When I replaced the SpringBoot boot Banner with a teacher; Colleague: borrow a bu word

Guys, they're all here!!

Hello, I'm Xiaohai! Let's play a fun configuration today.

When we start the SpringBoot project, the console will output the SpringBoot logo and version related information!

Many friends may not know that the logo can be customized, and it is very simple to customize. You only need to put a banner configuration under the resources directory. When SpringBoot starts, load a txt file or image file to display the corresponding content;

  • org.springframework.boot.ResourceBanner

    In text format, SpringBoot will read the configuration items banner.txt and banner.location to obtain the real file address from the configuration item; If there is no configuration in the configuration, the configuration item will be loaded as a file;

  • org.springframework.boot.ImageBanner

    In image format, SpringBoot loads the configuration item banner.image.location to obtain the real path from the configuration item, and SpringBoot will load the file according to the path of the configuration item. If banner.image.location is not configured, load the files existing in banner.gif, banner.jpg and banner.png in turn;

okay! Customizing a banner has been learned,

So how can I make my logo more personalized! Here are some personalized banner generation tools


Address: https://www.bootschool.net/ascii

The website supports hundreds of artistic fonts, QR codes and various built-in patterns

  • ASCII text

  • QR code

  • WordArt / pattern

    Dozens of categories and thousands of artistic characters / pictures are preset


Address: https://patorjk.com/software/taag

Support 315 different styles of art fonts.

3 picture to ASCII

You can convert a picture to ASCII txt text format

Address: https://www.degraeve.com/img2txt-yay.php

4ASCII Cenerator

Address: http://www.network-science.de/ascii/

What about?

So many different styles, there is always a favorite style!

I prefer this Buddha. Since the arrangement, I feel that there are fewer bugs.

                             88" . "88                              
                             (| -_- |)                              
                             O\  =  /O                              
                        .'  \\|     |//  `.                         
                       /  \\|||  :  |||//  \                        
                      /  _||||| -:- |||||_  \                       
                      |   | \\\  -  /'| |   |                       
                      | \_|  `\`---'//  |_/ |                       
                      \  .-\__ `-. -'__/-.  /                       
                    ___`. .'  /--.--\  `. .'___                     
                 ."" '<  `.___\_<|>_/___.' _> \"".                  
                | | :  `- \`. ;`. _/; .'/ /  .' ; |    Buddha       
                \  \ `-.   \_\_`. _.'_/_/  -' _.' /                 
  ================-.`___`-.__\ \___  /__.-'_.'_.-'================  
                              `=--=-'                    hjw
spring-boot.version: ${spring-boot.version}

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Keywords: Java Spring Boot Back-end

Added by christophe on Wed, 10 Nov 2021 09:16:36 +0200