Arithmetic operator
operator | describe | Example |
+ | plus | a + b |
- | reduce | a - b |
* | ride | a * b |
/ | except | a / b |
% | Remainder | a % b |
// | To be divisible by | a // b |
** | exponentiation | a ** b 2**3=8 |
Comparison operator
Assuming variables a = 10, b = 20
operator | describe | Example |
== | Equivalent or not. | A = B returns False |
!= | Not equal to, whether the objects of comparison are not equal | A!= B Returns True |
< | less than | A < B returns to True |
<= | Less than or equal to | A <= B Returns True |
> | greater than | A > B returns to False |
>= | Greater than or equal to | A >= Return to False |
Assignment Operators
= += -= /= *= %= //= **=
Logical Operator
operator | Example | |
and | Both left and right conditions are True, True, or False. | |
or | If only one of the left and right conditions is satisfied, it is True, otherwise it is False. | |
not | No, if the condition is True, it is False, if the condition is False, it is True. |
name = 'cwz' height = 180 weight = 140 print(name == 'cwz' and height == 180) # True print(name == 'cwz2' and weight == 140) # False print(name == 'cwz2' or weight == 140) # True print(name == 'cwz2' or weight == 120) # False print(not name == 'cwz') # False
Identity Operator
operator | describe | Example |
is | is determines whether two identifiers are referenced from an object | x is y, if referenced from the same object, return True, otherwise return False |
is not | is not to determine whether two identifiers are referenced from different objects | x is not y, if the reference comes from different objects, return True, otherwise return False |
The difference between is and ==: is is used to determine whether two variable reference objects are the same (in the same memory space), === is used to determine whether the value of the reference variable is equal.
member operator
operator | describe | Example |
in | If a value is found in the specified sequence, return True, otherwise False | X = 1, y = [1, 2, 3, 4], X in Y - > Returns True |
not in | If no value is found in the specified sequence, return True, otherwise False | X = 1, y = [1, 2, 3, 4], x not in Y - > Returns False |
Bitwise Operators
Bit-by-bit operators treat numbers as binary to perform calculations.
Variables a and b are 60 and 13 in the following table. The binary format is as follows:
a = 0011 1100 b = 0000 1101 ----------------- a&b = 0000 1100 a|b = 0011 1101 a^b = 0011 0001 ~a = 1100 0011
python operator priority
Priority is high, just enclosed in parentheses...
if judgment of process control
Process control is a direction of controlling variable change.
Single branching structure
if condition: # condition set to execute the following code Code
Bifurcation structure
if condition 1: # condition 1 establishes execution code 1, not execution code 2 Code 1 else: Code 2
Multi-branch structure
if condition 1: Code 1 Elf condition 2: if the latter condition holds, execute code 1, will not take the next step. Code 2 will be executed only if the latter condition of if is not established. Code 2 elif condition 3: Code 3 elif condition 4: Code 4 ...... (elif can have many) else: Code
''' //If the score >= 90, print "Excellent" //If score > = 80 and score < 90, print "good" //If score > = 70 and score < 80, print "normal" //Others: poor printing ''' grade = input('Please enter your score:') grade_int = int(grade) if grade_int>=90: print('excellent') elif grade_int >=80: print('good') elif grade_int >=70: print('ordinary') else: print('difference')
The Way to Find a bug, Print Variables, View the Change of Variables --"Deug's Source
while cycle of process judgment
Cycle - > Do one thing over and over regularly
The while condition: # condition holds the running code, but it does not end the while loop Code After the code is executed, it enters the next cycle.
while True: print(1)
This program will print out 1 indefinitely. What do we need to stop?
while + break
Print 1-100:
count = 0 while True: if count == 100: break # break terminates the loop count += 1 print(count)
while + continue
Print 1-100, not 50
count = 0 while True: if count == 100: break count += 1 if count == 50: continue # continue jumps out of this loop and does not execute the following code print(count)
Print the sum of even numbers of 1-100 (excluding [22,46,68,98])
count = 0 sum_count = 0 while 1: if count == 100: break count += 2 if count in [22,46,68,98]: continue sum_count += count print(count) print('And:', sum_count )
tag intermediate variable controls while loop
Improve the code:
count = 0 sum_count = 0 while count < 100: count += 2 if count in [22,46,68,98]: continue sum_count += count print(count) print('And:', sum_count )
# Guess Age Game, Three Opportunities age = 19 count = 0 while count < 3: age_inp = input('Please enter your age:').strip() age_inp_int = int(age_inp) if age_inp_int == age: print('Guess right.') break elif age_inp_int < age: print('Guess it's small.') else: print('Guess it's small.') count += 1 print(f'You still have{3 - count}Second chance')
while + else
count = 0 while count < 5: count += 1 print(count) else: print('Not being break Interrupt me and I'll be able to come out.') # Print results: 1 2 3 4 5 //I can come out without break ing in.
while... else... the loop will execute the code behind the else if it is not interrupted by break, otherwise the code behind the else will not execute.