Big data Java foundation DAY9 (three object-oriented features inheritance)


Code block

a. Local code block:

b. Construction code block:

c. Static code block


Inheritance overview

Succession list

Benefits of inheritance

Characteristics of inheritance in Java

Considerations for inheritance in Java

Relationship of member variables in inheritance

super keyword

Relationship between construction methods in inheritance

Relationship between member methods in inheritance

Overview of method rewriting

final keyword

Code block

In Java, the code enclosed by {} is called code block. According to its location and declaration, it can be divided into local code block, construction code block, static code block and synchronous code block (to multithreading).

a. Local code block:

Appear in the method; Limit variable life cycle, release as soon as possible, and improve memory utilization.

In the same method of the same class, if there are multiple local code blocks, the execution order is top-down


public class Test1 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
           //First code block
            int a=100;
            //Second code block
            int b =200;
            //Third code block
            int c=300;

b. Construction code block:

Occurs outside the method in the class; The same code in multiple construction methods is stored together, and the construction is executed every time it is called, and it is executed before the construction method.

class Demo{
    //Create a parameterless constructor
        int a=10;
    //Create a construction code block (the code defined outside the methods in the class and enclosed in braces is called a construction code block)
        int b=20;
public class Test2 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Create objects for the Demo
        Demo demo = new Demo();
        //Create a local code block
            int c=30;

It can be seen that when there are both construction methods and construction code blocks in a class, when creating an object, the construction code block will be executed first, and then the construction method will be executed, while the main method is executed from top to bottom.

c. Static code block

Appear outside the method in the class and add static modification; It is used to initialize the class. It is executed when loading, and the value is executed once.

class Demo{
    //Create a parameterless constructor
        int a=10;
    //Create a construction code block (the code defined outside the methods in the class and enclosed in braces is called a construction code block)
        int b=20;
    //Create a static code block
    static {
        int d=40;
public class Test2 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Create objects for the Demo
        Demo demo = new Demo();
        //Create a local code block
            int c=30;

Static code blocks take precedence over other code blocks and will be executed without creating objects.

Finally, let's integrate:

class Demo3{
        System.out.println("Demo3 Nonparametric construction method of");

    static {
        System.out.println("Demo3 Static code blocks in");

        System.out.println("Demo3 Construction code block in");
public class Test3 {
    static {
        System.out.println("Test3 Static code blocks in");

    public static void main(String[] args) {
            System.out.println("main Method");

        Demo3 demo3 = new Demo3();  //Create object for Demo3

Demo3 class needs to create an object to access, so go to Test3 class first, give priority to static code blocks in Test3, and then execute the in the main method. Until the object of demo3 is created, it starts to execute in the order of static code block - construction code block - construction method.


Inheritance overview

a. When the same attributes and behaviors exist in multiple classes, these contents are extracted into a single class, so multiple classes do not need to define these attributes and behaviors, just inherit that class.

b. Class to class inheritance can be realized through the extends keyword

Format: class subclass name extends parent class name {}

c. A separate class is called a parent class, a base class, or a superclass; These classes can be called subclasses or derived classes. After inheritance, when we define a class, we can define our own new members on the basis of an existing class.

Succession list

class Father{
    //Create a parent class and define member variables
    String name;
    int age;

    public void sleep(){  //Define a method

class Son{
    //Create a subclass and define member variables
    String name;
    int age;
    public void sleep(){

When we create two or more classes that have something in common, we find it very troublesome. For example, both parent and child classes have the same member variables and have a common method, so we can use inheritance to improve.

After improvement:

class Person{  //Define a human and extract the similarities between father and son
    String name;
    int age;

    public void sleep(){

class Father extends Person{  //Create parent class inherit human

class Son extends Father{ //Create a subclass and inherit the parent class

    public void play(){  //Create a subclass specific method
        System.out.println("play a game");

public class Extends1 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Create parent object
        Father father = new Father();
        father.sleep();   //The parent class can access the methods of the Person class through inheritance

        //Create subclass objects
        Son son = new Son();
        son.sleep();   //Subclasses can access the methods of the Person class through inheritance;    //Subclasses can also access their own unique methods

After using inheritance, both parent and child classes can access the methods of Person class, and child classes can also access their own unique methods.

Benefits of inheritance

a. It improves the reusability of the code

The same members of multiple classes can be placed in the same class

b. Improved code maintainability

If the function code needs to be modified, just modify one place

c. Making the relationship between classes is the premise of polymorphism

In fact, this is also a disadvantage of inheritance: the coupling of classes is very strong

Characteristics of inheritance in Java

a.Java only supports single inheritance, not multiple inheritance.

A class can only have one parent class and cannot have more than one parent class.

Class subdemo extensions demo {} (correct)

           class SubDemo extends Demo1,Demo2... (error)

b.Java supports multi-layer inheritance (inheritance system)

            class A{}

            class B extends A{}

            class C extends B{}

Considerations for inheritance in Java

a. A subclass can only inherit all non private members (member methods and member variables) of the parent class

In fact, this also reflects another disadvantage of inheritance: breaking the encapsulation

b. Subclasses cannot inherit the constructor of the parent class, but the constructor of the parent class can be accessed through the super keyword.

c. To initialize a subclass, you must first initialize the parent class

d. Don't inherit for some functions

Relationship of member variables in inheritance


class Father2 {  //Create parent class
    int a = 40;
    int b =50;
    public void num2() {
class Son2 extends Father2 { //The subclass inherits the parent class

         int a = 20;
    public void num1() {

    public void num3(){
public class Extends2 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Create subclass objects
        Son2 son2 = new Son2();
             son2.num1();   //According to the principle of proximity, the output should be a in Son2
             son2.num2();   //There is no such method in the subclass. Look for it in the parent class
             son2.num3();   //There is no element b in the subclass. Go to the parent class to find it


Accessing a variable in a subclass method

a. First, find the local scope of the subclass

b. Then find a member in the subclass member range

b. Finally, find in the parent class member scope (the local scope of the parent class must not be accessed)

d. If you still don't, report an error. (regardless of father's father...)

super keyword

class Father3{
    int num=30;
class Son3 extends Father3{

    int num =40;

    public void show(){
        int num=50;
        System.out.println(num); //You can access the num in the show method
        System.out.println(this.num);  //Use the this keyword in the encapsulation to access the num in the class
public class Extends3 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Son3 son3 = new Son3();;

As mentioned above, we can access the num in the subclass method, or use the this keyword to access the num outside the subclass method. If we want to access the num in the parent class, Java provides a keyword: super

(add System.out.println(super.num) to the above code subclass show method; You can access the num in the parent class)

The usage of super is different from this

This represents the reference corresponding to this class.

super represents the identification of the storage space of the parent class (which can be understood as a parent class reference)

Usage (this and super can be used as follows)

a. Access member variables:

                     this. Member variable

                     super. Member variable

b. Access construction method



c. Access member method

                      this. Member method ()

                      super. Member method ()

Relationship between construction methods in inheritance

By default, all constructors in the subclass will access the constructors of the null parameters of the parent class.

Because the subclass inherits the data in the parent class, it may also use the data of the parent class. Therefore, before subclass initialization, you must complete the initialization of parent class data. The first statement of each constructor is: super() by default


class Father4{

        System.out.println("This is a parameterless constructor in the parent class");
    Father4(String s){
        System.out.println("This is a parameterized constructor in the parent class"+s);
class Son4 extends Father4{
        System.out.println("This is a parameterless construction method in subclasses");
    Son4(String s){
        System.out.println("This is the parametric construction method of subclasses"+s);
public class Extends4 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Create subclass objects
        Son4 son4 = new Son4("User");


When there is no parameterless constructor in the parent class:

a. The subclass uses super to display and call other construction methods with parameters of the parent class


class Father4{

    Father4(String s){
        System.out.println("This is a parameterized constructor in the parent class"+s);
class Son4 extends Father4{
        System.out.println("This is a parameterless construction method in subclasses");

    Son4(String s){
        System.out.println("This is the parametric construction method of subclasses"+s);
public class Extends4 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Create subclass objects
        Son4 son4 = new Son4("User");

b. Subclasses use this to call other constructor methods of this class

Other constructs of this class must first access the parent class construct


class Father4{
    Father4(String s){
        System.out.println("This is a parameterized constructor in the parent class"+s);
class Son4 extends Father4{
        System.out.println("This is a parameterless construction method in subclasses");
    Son4(String s){
        this();  //Using this keyword, first call the parameterless construction method of the subclass and indirectly call the construction method of the parent class
        System.out.println("This is the parametric construction method of subclasses"+s);
public class Extends4 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Create subclass objects
        Son4 son4 = new Son4("User");

c. Be sure to note: super(...) or this(...) It must appear on the first statement, otherwise, there will be multiple initialization of parent class data

Relationship between member methods in inheritance

Member methods with the same name and different names in the child parent class

class Father5{
    public void show(){
        System.out.println("In the parent class show method");

    public void show3(){
        System.out.println("In the parent class show3 method");

class Son5 extends Father5{
    public void show(){
        System.out.println("In subclasses show method");
    public void show2(){
        System.out.println("In subclasses show2 method");
public class Extends5 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Son5 son5 = new Son5();;  //Call the show method of the subclass, and follow the proximity principle
        son5.show2();  //Call the show2 method of the subclass
        son5.show3(); //The subclass accesses the show3 method. The subclass is not found in the parent class


Conclusion: to access a method through a subclass object, first find it in the subclass, and then find it in the parent class. If it still doesn't exist, an error will be reported.

Overview of method rewriting

Subclass as like as two peas in the parent class, is also called method override and method duplication.

Usage features:

If the method name is different, the corresponding method is called

If the method names are the same, the subclass's own method is used

Application of method override:

When a subclass needs the function of the parent class and the subclass of the function subject has its own unique content, you can override the methods in the parent class. In this way, you not only follow the function of the parent class, but also define the unique content of the subclass.


class Father6{
    public void study(String s){

class Son6 extends Father6{
    public void study(String s){        //Override the study method in the parent class
        System.out.println("study"+s+"Inheritance in");
    public  void study2(String s){
        System.out.println("study"+s);  //Subclass specific methods
public class Extends6 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Create subclass objects
        Son6 son6 = new Son6();"java");   //Call the study method of the subclass
        son6.study2("big data");

Method override considerations

a. Private methods in a parent class cannot be overridden

b. When a subclass overrides a parent class method, the access permission cannot be lower

c. The parent class is a static method, and the child class cannot be overridden

The difference between method rewriting and method overloading

Method override s occur in subclasses of inheritance relationships, and method overload s occur in the same class

Overloaded methods have the same name but different parameter lists

Rewriting means that the method name, parameter list and return value are the same, but the implementation is different. It is called method rewriting.

final keyword

Final keyword is the final meaning. It can modify classes, member variables and member methods.


a. Modifier method, method cannot be overridden

Example: when we don't want the subclass to override the methods or functions in the parent class, but only the subclass can use it, we can use final

class Father7{
    public final void show(){   //Using the final modifier
        System.out.println("In the parent class show method");

class Son7 extends Father7{
    public  void show(){      //Subclasses cannot be overridden, otherwise an error will be reported
        System.out.println("This is in a subclass show method");
public class Extends7 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Son7 son7 = new Son7();;

You can see that if the subclass overrides the method modified by the parent class with final, an error will be reported when running.

b. Class cannot be inherited

c. Modify the variable, and the variable becomes a constant and can only be assigned once (it can be assigned before the construction method is completed)


final modifier local variable

a. within the method, the variable cannot be changed

b. in the method declaration, the basic type and reference type are used as parameters

The basic type is a value that cannot be changed

The reference type is the address value that cannot be changed (the value in the heap memory of the object can be changed)

C. initialization timing of final modified variable

Before the object is constructed

Three characteristics of object oriented -- encapsulation

Keywords: Java Big Data IDEA

Added by Dima on Fri, 21 Jan 2022 02:00:45 +0200