C + + based IO

01.C + + type conversion (understand)

Static conversion:

be used for Class hierarchy Base class (parent class) and Derived class Conversion of pointers or references between (subclasses)

Used for conversion between basic data types, such as converting int to char and char to int. The security of this transformation should also be guaranteed by developers

Dynamic conversion:

l ynamic_cast is mainly used for uplink conversion and downlink conversion between class levels;

l when performing uplink conversion between class levels, dynamic_cast and static_ The effect of cast is the same;

l during downlink conversion, dynamic_cast has the function of type checking, which is better than static_cast is safer;

Constant conversion

l the constant pointer is converted into a non constant pointer and still points to the original object;

l constant references are converted to non constant references and still point to the original object;

Reinterpret transformation

This is the most insecure conversion mechanism and is most likely to go wrong.

It is mainly used to convert a data type from one type to another. It can convert a pointer to an integer or an integer to a pointer

02. Basic concept of abnormality (understand)

Exception handling is an error in the handler. The so-called error refers to some abnormal events that occur during the operation of the program

03. Abnormal function (understand)

//Defects of exception handling method in C language:
//1. Ambiguous meaning of return value
//2. The return value can only return one piece of information
//3. The return value can be ignored

C + + exceptions can solve the above problems

04. Basic syntax of exceptions (key points)

int func(int a, int b)
	if (b == 0)
		//2. Throw an exception
		throw 10;//Throw an exception of type int,

	return a / b;
void test()
	int a = 10;
	int b = 0;
	//1. Put the code blocks with possible exceptions into the try
		func(a, b);
	catch (int)//3. Receive an exception of type int
		cout << "Receive one int Exception of type" << endl;


05. Execution process of exception code (understand)

using namespace std;

int func(int a, int b)
	if (b == 0)
		//Step 2:
		throw 10;//Throw an exception of type int,
		cout << "throw Code after" << endl;

	return a / b;
void test()
	int a = 10;
	int b = 0;
		func(a, b);//Step 1:
		cout << "func Code after" << endl;
	catch (int)//Step 3:
		cout << "Receive one int Exception of type" << endl;

int main()

06. Exceptional advantages (key points)

1. The user does not know what the return value means. An exception can throw an object. The object can contain many member functions and can have a lot of information

class Maker
	void printMaker()
		cout << "Divisor cannot be 0" << endl;

int func(int a, int b)
	if (b == 0)
		Maker m;
		throw m;

	return a / b;
void test()
	int a = 10;
	int b = 0;

		func(a, b);
	catch (int)
		cout << "Receive one int Exception of type" << endl;
	catch (Maker maker)
		cout << "Receive one Maker Exception of type" << endl;


2. The return value can be ignored by the user, but the exception cannot be ignored. If it is ignored, an error will be reported to you

3. The return value can only return one piece of information, but the object has member functions and can contain multiple pieces of information

4. Layer by layer dependency handling exceptions

int func(int a, int b)
	if (b == 0)
		//Maker m;
		//throw m;// Throw an exception of type Maker
		throw 20.22;//Throw an exception of type double

	return a / b;
void test()
	int a = 10;
	int b = 0;

		func(a, b);
	catch (int)
		cout << "Receive one int Exception of type" << endl;
	catch (Maker maker)
		cout << "Receive one Maker Exception of type" << endl;
	catch (double s)
		//If you don't want to handle exceptions, you can throw them up to the function calling this function


int main()
	catch (double d)
		cout << "Receive one double Exception of type" << endl;


07. Strict type matching of exceptions (key)

int func(int a, int b)
	if (b == 0)
		//Maker m;
		//throw m;// Throw an exception of type Maker
		//throw 20.22;// Throw an exception of type double
		//throw 'c';
		throw 20.0f;


	return a / b;
void test()
	int a = 10;
	int b = 0;

		func(a, b);

	catch (int)
		cout << "Receive one int Exception of type" << endl;
	catch (double s)
		cout << "Receive one double Exception of type" << endl;
	catch (char)
		cout << "Receive one char Exception of type" << endl;
	catch (...)//Receive other types of exceptions
		cout << "Receive an exception of another type" << endl;


08. Abnormal interface declaration (understand)

void func() throw(int,char) //Only int or char exceptions are allowed
    throw 10; //Throw a double type exception, and the QT program will file
int main()

            cout << "int";
            cout << ".....";
    return 0;

09. Stack unwinding (key)

In a function that throws an exception, if the function does not end after the exception is thrown, all the objects applied on the stack will be released, which is called stack unwinding

class Maker
		cout << "Maker Structure of" << endl;
	Maker(const Maker &m)
		cout << "Maker Copy construction of" << endl;
		cout << "Maker Deconstruction of" << endl;

void func()
	//In the function that throws an exception, if the exception is thrown but the function does not end, the objects applied on the stack will be released
	//This is called stack unwinding
	Maker m;
	throw m;//This m is a copy of Maker m

	cout << "func End of function" << endl;

void test()
		cout << "func()After code" << endl;
	catch (Maker)
		cout << "Receive one Maker Exception of type" << endl;


10. Life cycle of abnormal variables (key and difficult points)

1. Generate three objects

class Maker
		cout << "Maker Structure of" << endl;
	Maker(const Maker &m)
		cout << "Maker Copy construction of" << endl;
		cout << "Maker Deconstruction of" << endl;
//Generate three objects
void func1()
	Maker m;//The first object is released before the exception is received
	throw m;//The second object is copied from the first object

void test01()
	catch (Maker m1)//The third object is copied from the second object
		cout << "Receive one Maker Exception of type" << endl;
		//The second and third objects are released at the end of the catch


2. Generate two objects

void func2()
	//First object
	throw Maker();//Anonymous object

void test02()
	catch (Maker m1)//Second object
		cout << "Receive one Maker Exception of type" << endl;
		//The first and second objects are released at the end of the catch


3. Generate an object (commonly used)

void func3()
	throw Maker();//Anonymous object


void test03()
	catch (Maker &m1)
		cout << "Receive one Maker Exception of type" << endl;



4. Note:

void func4()
	//The compiler does not allow addressing anonymous objects in the stack
	//throw Maker();// Anonymous object
	//The compiler allows addressing of anonymous objects in the heap
	throw new Maker();

void test04()
	catch (Maker *m1)
		cout << "Receive one Maker Exception of type" << endl;

		delete m1;

11. Abnormal polymorphism (key)

//Base class of exception
class Father
	virtual void printM()

//1. Succession
class SonNULL :public Father
	virtual void printM()//2. Override the virtual function of the parent class
		cout << "Null pointer exception" << endl;

class SonOut :public Father
	virtual void printM()
		cout << "Offside overflow" << endl;

void func(int a,int b)
	if (a == 0)
		throw SonNULL();
	if (b == 0)
		throw SonOut();

void test()
	int a = 0;
	int b = 10;
	catch (Father &f)//3. The parent class reference points to the child class object

12. Standard exceptions provided by the system (key points)

1. Standard exception class of the system

using namespace std;
#Include < stdecept > / / 2013vs can be dispensed with

class Maker
	Maker(int age)
		if (age<0 || age>150)
			throw out_of_range("Age out of range");
			this->age = age;
	int age;

void test()
		Maker m(200);
	catch (out_of_range &ex)
		cout << ex.what() << endl;


int main()

2. Exception class written by yourself

class MyOut_of :public exception
	MyOut_of(const char *errorinfo)
		//const char * convert string
		this->m_Info = string(errorinfo);
	MyOut_of(const string errorinfo)
		this->m_Info = errorinfo;
	const char *  what() const
		//Convert string to const char*
		return this->m_Info.c_str();
	string m_Info;

class Maker
	Maker(int age)
		if (age<0 || age>150)
			throw MyOut_of("Their own abnormal class, age is not in the range");
			this->age = age;
	int age;

void test()
		Maker m(200);
	catch (MyOut_of &ex)
		cout << ex.what() << endl;

13. Input flow of system standard (key)

1. The concept of flow and the structure of flow class library (understand)

Standard IO: read and write the standard input and output devices of the system

File IO: input / output read / write to disk

String IO: read and write memory

2. Member function

cin.get() / / only one character can be read at a time
cin. Get (a parameter) / / read a character
cin. Get (two parameters) / / you can read strings
cin.getline() / / take a line and discard the newline character
cin.ignore() / / ignore
cin.peek() / / peeping
cin.putback() / / put it back

3. Cases

//Determine whether the user entered a string or a number
void test06()
	cout << "Please enter a string or number" << endl;

	char c=cin.peek();

	if (c >= '0'&&c <= '9')
		int num;
		cin >> num;
		cout << "The number entered is:" << num << endl;
		char buf[1024] = { 0 };
		cin >> buf;
		cout << "The string entered is:" <<buf << endl;

//Enter a number from 0 to 10 until it is entered correctly
void test07()
	int num;

	while (1)
		cin >> num;
		if (num >= 0 && num <= 10)
			cout << "Correct input" << endl;
		cout << "Re-enter:" << endl;
		//Reset flag bit
		//Empty buffer
		char buf[1024] = { 0 };
		cin.getline(buf, 1024);

		//Print flag bit
		cout << cin.fail() << endl;


14. System standard output flow (key)

1. Format output through member function

//The formatted output is realized through the stream member function
void test03()
	int num = 99;
	cout.width(20);//Set width
	cout.setf(ios::left);//Keep the data on the left
	cout.unsetf(ios::dec);//Unload decimal
	cout.setf(ios::hex);//Install hex
	cout.setf(ios::showbase);//display base 
	cout.unsetf(ios::hex);//Unload hex
	cout.setf(ios::oct);//Install octal
	cout << num << endl;

2. Format the output through the control character

//Format the output through the control character and introduce the header file iomanip
void test04()
	int num = 99;
	cout << setw(20);//Set width
	cout << setfill('~');//fill
	cout << setiosflags(ios::showbase);//display base 
	cout << setiosflags(ios::left);//Keep the data on the left
	cout << hex;//Hex
	cout << oct;//octal number system
	cout << dec;//decimal system
	cout << num << endl;

3. Print the decimal point after the floating point number

void test05()
	double d = 20.22;
	cout << setiosflags(ios::fixed);//Set display float
	cout << setprecision(10);//Display 10 decimal places
	cout << d << endl;

15. File reading and writing (key)

1. Review the document reading and writing of C language

1.Read and write files according to characters fgetc,fputc
int fputc(int ch, FILE * stream);//write
int fgetc(FILE * stream);//read

2.Read and write files by line fgets,fputs
int fputs(const char * str, FILE * stream);//write
char * fgets(char * str, int size, FILE * stream);//read

3.According to the format file fprintf,fscanf
int fprintf(FILE * stream, const char * format, ...);//write
int fscanf(FILE * stream, const char * format, ...);//read

4.Read and write files by block fread,fwrite
size_t fwrite(const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream);//write
size_t fread(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream);//read

2. File reading and writing in C + +

using namespace std;
//1. Import header file
//Output the information in the program to the buffer, and then write to the file (write file)
void test01()
	//2. Define flow objects
	ofstream ofs;
	//3. Open the file and open it by writing. If there is no file, create it
	ofs.open("test.txt", ios::out | ios::trunc);
	//4. Judge whether it is opened successfully
	if (!ofs.is_open())
		cout << "Open failed" << endl;

	//5. Write information
	ofs << "full name:name of a fictitious monkey with supernatural powers" << endl;
	ofs << "Age:18" << endl;
	ofs << "height:180cm" << endl;

	//6. Close the file
	ofs.close();//Close the file and flush the buffer


//Input the disk information into the buffer and then read it into the program (read file)
void test02()
	ifstream ifs;
	ifs.open("test.txt", ios::in);
	if (ifs.is_open() == false)
		cout << "Open failed" << endl;
	//The first way is to read the file
	//Read line by line
	/*char buf[1024] = { 0 };
	while (ifs>>buf)
		cout << buf << endl;
	//The second way is to read files
	//char buf[1024] = { 0 };
	//while (!ifs.eof()) / / judge whether to read the end of the file
	//	ifs.getline(buf, sizeof(buf));
	//	cout << buf << endl;

	//The third way is to read the file
	//Single character reading
	char c;
	while ((c=ifs.get())!=EOF)
		cout << c;

	//Close file
int main()

16. Binary file reading and writing (key and difficult points)

1. Binary reading and writing

class Maker
	Maker(const char*name,int age)
		this->age = age;
		strcpy(this->name, name);
	char name[64];
	int age;

//Write file
void test01()
	Maker m1("name of a fictitious monkey with supernatural powers",18);
	Maker m2("Vegeta", 22);

	ofstream ofs;
	ofs.open("test.txt", ios::out | ios::trunc | ios::binary);
	if (!ofs.is_open())
		cout << "Open failed" << endl;
	ofs.write((const char *)&m1, sizeof(Maker));
	ofs.write((const char *)&m2, sizeof(Maker));

//read file
void test02()
	ifstream ifs;
	ifs.open("test.txt", ios::in | ios::binary);
	if (!ifs.is_open())
		cout << "Open failed" << endl;

	Maker m1;
	Maker m2;

	ifs.read((char*)&m1, sizeof(Maker));
	ifs.read((char*)&m2, sizeof(Maker));

	cout << "Name:" << m1.name << " Age:" << m1.age << endl;
	cout << "Name:" << m2.name << " Age:" << m2.age << endl;


2. There is a problem when the class member variable is string in file reading and writing

Note: when reading and writing files, the member variables in the class should not have string type

class Maker
	/*Maker(const char*name,int age)
		this->age = age;
		strcpy(this->name, name);
	Maker(string name, int age)
		this->name = name;
		this->age = age;
	string name;
	//The string class has a member pointer char *, which points to the space where the string is stored
	//When we store the data of string class in a file and read it again, we can't guarantee that the pointer is valid

	//If the space opened up by string is more than 16 bytes, it is in the heap area and less than is in the stack area
	int age;

Keywords: C++ Back-end

Added by Browzer on Tue, 04 Jan 2022 20:35:50 +0200