Text properties
Sets the foreground color of the text content
English, rgb, etc
English words
color: red;
Disadvantages: imprecise
All design software has a common color representation
Each color component is a number from 0 to 255: hexadecimal ff is 255 of decimal
#aabbcc form, can be abbreviated as #abc
Common colors:
Black is #000
White is #fff white
Gray has #CCC, #333, #2f2f2f, etc
color: rgb(255,0,0);
Compatible from IE9
color: rgba(255,0,0,.65);
The last parameter: transparency; Its range is 0-1. 0 means pure transparency and 1 means pure solid
The unit is usually px. There are also em, rem and other units
font-size: 30px;
The font size of Web text is usually 16px, and the browser supports a minimum of 10px
Example significance
font-weight: normal; Normal thickness, equivalent to 400
font-weight: bold; Bold, equivalent to 700
font-weight: lighter; Thinner, most Chinese fonts do not support
font-weight: bolder; Thicker, most Chinese fonts are not supported
Set font tilt
Example significance
font-style: normal; Cancel tilting. For example, i, em and other labels that are naturally tilted can be set to not tilt
font-style: italic; Set to italic font (common)
font-style: oblique; Set to italic font (simulated with regular font, not commonly used)
Used to set the appearance of the decorative line of the text (underline, strikeout)
Example significance
text-decoration: none; No finishing line
text-decoration: underline; Underline
text-decoration: line-through; Delete line
Font properties
Set font
font-family: "Microsoft YaHei ";
The font can be in the form of a list. The English font is placed in the front and the font behind is the "backup" font
font-family: serif,"Times New Roman","Microsoft YaHei ";
Fonts must be installed
If it is not installed, you need to define the font
Define font
Font file is required. Download the font file while loading the web page
@font-face { font-family: 'Font name'; font-display: swap; src: url('eot Font file address'); /* IE 9 */ src: url('eot Font file address') format('embedded-opentype'), /* IE6-IE8 */ ur1('woff2 Font file address') format('woff2'), ur1('woff Font file address') format('woff'), /* chrome\firefox */ ur1('ttf Font file address') format('truetype'), /* chrome, firefox, opera, Safari, Android, iOS 4.2+*/ ur1('svg Font file address') format('svg'); /* iOS4.1- */ }
Alibaba Pratt & Whitney
website https://www.iconfont.cn/webfont
Advantages: no need to download fonts
Paragraph attribute, line attribute
Defines the amount of indentation in the first line of text
text-indent: 2em;/* em Represents the character width */
Define row height
1) Value in px
line-height: 30px;
2) A numeric value without a unit that represents a multiple of the font size
line-height: 1.5;
3) Percentage, indicating multiple of font size
line-height: 150%;
Center text vertically
Row height = box Height
Text centered horizontally
text-align: center;
Who wants to center | level | vertical |
text | text-align:center; | Line height = box Height |
Box | margin:0 auto; | (code below) |
father{ position:relative; } element{ position: absolute; top: 50%; margin-top: -Half your height; }
Font style, font weight, font size / line height, font family
Italic bold font size / line height
font: italic bold 20px/1.5 Arial,"Microsoft YaHei ";
Because the text related attributes are inherited, the font size, color and line height of the body tag are usually set, which can be used as the default style of the whole web page
Proximity principle
If there is inheritance, the selector weight is invalid
<div id="box1" class="box1"> <div id="box2" class="box2"> <div id="box3" class="box3"> <p>I am writing</p> </div> </div> </div> /* p The label inherits the style*/ #box1 #box2 #box3 { color: red; }
The weight directly selected is larger, and the inherited weight is regarded as 0
p { color: green; } #box1 #box2 { color: red; } #box1 #box3 { color: blue; }