Array / array operation of JavaScript


1, Definition of array

1.1 literal grammatical form

1.2 constructor definition form

2, Basic operation of array

2.1 calling

2.1 modification

2.3 NEW

3, Circular traversal of array


3.2 for...of

3.3 forEach

4, Function operation syntax of array ES5

4.1 array mapping

4.2 array filtering

4.3 array judgment

5, Addition and deletion of array

5.1 first addition

5.2 last digit addition

5.3 first deletion

5.4 delete at the end

5.5 deletion of array specified cells

6, Array query

6.1 array indexOf  ()

6.2 array lastIndexOf  ()

VII. Inversion of array

7.1 array, reverse()

8, Conversion of array and string

8.1 array to string

8.2 string to array

9, Sorting of arrays

9.1 array, sort();

10, Array splicing

11, Interception of array

11.1 array slice (parameter);

11.2 array slice (parameter 1, parameter 2);

12, Flattening of arrays

13, Collapse of array

13.1 definitions

13.2 impact

13.3 solutions

14, Summary

14.1 will directly change the operation of the original array

14.2 operation that does not change the original array

1, Definition of array

1.1 literal grammatical form

var variable = [data 1, data 2, data 3...];

Define the data unit stored in the array in []. The data unit can be one or multiple. Multiple data units are separated by commas. All data structures supported by JavaScript can be stored in the array.

1.2 constructor definition form

var variable = new Array();

Code display:

        // Literal grammatical form
        var arr = ["Hello",1,"Beijing","Shanghai",{name:"Zhang San"}]
        // Constructor definition form
        var arr1 = new Array();
        // console output 

Operation results:

Where 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 are the index subscripts of the corresponding values. The first numeric index subscript is 0, the second is 1

2, Basic operation of array

2.1 calling

Array name [index subscript]

Call the data value stored in the specified index subscript through [] value syntax.

2.1 modification

Array name [index subscript] = new value;

The memory assignment operation is performed on the data unit corresponding to index subscript 3 that already exists in the array. The later assigned value will overwrite the previously stored value. The execution effect is to modify the data stored in the array unit.

2.3 NEW

Array name [array name. length -1 +1] = new value;

The index subscript of the last cell of the original array is the array length-1.

The index subscript of the new cell is the index subscript of the last cell of the original array + 1.

That is, the index subscript of the new cell is an array length -1 +1

Code display:

        var arr = ["Beijing","Shanghai","Guangzhou","Shenzhen","Hangzhou","Nanjing"];
        // call
        // modify
        arr[2] = "Zhengzhou";
        // newly added
        arr[arr.length] = "Chongqing";

Operation results:

3, Circular traversal of array


For (VaR variable in array){


The index subscript of the array cell stored in the variable

Array [variable] obtains the numerical data stored in the unit corresponding to the index subscript

        var arr = ["Beijing","Shanghai","Guangzhou","Shenzhen","Hangzhou","Nanjing"];
        // get index subscript
        for(var key in arr){
            // Call the syntax to get the data value corresponding to the index subscript

Operation results: 

3.2 for...of

for(var variable of array){


Variable stores numerical data of array cells

        var arr = ["Beijing","Shanghai","Guangzhou","Shenzhen","Hangzhou","Nanjing"];
        // for...of get data value
        for(var value of arr){

Operation results:

3.3 forEach

Array Foreach function (parameter 1, parameter 2, parameter 3){


Parameter 1 stores the numerical data of the array
Parameter 2 stores the index subscript of the array
Parameter 3 stores the contents of the original array

        var arr = ["Beijing","Shanghai","Guangzhou","Shenzhen","Hangzhou","Nanjing"];
            // Data value
            // Corresponding index subscript
            // Original array

Operation results:

4, Function operation syntax of array ES5

4.1 array mapping

Array Map (function (parameter 1, parameter 2, parameter 3) {return operation of parameter 1})

Perform the same operation on the data of each cell in the array to generate a new array
Parameter 1 stores numerical data of array cells
Parameter 2 index subscript of storage array cell
Parameter 3 stores the original array

        var arr = ["Beijing","Shanghai","Guangzhou","Shenzhen","Hangzhou","Nanjing"];
        // Mapping operation
        var arr1 =,key,Array){
            // Operation of value (parameter 1)
            return "city"+value;

Operation results: 

4.2 array filtering

Array Filter (function (parameter 1, parameter 2, parameter 3) {return judgment and comparison of parameter 1})

Perform judgment and comparison on each unit in the array, and generate a new array from the qualified data
Parameter 1 stores numerical data of array cells
Parameter 2 index subscript of storage array cell
Parameter 3 stores the original array

        var arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12];
        // Filter operation of array
        var arr1 = arr.filter(function(value,key,Array){
            // The operation of value (parameter 1) is greater than or equal to 5.
            return value >= 5;

Operation results: 

4.3 array judgment

Array Some (function (parameter 1, parameter 2, parameter 3) {return judgment and comparison of parameter 1})

Perform judgment and comparison on each cell in the array. Only the data that meets the conditions returns true
Perform judgment and comparison on each unit in the array, and generate a new array from the qualified data
Parameter 1 stores numerical data of array cells
Parameter 2 index subscript of storage array cell
Parameter 3 stores the original array

        var arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12];
        // The array's judgment operation (some) only has the data to meet the conditions, and the return value is true
        var arr1 = arr.some(function(value,key,Array){
            // The operation of value (parameter 1) is greater than or equal to 5.
            return value >= 5;

Operation results:

Array Every (function (parameter 1, parameter 2, parameter 3) {return judgment and comparison of parameter 1})

Perform judgment and comparison for each cell in the array. All data must meet the conditions, and the return value is true
Perform judgment and comparison on each unit in the array, and generate a new array from the qualified data
Parameter 1 stores numerical data of array cells
Parameter 2 index subscript of storage array cell
Parameter 3 stores the original array

        var arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12];
        // Every operation of the array must meet the conditions for all data, and the return value is true
        var arr1 = arr.every(function(value,key,Array){
            // The operation of value (parameter 1) is greater than or equal to 5.
            return value >= 5;

Operation results:

5, Addition and deletion of array

5.1 first addition

Array unshift (data1, data2...) Multiple bits can be added

5.2 last digit addition

Array Push (data1, data2...) Multiple bits can be added

5.3 first deletion

Array shift() can only delete one digit

5.4 delete at the end

Array pop() can only delete one bit

        var arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8];
        // You can add more than one in the first place.
        // The last bit can be added, and multiple can be added.
        // First delete, only one can be deleted.
        // Delete at the end. Only one can be deleted.

Operation results:

5.5 deletion of array specified cells

Array Splice (parameter 1, parameter 2, all other parameters)

Parameter 1; Deletes the index subscript at the start of the unit.  

Parameter 2: number of deleted

All other parameters: replace the parameters at the position where the parameters are deleted. Multiple parameters are separated by commas.

        var arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8];
        // Deletion of specified cells in array

Operation results:

6, Array query

6.1 array indexOf (data queried)

Returns the index subscript of the first value, if any. Return - 1 if no

        var arr = ["Beijing","Shanghai","Guangzhou","Shenzhen","Hangzhou","Nanjing"];
        var key = arr.indexOf('Shanghai');

Operation results:

6.2 array lastIndexOf (queried data)

Returns the index subscript of the last value, if any. Return - 1 if no

        var arr = ["Beijing","Shanghai","Guangzhou","Shenzhen","Shanghai","Hangzhou","Nanjing"];
        var key = arr.lastIndexOf("Shanghai");

Operation results:

7, Inversion of array

7.1 array, reverse() inverts the array

        var arr= [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9];
        // Inversion of array
        var arr1 = arr.reverse();

Operation results:

8, Conversion of array and string

8.1 array to string

Array join(’‘);

Set the interval symbol as an empty string, and the effect between characters is that there is no interval.

Array join ('interval symbol ');

Get the array value and splice it into a string. The cell array is separated by an interval symbol.

Array join()   ;  

Get the array values and splice them into strings. The cell arrays are separated by commas.

        var arr = ["Beijing","Shanghai","Guangzhou","Shenzhen","Hangzhou","Nanjing"];
        // There is no space between characters.
        var arr1 = arr.join('');
        // Cell arrays are separated by a space symbol. Can be any symbol.
        var arr2 = arr.join("-");
        // Cell arrays are separated by commas.
        var arr3 = arr.join();

Operation results:

8.2 string to array

character string. split()  ;

Store the string as a whole in the array

character string. split('interval symbol ');  

Divide the string into data values according to the interval symbol and store them in the array. After the segmentation, there is no interval symbol in the array

character string. split('') ;

Each string is divided into a data value and stored in the array

        var str = "Hello, my name is da Congming nongxu";
        // Store the string as a whole in the array
        var arr = str.split();
        // The string is divided into data values according to the interval symbol ("space") and stored in the array. After the division, there is no interval symbol stored in the array
        var arr1 = str.split(" ");
        // Each string is divided into a data value and stored in the array
        var arr2 = str.split("");

Operation results:

9, Sorting of arrays

9.1 array, sort();

Sort by alphabetical ascii code. The small is in the front and the big is in the back.

Array Sort (function) {return} sort from small to large

Array Sort (function) {return} sort from large to small

        var arr = [1,21,3,4,0,23,65,97,425,3455,253,34,2,56];
        // from small to large
        var theMax =arr.sort(function(max,min){
            return(max - min);
        var arr1 = [1,21,3,4,0,23,65,97,425,3455,253,34,2,56];
        // From big to small
        var theMin =arr1.sort(function(max,min){
            return(min - max);

Code display:

10, Array splicing

10.1 array concat() ;

The value of the original array will not be changed, and the return value is the spliced array.

        var arr = [1,2,3,4];
        var arr1 = ["Beijing","Shanghai","Guangzhou"];
        // Array splicing operation
        var arr2 = arr.concat(arr1);

Operation results:

11, Interception of array

11.1 array slice (parameter);

From the set index subscript to the end of the array

11.2 array slice (parameter 1, parameter 2);

From the index subscript set by parameter 1 to the end of parameter 2, but excluding 2

        var arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17];
        // From the set index subscript to the end of the array
        var newArr1 = arr.slice(5);
        // From the index subscript set by parameter 1 to the end of parameter 2, but excluding parameter 2
        var newArr2 = arr.slice(5,7);

Operation results:

12, Flattening of arrays

The so-called array flattening is to convert multi-dimensional arrays into one-dimensional arrays.

        var arr = [1,2,3,[4,5,6,[7,8,9,[10,11,12]]]];
        console.log( arr );
        // Convert to one-dimensional array
        // Convert array to string 
        // The conversion results are strings separated by commas
        var res1 = arr.toString() ;
        var res2 = arr.join() ;
        // Converts a string into an array at intervals
        var newArr = res1.split(',');
        console.log( newArr );


Operation results:

13, Collapse of array

13.1 definitions

When the array is deleted, after i the array cell is deleted, the following array will move forward and appear at the position of the deleted cell, resulting in the reduction of the array length, which is called array collapse.

        // Sort sort delete duplicate data array de duplication
        // Original array
        var arr = [ 1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 ] ;

        // Array sorting
        arr.sort(function(a,b){ return a-b });
        console.log( arr );

        // Loop through array 
        // Compare and judge the data between the current unit and the next unit 
        // The last cell has no comparison with the next cell
        // Just cycle to the penultimate unit 
        // That is, the index subscript looping to the penultimate cell is OK
        for( var i = 0 ; i <= arr.length-1 -1 ; i++ ){
            // i is the index subscript 
            // arr[i] is the cell corresponding to the current index subscript
            // arr[i+1] is the unit corresponding to the next index subscript
            // If the data stored in two cells are the same, delete the data of the next cell
            if( arr[i] === arr[i+1] ){
                // Delete a data unit from i+1, that is, the next unit
                arr.splice( i+1 , 1 );

Operation results:

13.2 impact

As long as the array is deleted, the collapse of the array will be triggered immediately. The collapse of the array cannot be prevented, but the impact caused by the collapse of the array can be eliminated

13.3 solutions

        // Sort sort delete duplicate data array de duplication
        // Original array
        var arr = [ 1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 ] ;

        // Array sorting
        arr.sort(function(a,b){ return a-b });
        console.log( arr );

        // Loop through array 
        // Compare and judge the data between the current unit and the next unit 
        // The last cell has no comparison with the next cell
        // Just cycle to the penultimate unit 
        // That is, the index subscript looping to the penultimate cell is OK
        for( var i = 0 ; i <= arr.length-1 -1 ; i++ ){
            // i is the index subscript 
            // arr[i] is the cell corresponding to the current index subscript
            // arr[i+1] is the unit corresponding to the next index subscript
            // If the data stored in two cells are the same, delete the data of the next cell
            if( arr[i] === arr[i+1] ){
                // Delete a data unit from i+1, that is, the next unit
                arr.splice( i+1 , 1 );

// Prevent the impact of array collapse
                i-- ;


Operation results:

14, Summary

14.1 will directly change the operation of the original array

First add... Arr.unshift (data 1, data 2,...);

First delete arr.shift();

Add... Arr.push (data 1, data 2,...) in the last bit;

Delete arr.pop() in the last bit;

Deletion of the specified cell of the array: arr.splice (parameter 1, parameter 2, all other parameters);

Invert array {arr.reverse();

Array sorting: arr.sort();

14.2 operation that does not change the original array

Array mapping { (function (parameter 1, parameter 2, parameter 3) {return operation of parameter 1})

Array filtering {arr.filter (function (parameter 1, parameter 2, parameter 3) {return judgment and comparison of parameter 1})

Array judgment {arr.some (function (parameter 1, parameter 2, parameter 3) {return judgment comparison of parameter 1})

Arr.every (function (parameter 1, parameter 2, parameter 3) {return judgment and comparison of parameter 1})

Array query: arr.indexof (query data);

Arr.lastindexof (queried data)

Array conversion string: arr.join();

String conversion array {str.spirt();

Array concatenation: arr.concat();

Interception of array {arr.alice();

Keywords: Javascript ECMAScript

Added by jacko on Sat, 29 Jan 2022 17:03:52 +0200