Automated container deployment -- gitlab installation

1: rpm installation

1. Install dependency package, download and install gitlab rpm package


Because Gitlab's business requires the function of sending mail, you should install before installing Gitlab

yum install curl openssh-server postfix cronie 
yum -y install policycoreutils-python   #The dependent package must be installed


Download and install gitlab rpm package

wget --content-disposition

rpm -ivh gitlab-ce-10.8.4-ce.0.el7.x86_64.rpm


Note: if the network is unstable, you can also use the Tsinghua open source software mirror website to download the required version            #centos6            #centos7


After installation, the logo of gitlab will appear


2, Install using yum or up2date


1. Configure yum source

vim /etc/yum.repos.d/gitlab-ce.repo

Copy the following:

name=Gitlab CE Repository

2. Update local yum cache

sudo yum makecache

3. Install GitLab Community Edition

sudo yum install gitlab-ce #Automatically install the latest version
sudo yum install gitlab-ce-x.x.x #Install the specified version

sudo gitlab-ctl start # Start all gitlab components;
sudo gitlab-ctl stop # Stop all gitlab components;
sudo gitlab-ctl restart # Restart all gitlab components;
sudo gitlab-ctl status # View the service status;
sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure # Start the service;
sudo vim /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb # Modify the default configuration file;
gitlab-rake gitlab:check SANITIZE=true --trace # Check gitlab;
sudo gitlab-ctl tail # View log;

Log in to GitLab

1. Enter the public IP of the ECS server in the address bar of the browser to log in to the GitLab interface. Due to different versions, the version I use here can log in and set the password for the first time (the old version has the default password)

2. The first login forces the user to change the password. After the password is modified successfully, enter the new password to log in.


1. Install Git tool linux: install Git using its own source.

yum install git

2. Generate key file:


Generate key file ssh/


3. Add the contents of the key file generated in ssh key import step 2:

ssh key addition completed:


be careful:

Be sure to modify the configuration file of gitlab, otherwise the clone address of gitlab is as follows:

The configuration file is / etc / gitlab / gitlab External under RB_ URL field section, where ' 'change to the IP address of this server and reload gitlab.


1. Configure the name of the person using Git warehouse (take test as an example)

git config --global "test"

2. Configure the email of personnel using Git warehouse and fill in their own d email


3. Clone the project, generate a directory with the same name locally, and there will be all the files in the directory

git config --global ""

Project documents

git clone git@localhost:root/test.git

Upload file


1. Enter the project directory

cd test/

2. Create a target file that needs to be uploaded to GitLab

echo "test" > /root/

3. Copy the target file or directory to the project directory

cp /root/ ./

4. Test Add sh file to index

git add

5. Test SH submit to local warehouse

git commit -m ""

6. Synchronize files to GitLab server

git push -u origin master

7. View the uploaded test in the web page The SH file has been synchronized to GitLab



-bash: git: Command not found


rpm -ivh epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm

yum install -y git


Added by scorphus on Tue, 25 Jan 2022 15:00:56 +0200