C + + dynamic news push issue 45

C + + dynamic news push issue 45


The highlights of various proposals for 2023 are introduced

As I said before, for example Deducing this For example, multidimensional array operator, auto instead of decay_copy, 123uz suffix stack_trace library, enhanced optional, move_ only_ Function (function_ref), fine support for string, resize_and_overwrite

Let's have a python explanation

        '-f', metavar='FILE', type=argparse.FileType('r'), default=sys.stdin,
        dest='file', help='path to file containing the csv benchmark data')

How can this use of field name = value be implemented in c + +?

Obscene method, c

struct Named 
  int size; int defaultValue; bool forced; bool verbose; 
  Named() : size(0), defaultValue(0), forced(false), verbose(false) {};
void foo(Named);
void bar()
  foo({ .size = 44, .forced = true});

But we want this

void bar()
  foo(size: 44, forced: true);

I can only say that there is a proposal D2288R0 Proposal of Designated Arguments DRAFT 2 If you can use it, it's really cool, especially the constructor, with clearer semantics

This specification can also solve the problem introduced by the order of the default parameters of the constructor, such as f(int a=1,b=1,c=1,d=1,e=1). I want to specify the two values of b/d. at present, I can only supplement the previous ac, which is very uncomfortable

​ The changes of c + + functions in recent years, such as various keyword modifications, are discussed

template <typename T>
T add(T a, T b)
    return a + b;
template <>
int add<int>(int a, int b) = delete;
int main()
    add(1, 2); // error, this specialization is deleted

Return value derivation

template <typename T, typename U>
auto add(T a, U b)
   return a + b;

And the latest consteval, concept restrictions, etc

auto add(std::integral auto a, std::integral auto b)
   return a + b;

Even virtual functions can be consteval

struct magic
    constexpr virtual int def() const { return 0; }
struct programming_magic : public magic
    constexpr int def() const override { return 42; }
constexpr int initval(magic const & m)
    return m.def() + 1;
int main()
   constexpr programming_magic pm;
   int arr[initval(pm)] = {0};

And the latest collaboration

#include <cppcoro/task.hpp>

cppcoro::task<> consume_items(int const n)
  int i = 1;
  for(auto const& s : produce_items())
     std::cout << "consumed " << s << '\n';
     if (++i > n) break;


I didn't understand what the bug was

The 32-bit timestamp is no longer available

December 31, 2021 at 23:59 is represented as 2112359 32-bit (maximum is 2147483647)

January 1, 2022 at 00:00 indicates that 220101000 has overflowed

TODO: I don't understand, brothers


There may be conflicts with third-party implementations. So don't open the namespace


  • asteria A script language that can be embedded. I hope fat friends can help me for a long time. I can also add a group of 128705139 to match the line with the author
  • pika A nosql store, redis over rocksdb, is in great need of code contribution. Fat friends, interested, welcome to join the group 294254078 to check the line
  • Taskflow v3.3 released! This library is very awesome
  • fmt Update version 8.1, and the printing related to chrone is faster and ten times higher. Use friends to upgrade as much as possible
  • CXXIter: A chainable c++20 LINQ-like iterator library

Another linq library, the author believes that range is still difficult to use

Several use examples

std::vector<int> input1 = {1337, 42, 128};
std::vector<std::string> input2 = {"1337", "42", "128"};
std::unordered_map<int, std::string> output = CXXIter::from(input1)
// output == { {1337, "1337"}, {42, "42"}, {128, "128"} }
  • fmtlog A log Library Based on fmt library has extremely low latency and fast speed. Due to design reasons (consumption queue), too fast log speed will lead to log loss, but the idea is still very interesting. nanolog, but it's faster
  • KDBindings A library that separates signal slot into a component can facilitate desktop programming, especially in scenes that are inconvenient to use qt
  • fuss A simple pubsub implementation, nothing special, is called by function
  • libsigcplusplus c++17 signal processing library, there won't be anyone who doesn't use c++17 now
  • compile time bounded integers Compile time calculation library
   constexpr cbi::Bounded<int32_t, 1, 10> fst{ 2 };
   constexpr cbi::Bounded<int32_t, 1, 6> sec{ 2 };
   auto res = fst + sec;

   // Bounds are calculated automatically based on the operation
   using expected_t = cbi::Bounded<int32_t, 2, 16>;
   static_assert(std::same_as<expected_t, decltype(res)>);

   assert(res.get() == 4); // extract runtime value

   const std::optional shrinked = res.shrink_bounds<1, 5>(); // shrink bounds

But can anyone really use it

Added by kooza on Thu, 20 Jan 2022 03:23:56 +0200