Analyze 110W user information and visualize it using echarts+servlet+jsp

In the previous article, we used the scrapy framework to crawl information about 112W users, followed by analysis, processing and front-end visualization of this information.

Tools used

Java web

servlet + jsp

mysql database


The key point here is echarts, a visual development tool based on canvas developed by Baidu, or very useful. See the official website for details: echarts website

Analysis of the data is a simple sql statement, then the results are stored in a table, and then the database data is obtained by writing javaweb code, which is passed to the data in.jsp as echarts drawings.Visualize the front-end of the data.

Let's look at the gender distribution of users:

			Pie chart of sex distribution
		// Specify the configuration items and data for the chart
		var sexoption = {
		    title : {
		        text: 'Knowing user gender distribution',
		        subtext: '112w Bar data',
		    tooltip : {
		        trigger: 'item',
		        formatter: "{a} <br/>{b} : {c} ({d}%)"
		    legend: {
		        orient: 'vertical',
		        left: '30%',
		        data: ['male','female','Unknown']
		    series : [
		            name: 'User gender',
		            type: 'pie',
		            radius : '55%',
		            center: ['70%', '50%'],
		            data:[{value:435265, name:'male'},
		                {value:367175, name:'female'},
		                {value:318923, name:'Unknown'},]
The results are as follows:

28.44% of men and 32.74% of women are unknown, and nearly a third of users do not indicate their gender.

Look at the User Alumni Chart again -->

			School Column
		//Specify the configuration items and data for the chart
		var schooloption = {
			title: {
				text: 'Know Alumni Ranking(Top 20)',
				textStyle :{
					color: '#408829'
			toolbox: {
				show: true,
				feature: {
						show: true
						show: true
					saveAsImage: {
						show: true
					magicType: {
						type:['line', 'bar']
			tooltip: {
				trigger: 'axis'
			legend: {
				data: ['School']
			grid: {
				y2: 100
			xAxis: {
				axisLabel :{  
					textStyle: {
						fontSize: 15
					rotate: 40,   //Tilt number
				data: arrName.slice(0, 20)
			yAxis: {},
			series: [{
				name: 'School',
				type: 'bar',
				center: ['50%', '50%'],
				itemStyle: {
					normal: {
						color: '#00ffcc'
				data: arrNum.slice(0, 20)
Look at the results:

Don't graduates from these schools feel shy writing about their own schools (23233333)?

Take a look at the user's expertise - >

			Professional distribution pie chart
		// Specify the configuration items and data for the chart
		var majoroption = {
		    title : {
		        text: 'Know user specialty (top 20)',
		        subtext: '112w Bar data',
		    tooltip : {
		        trigger: 'item',
		        formatter: "{a} <br/>{b} : {c} ({d}%)"
		    legend: {
		        orient: 'vertical',
		        left: '30%',
		        data: majorName
		    series : [
		            name: 'User's Major',
		            type: 'pie',
		            radius : '55%',
		            center: ['70%', '50%'],
What happened?

Knowing is the programmer's knowledge, which is not unreasonable!!!

Let's look at the ranking of cities where users live -->

			Location Distribution
		// Specify the configuration items and data for the chart
		var addreoption = {
		    title : {
		        text: 'Know the user's city (top 10)',
		        subtext: '112w Bar data',
		    tooltip : {
		        trigger: 'item',
		        formatter: "{a} <br/>{b} : {c} ({d}%)"
		    legend: {
		        orient: 'vertical',
		        left: '30%',
		        data: ['Beijing','Shanghai','Hangzhou', 'Chengdu', 'Nanjing', 'Guangzhou', 'Shenzhen', 'Wuhan', 'Xi'an', 'Chongqing']
		    series : [
		            name: 'User City',
		            type: 'pie',
		            radius : '55%',
		            center: ['70%', '50%'],
		                {value:50002, name:'Beijing'},
		                {value:32055, name:'Shanghai'},
		                {value:11925, name:'Hangzhou'},
		                {value:8794, name:'Chengdu'},
		                {value:8331, name:'Nanjing'},
		                {value:7748, name:'Guangzhou'},
		                {value:7548, name:'Shenzhen'},
		                {value:7456, name:'Wuhan'},
		                {value:5639, name:'Xi'an'},
		                {value:4202, name:'Chongqing'},

and Results - >

Beijing and Shanghai account for the majority!!!!

Let's take a look at the fan charts again -->

			Fan Ranking Column
		//Specify the configuration items and data for the chart
		var fanoption = {
			title: {
				text: 'Number of fans ranking(Top 20)',
				textStyle :{
					color: '#408829'
			toolbox: {
				show: true,
				feature: {
						show: true
						show: true
					saveAsImage: {
						show: true
					magicType: {
						type:['line', 'bar']
			tooltip: {
				trigger: 'axis'
			legend: {
				data: ['', '', '']
			grid: {
				y2: 100
			xAxis: {
				axisLabel :{  
					textStyle: {
						fontSize: 15
					rotate: 30,   //Tilt number
				data: arrfanName.slice(0, 20)
			yAxis: {},
			series: [{
				name: 'Full name',
				type: 'bar',
				itemStyle: {
					normal: {
						 color:function(params) {
							if (arrfanGender[params.dataIndex] ==1){
								return '#0088a8';
							} else if(arrfanGender[params.dataIndex] ==0){
								return '#ffb7dd';
							}else {
								return '#dddddd';
				data: arrfanFollower_count.slice(0, 20)
Result - >

Different colors represent different gender Blue is male, pink is female, gray is unknown, (just look!)

Although you look at the user's city rankings, you still want to look at the user's geographic distribution. So, the code -->

var convertData = function (data) {
		    var res = [];
		    for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
		        var geoCoord = geoCoordMap[data[i].name];
		        if (geoCoord) {
		                name: data[i].name,
		                value: geoCoord.concat(data[i].value)
		    return res;
		mapoption = {
		    backgroundColor: '#ffffff',
		    title: {
		        text: 'Know the user's City',
		        left: 'center',
		        textStyle: {
		            color: '#666666'
		    tooltip: {
		        trigger: 'item',
		        formatter: function (params) {
		            return + ' : ' + params.value[2];
		    legend: {
		        orient: 'vertical',
		        y: 'bottom',
		        textStyle: {
		            color: '#666666'
		    dataRange: {
		        min: 0,
		        max: 51000,
		        calculable: true,
		        color: ['#d94e5d','#eac736','#50a3ba'],
		        textStyle: {
		            color: '#666666'
		    geo: {
		        map: 'china',
		        label: {
		            emphasis: {
		                show: false
		        roam: true,
		        left: 'center',
		        itemStyle: {
		            normal: {
		                areaColor: '#323c48',
		                borderColor: '#111'
		            emphasis: {
		                areaColor: '#2a333d'
		    series : [
		            name: 'Number',
		            type: 'scatter',
		            coordinateSystem: 'geo',
		            data: convertData(addressJson),
		            symbolSize: 12,
		            label: {
		                normal: {
		                    show: false
		                emphasis: {
		                    show: false
		            itemStyle: {
		                emphasis: {
		                    borderColor: '#fff',
		                    borderWidth: 1

Look at the results:

At a glance, users are still concentrated in the eastern region.

Keywords: JSP Database Java MySQL

Added by khujo56 on Sat, 29 Jun 2019 21:53:31 +0300