1. Functional analysis
1.1 stopwatch function interface
1.2 App structure
- 1 Activity: MainActivity
- 1 Layout: activity_main.xml
2. Development view layout
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" xmlns:app="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res-auto" xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" tools:context=".MainActivity"> <LinearLayout android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:gravity="center_horizontal" android:orientation="vertical"> <TextView android:id="@+id/time_view" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:gravity="center_horizontal" android:text="0:00:00" android:textAppearance="@style/TextAppearance.AppCompat.Large" android:textSize="80sp"/> <Button android:id="@+id/button_start" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_gravity="center_horizontal" android:text="@string/start" android:onClick="onClickStart"/> <Button android:id="@+id/button_stop" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_gravity="center_horizontal" android:text="@string/stop" android:onClick="onClickStop"/> <Button android:id="@+id/button_reset" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_gravity="center_horizontal" android:text="@string/reset" android:onClick="onClickReset"/> </LinearLayout> </androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout>
<resources> <string name="app_name">Stopwatch</string> <string name="start">start</string> <string name="stop"> Stop</string> <string name="reset">Reset</string> <string name="time">Time</string> </resources>
3. Activity implementation
3.1. MainActivity class
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { //Seconds timed private int seconds = 0; //Status of timing private boolean running = false; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); //When the Activity starts, runTimer() is started in the onCreate() method runTimer(); } //Start timing public void onClickStart(View view){ running = true; } //Stop timing public void onClickStop(View view){ running = false; } //Reset stopwatch public void onClickReset(View view){ running = false; seconds = 0; } //Cycle timing method private void runTimer(){ final TextView timeView = findViewById(R.id.time_view); //Create handler of UI thread for message processing final Handler handler = new Handler(); handler.post(new Runnable() {//Hand in a Runnable immediately, and the task is in the run() method of Runnable @Override public void run() { int hours = seconds/3600; int minutes = (seconds%3600)/60; int secs = seconds%60; String time = String.format("%d:%02d:%02d", hours, minutes, secs); timeView.setText(time); if(running){ seconds++; } //Submit the task repeatedly every 1000ms handler.postDelayed(this,1000); } }); } }
4. Application of life cycle
4.1 problem analysis
- Question 1: when the screen is rotated, Android detects a change in the screen direction, and the timing will be reset
- Problem 2: the App is switched to the background, and the stopwatch cannot pause
4.2. Activity running process
4.2. The screen rotates and the timing does not reset
When the device configuration changes, such as the screen rotates, the state needs to be saved and restored when restarting
After running and before destroying (onDestroy()), onSaveInstanceState() will be called to save the state to the Bundle
The onSaveInstanceState() method needs to be overridden to save the state
Bundle stores key value pairs
Store running and seconds in the Bundle
@Override public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState){ super.onSaveInstanceState(savedInstanceState); savedInstanceState.putInt("seconds",seconds); savedInstanceState.putBoolean("running",running); }
Recover in onCreate() method, with Bundle as its parameter, and null when the process creates an Activity for the first time,
The Bundle saved later for onSaveInstanceState()-
Take the key value pair from the Bundle
Take out running and seconds from the Bundle
@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); Log.d("life cycle","onCreate"); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); if(savedInstanceState!=null){ seconds = savedInstanceState.getInt("seconds"); running = savedInstanceState.getBoolean("running"); } runTimer(); }
Program running process
- The user starts the App and clicks the start button to start timing
The runTimer() method starts incrementing seconds and displays it in the text box time_ In view - Rotate the mobile phone, Android detects the change of the screen direction, and destroys the original Activity, then calls onSaveInstanceState() to save the instance variables.
- Android destroys the Activity, creates the Activity again, calls onCreate() method again, and passes in the saved Bundle as a parameter
- In the onCreate() method, retrieve the value stored in the Bundle and restore it to the state before destruction
- The runTimer() method continues timing from the seconds before rotation
- The user starts the App and clicks the start button to start timing
4.3. When the App is switched to the background, the stopwatch can pause
Override onStop() and stop timing before disappearing
@Override protected void onStop(){ super.onStop(); Log.d("life cycle","onStop"); wasRunning = running; // Whether it is running before recording, running = false; //Set running to false to stop timing }
The lifecycle of the parent class must be called before overriding the lifecycle method
Override onStart() to continue timing until it is visible
@Override //If running==true before, set running to true to continue timing protected void onStart(){ super.onStart(); Log.d("life cycle","onStop"); if(wasRunning){ running = true; } }
The App is switched to the background, and the Activity object still exists. You can use the instance variable to store the state
//Seconds timed private int seconds = 0; //Status of timing private boolean running = false; //A new variable used to save the running state before disappearing in onStop() private boolean wasRunning = false; @Override protected void onStop(){ super.onStop(); Log.d("life cycle","onStop"); //Log and pause wasRunning = running; running = false; } @Override protected void onStart(){ super.onStart(); Log.d("life cycle","onStop"); //Log and recover if(wasRunning){ running = true; } }
Save wasRunning in the Bundle before destroying the Activity,
Recover wasRunning from Bundle after re instantiation of Activity@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); Log.d("life cycle","onCreate"); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); if(savedInstanceState!=null){ seconds = savedInstanceState.getInt("seconds"); running = savedInstanceState.getBoolean("running"); wasRunning = savedInstanceState.getBoolean("wasRunning"); } runTimer(); } @Override public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState){ super.onSaveInstanceState(savedInstanceState); savedInstanceState.putInt("seconds",seconds); savedInstanceState.putBoolean("running",running); savedInstanceState.putBoolean("wasRunning",wasRunning); }
Operation process
- The user starts the App, clicks the Start button, and runTimer() starts to increment seconds and update the text box
- The user clicks the Home key, the Activity disappears, and Android calls onStop()
- The user returns the stopwatch App, the Activity is visible, and Android calls onStart()
5. MainActivity complete code
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { //Seconds timed private int seconds = 0; //Status of timing private boolean running = false; //A new variable used to save the running state before disappearing in onStop() private boolean wasRunning = false; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); Log.d("life cycle","onCreate"); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); if(savedInstanceState!=null){ seconds = savedInstanceState.getInt("seconds"); running = savedInstanceState.getBoolean("running"); wasRunning = savedInstanceState.getBoolean("wasRunning"); } //When the Activity starts, runTimer() is started in the onCreate() method runTimer(); } @Override protected void onStart(){ super.onStart(); Log.d("life cycle","onStop"); if(wasRunning){ running = true; } } @Override protected void onStop(){ super.onStop(); Log.d("life cycle","onStop"); wasRunning = running; running = false; } @Override public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState){ super.onSaveInstanceState(savedInstanceState); savedInstanceState.putInt("seconds",seconds); savedInstanceState.putBoolean("running",running); savedInstanceState.putBoolean("wasRunning",wasRunning); } protected void onDestroy(){ super.onDestroy(); Log.d("life cycle","onDestroy"); } //Start timing public void onClickStart(View view){ running = true; } //Stop timing public void onClickStop(View view){ running = false; } //Reset stopwatch public void onClickReset(View view){ running = false; seconds = 0; wasTiming = false; } //Cycle timing method private void runTimer(){ final TextView timeView = findViewById(R.id.time_view); //Create handler of UI thread for message processing final Handler handler = new Handler(); handler.post(new Runnable() {//Hand in a Runnable immediately, and the task is in the run() method of Runnable @Override public void run() { int hours = seconds/3600; int minutes = (seconds%3600)/60; int secs = seconds%60; String time = String.format("%d:%02d:%02d", hours, minutes, secs); timeView.setText(time); if(running){ seconds++; } //Submit the task repeatedly every 1000ms handler.postDelayed(this,1000); } }); } }