Advanced Git application

Git advanced (2)




Git bifurcation

1. Branch naming rules and common commands

master is the latest commit to the specified branch.

Dev is the latest commit to the dev branch;

No matter how many branches there are, there can only be one active branch.

Head must point to a branch, which means that it maps the latest commit reflected in the current working directory, that is, head always points to the latest commit of the active branch;

★ branch nomenclature

  • "/" can be used, but the end of "/" cannot be used;

  • Cannot start with "-";

  • Components after "/" cannot start with "."

  • Continuous "..." cannot be used;

  • The white space character '' cannot be used;

  • Symbols such as "^", "~", "?", "*", "[" cannot be used.

Must be unique, the name of the branch always points to the latest commit of the target branch;

★ git branch: list, create and delete branches


  • git branch - d Branch [name] delete branch

★ git show branch: View branches and their related submissions

★git  checkout 

  • git checkout < Branch > checkout branch

Demo 1: git creating a branch

[root@node1 test]# ls  INSTALL  readmin  subdir
[root@node1 test]# git branch --list
* master   #"*" indicates the current branch
[root@node1 test]# git log
commit 3c0b6864718ec8f8aebb5b66fbfd65b757504169 (HEAD -> master)
Author: watao <>
Date:   Mon Aug 19 23:06:00 2019 +0800


commit b0e9cc432d3adb683963686a2eec197129ef48b8
Author: watao <>
Date:   Tue Jul 16 23:26:38 2019 +0800

[root@node1 test]# git status
On branch master
Changes to be committed:
  (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)

	new file:

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)


[root@node1 test]# git commit -m 'v1.0'
[master 13051f2] v1.0
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644

[root@node1 test]# git status
On branch master
Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)


nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

[root@node1 test]# git ls-files -s
100644 b6a56662e48ee60ef2d65fd2b00dd555e758b7fa 0	INSTALL
100644 1809e7ac283fd186a50d97b1462d2d27396f9b42 0
100644 a4ec1ecd97368714ba8b5c8d002b1a24647bb7ec 0	subdir/1.txt

[root@node1 test]# git add readmin
[root@node1 test]# git ls-files -s
100644 b6a56662e48ee60ef2d65fd2b00dd555e758b7fa 0	INSTALL
100644 1809e7ac283fd186a50d97b1462d2d27396f9b42 0
100644 8bf9463e75dfb20077fafb8358ee3cb471dd7900 0	readmin
100644 a4ec1ecd97368714ba8b5c8d002b1a24647bb7ec 0	subdir/1.txt

[root@node1 test]# git commit -m 'v1.1'
[master e522483] v1.1
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
 create mode 100644 readmin

[root@node1 test]# git log
commit e522483313931f3dbc914ff6e132f5cd205f7d62 (HEAD -> master)
Author: watao <>
Date:   Wed Aug 21 22:48:52 2019 +0800


commit 13051f2788b17981a72f641e6b30bc8bea0f2e38
Author: watao <>
Date:   Wed Aug 21 22:46:23 2019 +0800


commit 3c0b6864718ec8f8aebb5b66fbfd65b757504169
Author: watao <>
Date:   Mon Aug 19 23:06:00 2019 +0800


commit b0e9cc432d3adb683963686a2eec197129ef48b8
Author: watao <>
Date:   Tue Jul 16 23:26:38 2019 +0800

[root@node1 test]# git branch
* master

#Indicates that version 1.0 creates a branch
[root@node1 test]# git branch dev 13051f
[root@node1 test]# git branch
* master

[root@node1 test]# git branch bug/first
[root@node1 test]# git branch
* master

Demo 2: git show branch

#git show branch to view specific branch information
[root@node1 test]# git show-branch
! [bug/first] v1.1
 ! [dev] v1.0
  * [master] v1.1
+ * [bug/first] v1.1
++* [dev] v1.0

[root@node1 test]# git show-branch dev
[dev] v1.0
[root@node1 test]# 
[root@node1 test]# git show-branch bug/first
[bug/first] v1.1

Show me 3: git checkout Branch [name] switch branches

[root@node1 taotao]# git checkout dev  #Switching branches
Switched to branch 'dev'
[root@node1 taotao]# 
[root@node1 taotao]# git branch --list 
* dev
[root@node1 taotao]# 
[root@node1 taotao]# git show-branch
! [bug/first] v1.1
 * [dev] v1.0
  ! [master] v1.1
+ + [bug/first] v1.1
+*+ [dev] v1.0
[root@node1 taotao]# 
[root@node1 taotao]# 
[root@node1 taotao]# git log
commit 5d4298d6fdcbb6276e69f002e7148210124e52d9 (HEAD -> dev)
Author: watao <>
Date:   Wed Oct 9 22:04:34 2019 +0800


commit b9182448b3e9503ce5fd09edb5b378f612209d01
Author: watao <>
Date:   Wed Oct 9 21:05:05 2019 +0800


commit 1b5d8e0fea57e85045c8d98f12e379fdc73138bc
Author: watao <>
Date:   Tue Oct 8 21:24:06 2019 +0800

[root@node1 taotao]# cat
echo "hello world"
echo "new date"
[root@node1 taotao]# 
[root@node1 taotao]# git status
On branch dev
Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)


no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

[root@node1 taotao]# git add
[root@node1 taotao]# git commit -m "v1.1-dev"  
[dev 587719d] v1.1-dev
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
[root@node1 taotao]# git log
commit 587719dd3920429904c2b2a24637f20ecd20c4e0 (HEAD -> dev)
Author: watao <>
Date:   Fri Oct 11 22:34:41 2019 +0800


commit 5d4298d6fdcbb6276e69f002e7148210124e52d9
Author: watao <>
Date:   Wed Oct 9 22:04:34 2019 +0800


commit b9182448b3e9503ce5fd09edb5b378f612209d01
Author: watao <>
Date:   Wed Oct 9 21:05:05 2019 +0800


commit 1b5d8e0fea57e85045c8d98f12e379fdc73138bc
Author: watao <>
Date:   Tue Oct 8 21:24:06 2019 +0800

[root@node1 taotao]# cat
echo "hello world"
echo "new date"

#Switch back to the main branch and check again. It is found that it is still the original one, because the master branch has not submitted new operations.
[root@node1 taotao]# git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'
[root@node1 taotao]# 
[root@node1 taotao]# cat 
echo "hello world"

#Untracked files can be seen on all branches
[root@node1 taotao]# git checkout dev
Switched to branch 'dev'
[root@node1 taotao]# cat 
echo "hello world"
echo "new date"
[root@node1 taotao]# 
[root@node1 taotao]# vim
[root@node1 taotao]# cat 
echo ""
[root@node1 taotao]# ls  INSTALL  subdir
[root@node1 taotao]# 
[root@node1 taotao]# git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'
[root@node1 taotao]# 
[root@node1 taotao]# ls  INSTALL  readmin  subdir
[root@node1 taotao]# cat 
echo ""

#Add to index discovery still visible on all branches
[root@node1 taotao]# git add
[root@node1 taotao]# git status
On branch master
Changes to be committed:
  (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)

	new file:

[root@node1 taotao]# git checkout dev
Switched to branch 'dev'
[root@node1 taotao]# git status
On branch dev
Changes to be committed:
  (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)

	new file:
#Commit on dev branch
[root@node1 taotao]# git commit -m "v1.1.1-dev"
[dev 21a0411] v1.1.1-dev
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644
[root@node1 taotao]# git status
On branch dev
nothing to commit, working tree clean

#Switch back to the master branch again and find that the is gone.
[root@node1 taotao]# git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'
[root@node1 taotao]# ls  INSTALL  readmin  subdir
[root@node1 taotao]# git status
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean

#Create a second file in the main branch, and then switch back to the dev branch to report an error because it conflicts with the committed second in the dev branch
[root@node1 taotao]# echo "#XIUXIU" >
[root@node1 taotao]# git status
On branch master
Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
[root@node1 taotao]# git checkout dev
error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by checkout:
Please move or remove them before you switch branches.
[root@node1 taotao]# git add
[root@node1 taotao]# git checkout dev
error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout:
Please commit your changes or stash them before you switch branches.
#After deleting the second of the master branch, you can switch to the dev branch successfully.
[root@node1 taotao]# git rm -f
rm ''
[root@node1 taotao]# git checkout dev
Switched to branch 'dev'
[root@node1 taotao]# git status
On branch dev
nothing to commit, working tree clean
[root@node1 taotao]# git show-branch
! [bug/first] v1.1
 * [dev] v1.1.1-dev
  ! [master] v1.1
 *  [dev] v1.1.1-dev
 *  [dev^] v1.1-dev
+ + [bug/first] v1.1
+*+ [dev~2] v1.0
[root@node1 taotao]# git show-branch --more=10
! [bug/first] v1.1
 * [dev] v1.1.1-dev
  ! [master] v1.1
 *  [dev] v1.1.1-dev
 *  [dev^] v1.1-dev
+ + [bug/first] v1.1
+*+ [dev~2] v1.0
+*+ [dev~3] v0.0.2
+*+ [dev~4] v0.0.1
//Show me 4: git checkout - d Branch [name] delete branch
[root@node1 taotao]# git branch -d bug/first 
Deleted branch bug/first (was 5685269).
[root@node1 taotao]# git branch --list
* master

1. Merge branches

★ related concepts

Consolidation basis: the latest joint submission of the branches to be consolidated;

Our version: the latest submission of the current branch;

Their version: the latest commit of the branch to be merged;

⊙ no conflict merging:

git checkout master; check out to the main branch

git status check for uncommitted information

Git merge Branch [name] from their version to our version

Git log -- graph -- pretty = online -- abrev commit

Demo 1: merge without conflict

[root@node1 taotao]# git branch --list
* master
[root@node1 taotao]# 
[root@node1 taotao]# 
[root@node1 taotao]# git merge dev
Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.  | 1 + | 2 ++
 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644
[root@node1 taotao]# 
[root@node1 taotao]# git status
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean
[root@node1 taotao]# git show-branch
! [dev] v1.1.1-dev
 * [master] Merge branch 'dev'
 - [master] Merge branch 'dev'
+* [dev] v1.1.1-dev
[root@node1 taotao]# git log --graph --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit
*   43d8e9a (HEAD -> master) Merge branch 'dev'
| * 21a0411 (dev) v1.1.1-dev
| * 587719d v1.1-dev
* | 5685269 v1.1
* 5d4298d v1.0
* b918244 v0.0.2
* 1b5d8e0 v0.0.1

Demo 2: conflicted merge

[root@node1 taotao]# echo "taotaohuihui" > my.txt
[root@node1 taotao]# git add my.txt
[root@node1 taotao]# git commit -m "v2.0"
[master 1df3da7] v2.0
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
 create mode 100644 my.txt
 [root@node1 taotao]# git log --graph --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit
* 1df3da7 (HEAD -> master) v2.0   #New submissions
*   43d8e9a Merge branch 'dev'
| * 21a0411 (dev) v1.1.1-dev
| * 587719d v1.1-dev
* | 5685269 v1.1
* 5d4298d v1.0
* b918244 v0.0.2
* 1b5d8e0 v0.0.1
[root@node1 taotao]# git branch dev
fatal: A branch named 'dev' already exists.   #The dev branch cannot be created the same. In fact, it can be deleted because it has been merged into the master branch.
[root@node1 taotao]# 
[root@node1 taotao]# 
[root@node1 taotao]# git branch fotfix   #Common fotfix branches based on master 2.0
[root@node1 taotao]# git show-branch
! [dev] v1.1.1-dev
 ! [fotfix] v2.0
  * [master] v2.0
 +* [fotfix] v2.0
 -- [fotfix^] Merge branch 'dev'
++* [dev] v1.1.1-dev
[root@node1 taotao]# echo "third line" >>   #Modify the contents of the master branch
[root@node1 taotao]# cat 
echo "hello world"
echo "new date"
third line
[root@node1 taotao]# git add
[root@node1 taotao]# git commit -m "v2.1"
[master 697a6c5] v2.1
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
[root@node1 taotao]# git show-branch
! [dev] v1.1.1-dev
 ! [fotfix] v2.0
  * [master] v2.1
  * [master] v2.1
 +* [fotfix] v2.0
 -- [fotfix^] Merge branch 'dev'
++* [dev] v1.1.1-dev
[root@node1 taotao]# git checkout fotfix  #Switch to fotfix branch
Switched to branch 'fotfix'
[root@node1 taotao]# ls  INSTALL  my.txt  readmin  subdir
[root@node1 taotao]# 
[root@node1 taotao]# echo "new line" >>   #Edit first file and submit
[root@node1 taotao]# cat
echo "hello world"
echo "new date"
new line
[root@node1 taotao]# git add
[root@node1 taotao]# git commit -m "v2.0-1"
[fotfix 26b42ef] v2.0-1
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
 [root@node1 taotao]# git show-branch
! [dev] v1.1.1-dev
 * [fotfix] v2.0-1
  ! [master] v2.1
 *  [fotfix] v2.0-1
  + [master] v2.1
 *+ [fotfix^] v2.0
 -- [fotfix~2] Merge branch 'dev'
+*+ [dev] v1.1.1-dev
#Cut back the main branch, and then merge the fotfix branch. An error is reported, that is, the content conflicts. Need to fix conflicts manually before merging
[root@node1 taotao]# git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'
[root@node1 taotao]# 
[root@node1 taotao]# 
[root@node1 taotao]# git merge fotfix 
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
//Unable to merge the successful files. It is found that the contents of "" in the three versions are different.
[root@node1 taotao]# git ls-files
[root@node1 taotao]# 
[root@node1 taotao]# git ls-files --unmerged
100644 816a1b1e686cf6adb716b10e1a9eed870b2f18fa   #"1" indicates the consolidation basis
100644 3adec3b3bf2616c52eaba36bd8af2e79e9ef6495   #"2" means our version
100644 e45ccd5a231f9debdd84ffd621cdc3acfc8d15f1   #"3" indicates their version
[root@node1 taotao]# cat 
echo "hello world"
echo "new date"
<<<<<<< HEAD
third line
new line
>>>>>>> fotfix
[root@node1 taotao]# git diff
diff --cc
index 3adec3b,e45ccd5..0000000
--- a/
+++ b/
@@@ -1,4 -1,4 +1,8 @@@
  echo "hello world"
  echo "new date"
++<<<<<<< HEAD     "<<<<"or">>>>>"Submit symbols for three parties
 +third line  #Last submitted content of main branch
+ new line
++>>>>>>> fotfix  #Last submitted content for another version
#Modify directly on the basis of the conflict file, and delete the "three party submission symbol" if you want to keep it all
[root@node1 taotao]# vim 
[root@node1 taotao]# git diff
diff --cc
index 3adec3b,e45ccd5..0000000
--- a/
+++ b/
@@@ -1,4 -1,4 +1,5 @@@
  echo "hello world"
  echo "new date"
 +third line
+ new line
[root@node1 taotao]# cat 
echo "hello world"
echo "new date"
third line
new line
#Add to index again after modification and submit
[root@node1 taotao]# git add
[root@node1 taotao]# git commit  #The content prompt appears. Save it.
[master dd73764] Merge branch 'fotfix'
[root@node1 taotao]# git log --graph --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit
*   dd73764 (HEAD -> master) Merge branch 'fotfix'
| * 26b42ef (fotfix) v2.0-1
* | 697a6c5 v2.1
* 1df3da7 v2.0
*   43d8e9a Merge branch 'dev'
| * 21a0411 (dev) v1.1.1-dev
| * 587719d v1.1-dev
* | 5685269 v1.1
* 5d4298d v1.0
* b918244 v0.0.2
* 1b5d8e0 v0.0.1

Keywords: Linux git vim

Added by jamiet757 on Mon, 28 Oct 2019 21:36:25 +0200