Android UI Chapter - Implementing a Disclosure Animation

I. Application scenarios

II. Process analysis

3. Code Implementation

I. Application scenarios

1. Put on the effect map first:
Design sketch
2. Application scenario analysis:
  • Suitable for Activity Interface Jump
  • Switching for View
  • Supporting animation effects for all View layouts
3. Code usage (very simple and easy to use):
  • On the layout you need to animate, just put Reveal Animation Layout on it and support any layout!!!
 // In java code, call  

II. Process analysis

1. android 5.0 already has the corresponding interface ViewAnimationUtils.createCircularReveal, but it still has some limitations:
  • It can only be used in android 5.0
  • Provide only circular exposure
  • There are no other graphics interfaces to extend.
2. For this effect, we can only customize View to achieve. The thinking steps are as follows:
  • Make an empty parent layout, provide it out, you can set any layout.
  • In the empty layout on the nested sub-layout operation.
  • To start with the draw function, and to tailor after super.draw(), the purpose is to ensure that the sub-layout draws first.
  • Use the brush setXfermode to achieve this animation effect. First, use Path to draw a circle/rectangle, overlap on the canvas, and take out the overlapping View.
3. We rewrite draw function and rewrite draw function. Review the flow of draw functions:
Drawing process
All that can be rewritten is:
  • draw
  • onDraw
  • dispatchDraw
To sum up: only draw and dispatchDraw rewriting can meet the requirements, such as the following simulation code:
    public void draw(Canvas canvas) {
        canvas.saveLayer(mLayer, null, Canvas.ALL_SAVE_FLAG);
        super.draw(canvas); //Self-drawing on canvas, sub-layout drawing on canvas
        onClipDraw(canvas); //The above code is drawn, and then the whole canvas is operated on.
    protected void dispatchDraw(Canvas canvas) {
     canvas.saveLayer(mLayer, null,Canvas.ALL_SAVE_FLAG);
     *The sub-layout is drawn in canvas, but it is not finished yet, and it needs to be drawn.
     *drawAutofilledHighlight-onDrawForeground-drawDefau*ltFocusHighlight. But that's OK. We just need to do sub-layout operations.
        onClipDraw(canvas); //After the sub-layout is drawn, the canvas is operated on.

3. Code Implementation

1. Start an animator and get the percentage of animation execution: mAnimatorValue.
     * Initialize animation class

    private void initAnimator() {
        mUpdateListener = new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() {
            public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) {

                //Get the percentage of animation execution mAnimatorValue
                mAnimatorValue = (float) animation.getAnimatedValue();

        mStartingAnimator = new ValueAnimator().setDuration(defaultDuration);
        mStartingAnimator.setInterpolator(new AccelerateInterpolator());

     * Open animation
     * @param animaType Animation Types
public void startAnimal(AnimaType animaType) {
        this.mAnimaType = animaType;
        if(mAnimaType == AnimaType.BackCircle ||
                mAnimaType == AnimaType.BackLeftRight ||
                mAnimaType == AnimaType.BackUpDown ) {
        } else {
2. Let's generate a clipping path mClipPath (Path class). The percentage mAnimatorValue is used to calculate the radius of the circle that mClipPath needs to add.
    protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) {
        super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh);
        mLayer.set(0, 0, w, h);

    public void refreshRegion(View view) {
        int w = (int) mLayer.width();
        int h = (int) mLayer.height();
        RectF areas = new RectF();
        areas.left = view.getPaddingLeft(); = view.getPaddingTop();
        areas.right = w - view.getPaddingRight();
        areas.bottom = h - view.getPaddingBottom();

        PointF center = new PointF(w / 2, h / 2);
        if (mAnimaType == AnimaType.Circle || mAnimaType == AnimaType.BackCircle) {
            float d = (float) Math.hypot(areas.width(), areas.height());
            //Calculate the radius of the circle by the percentage of the animation mAnimatorValue
            float r = d / 2 * mAnimatorValue;
            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= Build.VERSION_CODES.O_MR1) {
            //A circle is added here.
                mClipPath.addCircle(center.x, center.y, r, Path.Direction.CW);
                mClipPath.moveTo(0, 0);  // Fill the Path area with canvas by empty operation
                mClipPath.moveTo(w, h);
            } else {
                float y = h / 2 - r;
                mClipPath.moveTo(areas.left, y);
                mClipPath.addCircle(center.x, center.y, r, Path.Direction.CW);
3. Finally, let's start with Draw and draw the generated mClipPath to canvas (the whole layout has been drawn), using PorterDuff.Mode.DST_OUT to take out the overlapping part of the circle. (Here's a little trick for android 9.0 compatibility.)
    public void draw(Canvas canvas) {
        canvas.saveLayer(mLayer, null, Canvas.ALL_SAVE_FLAG);

    public void onClipDraw(Canvas canvas) {

        mPaint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.DST_OUT));

        mOpClipPath.addRect(0, 0, mLayer.width(), mLayer.height(), Path.Direction.CW);
        //Conversely, because android 9.0 does not draw the layout outside of paint (paint itself has a specified area, where the area added to the brush is a circle).
        mOpClipPath.op(mClipPath, Path.Op.DIFFERENCE);
        canvas.drawPath(mOpClipPath, mPaint);


The code is simple, just a layout. It can be used to realize the jump of Activity and the switch of View in the interface. It is also very easy to expand, I suggest you download it to see.

github full source code

Finally, thanks: The author of gcssloop inspired me.

Keywords: Android Java github

Added by grumpy on Sat, 08 Jun 2019 03:27:35 +0300