Ball in motion

canvas Drawing Motion Balls

There are many moving balls in the background of the login interface of the knowledgeable web page, and there is a connection between the balls and the balls when they move. It gives us a three-dimensional transformation effect. It looks very good. So we try to make a similar effect with the background of the knowledgeable login interface with canvas. The above motion picture is a screenshot of the effect.

Ideas for Realization

First understand the animation principle in canvas? In fact, the animation in canvas is achieved through continuous redrawing. For example, when a small ball is initially recorded as a ball(x,y) in the X and Y coordinates of the canvas, the X and Y coordinates of the ball (x + 5, y + 5) are changed every 10 milliseconds, and the whole canvas is cleared and redrawn on the canvas. After adjusting the coordinates of the ball, because 10 milliseconds is very short, all the visual sense to us is that the ball is constantly moving. This is the basic principle of canvas drawing.

  1. Define the sphere object

    var ball = {
       xPointer: 100, //Initial x-coordinates of a sphere
       yPointer: 100, //Initial y coordinates of spheres
       vx: 1, //Velocity in the x direction
       vy: 0.1, //Velocity in the y direction
       x: 1, //The direction of motion of the x-axis (1 for positive direction and - 1 for negative direction)
       y: -1, //y-axis direction of motion
       color: "blue", //Ball colour
       radius: 10, //Spherical radius
  2. Generation of spheres
    There are many balls in demo, so define an array to hold these balls. The starting coordinates, colors and moving directions of the balls are different, so these values need to be obtained randomly.

    var ballList = []; //Ball array
    var canvas, ctx;
    //Generate multiple balls
    function initBall() {
        canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
        ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
        //Cyclic generation of 60 balls
        for (var i = 0; i < 60; i++) {
            // console.log(getIndex() + "   " + getIndex())
            var ball = {};
            ball.xPointer = getRandom(20, 980); //X-coordinates of random spheres
            ball.yPointer = getRandom(20, 340); //y coordinates of random spheres
            ball.x = getIndex(); //x-axis direction of motion of a random sphere
            ball.y = getIndex(); //y-axis direction of motion of random spheres
            ball.vx = Math.random(); //x-Axis Directional Velocity of Random Balls
            ball.vy = Math.random(); //y-Axis Directional Velocity of Random Balls
            ball.radius = 9; //Spherical radius
            ball.color = "#"+("00000"+((Math.random ()* 16777215 + 0.5) > 0). toString (16). slice (-6);//random ball color
    //Random 1 or - 1 method    
    function getIndex() {
        var arr = [0, 1];
        var index = Math.floor((Math.random() * arr.length));
        if (index == 0) {
            index = -1;
        return index;
    //A Method of Obtaining a Random Number Between Two Numbers
    function getRandom(first, last) {
        var choice = last - first + 1;
        return Math.floor(Math.random() * choice + first);
  3. Drawing balls through canvas
    Page canvas tag

    <canvas id="canvas" width="1000" height="360" style='background-color: #EEEEEE;'></canvas>

    canvas Draws Ball Code

    function draw(ctx) {
     ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 1000, 360); //Clear the canvas before drawing
     for (var i = 0; i < ballList.length; i++) {;
         ctx.fillStyle = ballList[i].color;
         ctx.arc(ballList[i].xPointer, ballList[i].yPointer, ballList[i].radius, 0, Math.PI * 2, false);
  4. Exercise
    Simple collision detection is used in the movement of the ball, which changes the direction of the ball every time it reaches the edge of the canvas.

    //Method of modifying the state of the ball to make it move
    function update(ballList, ctx) {
     for (var i = 0; i < ballList.length; i++) {
         ballList[i].xPointer += ballList[i].vx * ballList[i].x;
         ballList[i].yPointer += ballList[i].vy * ballList[i].y;
         //X-axis direction of collision detection
         if (ballList[i].xPointer + ballList[i].radius >= canvas.width || ballList[i].xPointer - ballList[i].radius <= 0) {
             ballList[i].x = ballList[i].x * -1;
         //Y-axis direction of collision detection
         if (ballList[i].yPointer + ballList[i].radius >= canvas.height || ballList[i].yPointer - ballList[i].radius <= 0) {
             ballList[i].y = ballList[i].y * -1;
  5. Draw the line between the ball and the ball

    //Connection between balls
    function drawLine(ballList, ctx) {
     for (var i = 0; i < ballList.length; i++) {
         for (var j = 0; j < ballList.length; j++) {
             var xx = Math.pow((ballList[i].xPointer - ballList[j].xPointer), 2);
             var yy = Math.pow((ballList[i].yPointer - ballList[j].yPointer), 2);
             var zz = Math.sqrt(xx + yy);
             //Judge that if the distance between two balls is between 20 and 100, draw a straight line.
             if (zz <= 100 && zz >= 20) {
                 ctx.strokeStyle = "#999999";
                 ctx.lineWidth = 0.1;
                 // ctx.strokeStyle= "#" + ("00000" + ((Math.random() * 16777215 + 0.5) >> 0).toString(16)).slice(-6);
                 ctx.moveTo(ballList[i].xPointer, ballList[i].yPointer);
                 ctx.lineTo(ballList[j].xPointer, ballList[j].yPointer);
  6. Function

    (function() {
     initBall(); //Generation of spheres
     setInterval(function() {
         // console.log(selectfrom(0, 600) + "         " + selectfrom(0, 600));
         draw(ctx); //Draw
         update(ballList, ctx); //Modifying the Ball State
         drawLine(ballList, ctx); //Draw line
     }, 24)


Effect of Modifying Ball Radius on Ball Motion

At this point, the demo of the canvas ball movement effect is finished, to see if there is a 3d transformation effect.

If the article is wrong, please don't hesitate to give advice.~

Added by etnastyles on Sun, 14 Jul 2019 21:54:29 +0300