What is axios
Axios Is an Ajax Library Based on promise encapsulation. The core is XMLHttpRequest, which can be used in browsers and node JS
- Create XMLHttpRequests from the browser
- From node JS create http request
- Promise API supported
- Intercept requests and responses
- Convert request data and response data
- Cancel request
- Automatically convert JSON data
- Client support defense XSRF
Using NPM: NPM install Axios
Using bower: bower install Axios
Using CDN: < script SRC=“ https://unpkg.com/axios/dist/axios.min.js "></script>
Method of axios object
- axios(config) / axios(url[, config]): you can create a request by passing the relevant configuration to axios
- Cancel / CancelToken: used to cancel an ajax request
- all([iterable]): Based on promise All implements ajax parallelism. After all requests are successful, a successful promise instance is returned
- spread([callback]): parse the results returned based on all
- get/delete/head/options send request of corresponding method
- post/put/patch sends the request of corresponding mode
- Request send request
- interceptors interceptor
- request interceptor
- response interceptor
- ...
axios itself is a function. Based on the requests sent by axios, all returned are promise instances (axios. axios is called internally),
Parameters received by then:
- response.data
- response.status
- response.statusText
- response.headers
- response.config
Request configuration
Configuration item : only url is required. If no method is specified, the request will use the get method by default.
axios({ // baseURL+url: the address of the final request. baseURL will be automatically added in front of the URL, unless the URL is an absolute URL baseURL: 'https://some-domain.com/api/', url: '/user', //Is the method used when creating the request. The default is get method: 'get', //Request header information headers: { 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest', common:{ "x-Token":"xxx" }, //Set only for one request post:{}, get:{} }, //Params: Based on "?", Splice the params object item by item to the end of the URL and pass it to the server // Must be a plain object or URLSearchParams object params: { ID: 12345, name:"kk" }, //Functions responsible for params serialization //https://www.npmjs.com/package/qs || http://api.jquery.com/jquery.param/ paramsSerializer: function(params) { return Qs.stringify(params, {arrayFormat: 'brackets'}) }, //Data: only applicable to POST series requests. The data sent as the request subject, //By default, the object will be changed into application/json string and passed to the server. The value is: FormData/binary/raw data: { firstName: 'Fred'}, //In the POST series of requests, it is allowed to arbitrarily convert the response data before passing it to then/catch transformResponse:function (data) { return data }, //Under the POST request, it is allowed to arbitrarily convert the request subject information before sending it to the server transformRequest: [function (data, headers) { // Judge whether the data must be a pure object or try catch processing // isPlanObject(data),utils.js judge pure objects return Qs.stringify(data); }], //Scattered configuration // Specifies the number of milliseconds that the request times out. If the call cost exceeds the timeout, the request will be interrupted timeout: 1000, //Indicates whether credentials are required for cross domain requests withCredentials:true, // default: false //Allow user-defined processing of requests, return a promise and apply a valid response [similar to request interceptor] adapter: function (config) { /* ... */ }, //Preset the data type of the server response: arraybuffer/blob/document/json/text/stream //No matter what format the server returns, it is internally converted to the preset format responseType: 'json', // default //Monitor upload / download progress onUploadProgress: function (progressEvent) {/* ... */ }, onDownloadProgress: function (progressEvent) {/*Handling of native progress events*/}, //The successful response status code of internally defined HTTP is promise of resolve/reject. //Return true/null/undefined, promise will be resolve d; Otherwise, promise will be rejecte d validateStatus: function (status) { return status >= 200 && status < 300; // default }, //Define the host name and port of the proxy server proxy: { host: '', port: 9000, auth: {//Indicates that HTTP basic authentication should be used for connection proxy and provide credentials username: 'mikeymike', password: 'rapunz3l' } }, //Used to cancel the request cancelToken: new CancelToken(function (cancel) { }) //... })
Request method alias
For convenience, aliases are provided for all supported request methods
- axios.request([config])
- axios.[ get/ head/ delete/ options ] ( [url],[config])
- axios.[ post/ put/ patch ] ([url], [data], [config])
//GET axios.get("",{ params:{ name:"kk", age:18 } }).then(response => { //-config: set configuration item //-headers: response header information //-request: native XHR object //-status/statusText status code and description of status code //-data: response subject information console.log("success" ,response); }).then(data => { //Obtain the response subject information and complete the corresponding business logic console.log("success" ,data ); }).catch(reason => { console.log("fail",reason); })
- Success: the status code returned by the server is consistent with the validateStatus condition (readyState===4)
- Available information:
- config: set configuration item
- headers: response header information
- request: native XHR object
- status/statusText status code and description of status code
- data: response subject information
- Failed:
- The status code returned by the server is inconsistent with the validateStatus condition [at least the server returns]
- There is no return from the server, such as disconnection / timeout exceeded / canceltoken
- Available information:
- config: set configuration item
- request: native XHR object
- toJSON: convert the obtained information into JSON objects
- Message: error message
- Response: if the network layer fails, there is no response. If only the Axios layer fails, there is a response
- isAxiosError: whether it is an Axios layer failed
Success and failure of requests
- Network layer failure: the request is not sent successfully, or there is no response [an HTTP transaction is not completed]
- AXIOS tier failed:
- The server must have returned
- But the status code is inconsistent with validateStatus
- Timeout or cancel request
- Business layer failure: generally, the server distinguishes different business forms and results based on business requirements and symbols such as code