!!!!Get error!!!!!')
 47           pass
 48         answerList = Qcontent.find_all('div',class_='zm-item-answer  zm-item-expanded')
 49         self._processAnswer(answerList,Qtitle)            #Answers to questions
 50         time.sleep(5)
 53   def _processAnswer(self,answerList,Qtitle):
 54     j = 0      
 55     for answer in answerList:
 56       j = j + 1
 58       upvoted = int(answer.find('span',class_='count').string.replace('K','000'))   #Get the number of approval for this answer
 59       if upvoted < self.downLimit:
 60         continue
 61       authorInfo = answer.find('div',class_='zm-item-answer-author-info')        #Get author information
 62       author = {'introduction':'','link':''}
 63       try:
 64         author['name'] = authorInfo.find('a',class_='author-link').string       #Get the author's name
 65         author['introduction'] = str(authorInfo.find('span',class_='bio')['title']) #Get the author's profile
 66         author['link'] = authorInfo.find('a',class_='author-link')['href']      
 67       except AttributeError:
 68         author['name'] = 'Anonymous user'+str(j)
 69       except TypeError:                                  #If the profile is empty
 70         pass                                     #Anonymous user has no link
 72       file_name = os.path.join(store_path,Qtitle,'info',author['name']+'_info.txt')
 73       if os.path.exists(file_name):              #It's been grabbed
 74         continue
 76       self.saveText(file_name,'{introduction}\r\n{link}'.format(**author))      #Save author's information
 77       print('Getting users`{name}`The answer'.format(**author))
 78       answerContent = answer.find('div',class_='zm-editable-content clearfix')
 79       if answerContent is None:                #Reported users have no answer content
 80         continue
 82       imgs = answerContent.find_all('img')
 83       if len(imgs) == 0:                    #The answer is not in the picture above
 84         pass
 85       else:
 86         self._getImgFromAnswer(imgs,Qtitle,**author)
 88   #Picture included
 89   def _getImgFromAnswer(self,imgs,Qtitle,**author):
 90     i = 0
 91     for img in imgs:
 92       if 'inline-image' in img['class']:          #Don't grab the small picture of Zhihu
 93         continue
 94       i = i + 1
 95       imgUrl = img['src']
 96       extension = os.path.splitext(imgUrl)[1]
 97       path_name = os.path.join(store_path,Qtitle,author['name']+'_'+str(i)+extension)
 98       try:
 99         self.saveImg(imgUrl,path_name)          #Capture all kinds of picture exceptions without interrupting the process
100       except:                  
101         pass
103   #Collected characters
104   def _getTextFromAnswer(self):
105     pass
107 #Run from the command line, for example: zhihu.py 1 5   Get 1 to 5 pages of data
108 if __name__ == '__main__':
109   page, limit, paramsNum= 1, 0, len(sys.argv)
110   if paramsNum>=3:
111     page, pageEnd = sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]
112   elif paramsNum == 2:
113     page = sys.argv[1]
114     pageEnd = page
115   else:
116     page,pageEnd = 1,1
118   spider = zhihuCollectionSpider(page,pageEnd,url)
119   spider.start()

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Keywords: Python Windows C

Added by JimmyD on Wed, 25 Dec 2019 16:26:26 +0200