Built in method of data type

There are many built-in methods of data types. You can view the built-in methods of data types through the built-in reminder of programming software. In python, it is viewed through the period character

Built in methods for shaping and floating point data

Type conversion

  type conversion refers to the method of converting other different types of data into other types of data. Here, it refers to converting other types of data (only pure digital data) into integer with int keyword.

    info = input('age is:')  # The contents obtained by input will be converted into string type
    print(info, type(info))  # Data type of output info
    print(int(info), type(int(info)))  # Data type of output int (info)

Binary conversion

  base conversion is to convert the data of a base number into another data type. int can convert the digital data of other base numbers into decimal

    print(bin(444))  # Convert decimal 444 to binary 0b110111100
    print(oct(444))  # Convert decimal 444 to octal 0o674
    print(hex(444))  # Convert decimal 444 to hexadecimal 0x1bc
    print(int(0b110111100))  # Convert binary 444 to decimal
    print(int(0o674))  # Convert octal 444 to decimal
    print(int(0x1bc))  # Convert hexadecimal 444 to decimal


Type conversion

  type conversion refers to the method of converting other different types of data into other types of data. Here, it refers to converting other types of data (only digital data) into floating-point type with float keyword.

    info = input('age is:')  # The contents obtained by input will be converted into string type
    print(info, type(info))  # Data type of output info
    print(float(info), type(float(info)))  # Data type of output float (info)



Built in method of string

Type conversion

  refers to converting any other type of data into a string with the str keyword.

        print(str(23), type(str(23)))  # Shaping conversion
        print(str(23.38), type(str(23.38)))  # Floating point conversion
        print(str([1, 2, 3, 4]), type(str([1, 2, 3, 4])))  # List conversion
        print(str({'hobby': 'sport'}), type(str({'hobby': 'sport'})))  # Dictionary conversion
        print(str((1, 2, 3, 4)), type(str((1, 2, 3, 4))))  # tuple
        print(str({1, 2, 3, 4}), type(str({1, 2, 3, 4})))  # aggregate
        print(str(False), type(str(False)))  # Boolean value

Other methods

str_name= 'oliver chance'

  • Index value: similar to the list index value, from left to right, starting from 0 to extract the characters of the string
  • Slicing operation: extract all characters between two numbers (closed on the left and open on the right) according to the index value
  • Step size: measure the number of characters in the string. Note that spaces are also characters
    print(str_name[2:9:1]) # the third parameter is the step size, which is 1 by default
    print(str_name[2:9:2]) # interval one by one

Index value slice expansion

  1. Get the following characters: from right to left, decrease from - 1, and extract the string
  2. Control the direction of the index: get the last four strings in turn from right to left, with the start bit instead of the end bit
  • Count the number of characters in the string, using the len keyword
  • Member operation
    print('li' in str_name)
  • Removes the specified character at the beginning of the string
    name = '  oliver chance  '
    res = name.strip()  # By default, spaces at the beginning and end of a string are removed
    print(res, len(res))
    name1 = '####oliver####'
    print(name1.strip('#'))  # Removes the character specified at the beginning and end of the string
  • Cut the string according to the specified characters, and the cutting results generate a list
    data = 'oliver,23,fight'
    name, pwd, hobby = data.split(',')  # Decompression assignment
    print(data.split(',', maxsplit=1))  # Cut the first one and leave the rest uncut
    print(data.rsplit(',', maxsplit=1))  # The last one left will not be cut, and the rest will be cut completely

Added by updwebmaster on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 16:02:08 +0200