Because iCloud currently has insufficient space, 95% of which are photos. DayOne was previously started with no space restrictions, and the subscription fee is not less than a year. DayOne is also well-known as a diary App. The most powerful features are the geographic and photo views, especially those used to remember things last year and today.Convenient, currently voice-enabled, not video-enabled yet, last sent a suggestion email, reply is currently in beta, next major version will support, another shortage is not support templates, background comparison, color fonts, developers reply currently do not have this plan.
- Python + Anaconda + PyCharm (also a practice session for learning python)
- magick (Picture processing without losing exif information)
- exiftool (extract photo exif information and insert it into Dayone, especially geographic location and creation time)
- pandas (resolving csv)
- shutil (file copy)
The process is as follows:
The effect is as follows
Importing into DayOne took longer because multithreading was not used (no)
- When the GPS coordinates are converted from degrees, minutes, seconds to x.x x x, the position is offset, which may be caused by the map
- Some photos do not have exif information, only import them according to Shanghai coordinates and today's creation time, then modify them manually
- Photos in Apple's heic format failed during conversion, checked that magick supports reading, but an error occurred and was not handled for the time being
Combining with Alfred
- magick converts individual photos very quickly. Write a script to do a photo processing with Alfred at that time. Many times you need to map when you write a document. The pictures you take on Mac are usually larger. Currently, with imageOptim, single pictures take longer to process.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import shutil import pandas as pd #Separate Files def separateImgByType(path, targetPath, type=[".mp4", ".mov"]): if not os.path.exists(targetPath): os.makedirs(targetPath) for obj in os.listdir(path): if obj == '.DS_Store': continue suffix = os.path.splitext(os.path.join(sourcePath, obj))[1].lower() if suffix in type: shutil.move(os.path.join(path, obj), os.path.join(targetPath, obj)) #Remove Filename Spaces def delfileNameSpace(path): for obj in os.listdir(path): if " " in obj: os.rename(os.path.join(path, obj), os.path.join(path, obj.replace(" ", "~"))) def convertImg(path, targetPath, size, rate=60): if not os.path.exists(targetPath): os.makedirs(targetPath) rateStr = str(rate) +"%"; for obj in os.listdir(path): if obj == '.DS_Store': continue objSize = os.path.getsize(os.path.join(path, obj)) if objSize <= size: shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(path, obj), os.path.join(targetPath, obj)) continue; srcfrom = os.path.join(path, obj) srcto = os.path.join(targetPath, obj) cmd = "magick convert -resize %s %s %s" % (rateStr, srcfrom, srcto) print(cmd) os.system(cmd) def createExifInfo(path): csvpath = os.path.join(path, "exifInfo.csv") cmd = "exiftool -f -r -p '$filename,$CreateDate,$GPSLatitude,$GPSLongitude,$ImageSize,$LensModel' %s > %s" % (path, csvpath) os.system(cmd) def getExifInfo(path): list_data = pd.read_csv(path).to_records() return list_data def convertGeo(geo,type): GPSLatitudList = str(geo).split("'") d = 0 m = 0 s = 0 d = int(GPSLatitudList[0] if GPSLatitudList[0] != 0 else 0) if len(GPSLatitudList) == 2: m = int(GPSLatitudList[1] if GPSLatitudList[1] != 0 else 0) if len(GPSLatitudList) == 3: d = int(GPSLatitudList[2] if GPSLatitudList[2] != 0 else 0) dmd = d + m / 60.0 + d / 3600.0 if dmd == 0.0 and type == 'Latitud': #121.549927,31.277549 return 31.277549 elif dmd == 0.0 and type == 'Logitud': return 121.549927 else: return dmd if __name__ == '__main__': size = 1.5 * 1024 * 1024 sourcePath = "/Users/[xxxx]/Desktop/photo/" compactPath = "/Users/[xxxx]/Desktop/compactTarget" videoPath = "/Users/[xxxx]/Desktop/video/" HEICPath = "/Users/[xxxx]/Desktop/heic/" #separateImgByType(sourcePath, videoPath); #separateImgByType(sourcePath, HEICPath, (".HEIC")); #delfileNameSpace(sourcePath) #convertImg(sourcePath, compactPath, size) #createExifInfo(compactPath) listdata = getExifInfo(os.path.join(compactPath, "exifInfo.csv")) for obj in listdata: cmd = "dayone2 new '[%s]' '[%s]' -p '/Users/Spring/Desktop/photo1/%s' -d '%s' -j Import -coordinate %f %f" filename = obj[1] CreateDate = str(obj[2]) if str(obj[2]) != 'nan' else '2019-07-20 09:00:00' GPSLatitud = str(obj[3]) if str(obj[3]) != 'nan' else 0 #latitude GPSLogitud = str(obj[4]) if str(obj[4]) != 'nan' else 0 #longitude ImageSize = obj[5] LensModel = obj[6] #print(CreateDate) title = '%s %s' % (filename, CreateDate) #print(GPSLatitud,"===",GPSLogitud) lt = convertGeo(GPSLatitud, "Latitud") lg = convertGeo(GPSLogitud, "Logitud") content = '%s ---- %s' % (ImageSize, LensModel) CreateDateList = str(CreateDate).split(" ") CreateDateList[0] = CreateDateList[0].replace(":","-"); CreateDate = CreateDateList[0]+" "+CreateDateList[1] cmd = cmd % (title,content,filename,str(CreateDate),lt, lg) print(cmd) os.system(cmd)