c language address book Advanced Edition

1. Personal information can be stored in the address book

Such as: name, gender, telephone number, address, etc.

2. Modify the information of the designated person;

3. Delete the information of the designated person;

4. Find the information of the designated person;

5. Add information;

What is advanced edition

The so-called advanced address book is to increase the dynamic memory development and the storage of address book content;

Now let's implement the address book

First, the macro and header files are displayed to make it easy for readers to understand when reading

#define MAX_NAME 10
#define MAX_ADD 20
#define MAX_SEX 5
#define MAX_NUM 15

#define VALUE 2
#define DOUBLE_SZ 3

Considering that there are many contents in the address book, we now use structures to put them together for easy operation

#define MAX_NAME 10
#define MAX_ADD 20
#define MAX_SEX 5
#define MAX_NUM 15

typedef struct PeopleInfor
	char name[MAX_NAME];//name
	char add[MAX_ADD];//address
	char sex[MAX_SEX];//Gender
	char num[MAX_NUM];//Telephone number
	int  age;


Considering the number of people in the address book, we create the following structure

typedef struct PeopleColl
	PeopleInfor* date;//Everyone's information
	int sz;//Number of contacts stored in
	int capacity;//Address book capacity

The following is the creation of the main function:

The function name can be set according to people's preferences

int main()
	int a = 0;
	PeopleColl con;
	do {
		printf("Please select:");
		scanf("%d", &a);
		switch (a)
		case 1:
			ADDITION(&con);//Add a contact 
		case 2:
			Delete(&con);//Delete information
		case 3:
			SEEK(&con);//Find information about the specified person
		case 4:
			Revise(&con);//Modify information
		case 5:
			Check(con);//View contacts
		case 0: StoreIfor(&con);
			Freed(&con);//Release address book
			printf("Selection error, re-enter\n");
	} while (a);
	return 0;


Let's implement the function from top to bottom

1. Initialization

In initialization, we need to change the structure, so we use &;

void Initial(PeopleColl* con)
	con->date = (PeopleInfor*)calloc(DOUBLE_SZ, sizeof(PeopleInfor));
	if (con->date == NULL)
	con->sz = 0;
	con->capacity = DOUBLE_SZ;

 ReadIfor(); Functions are interpreted separately

It is easy to understand that when opening the address book, you need to read the previously stored content

//Read information
void ReadIfor(PeopleColl* con)
	FILE* ptr = fopen("AddBook.dat", "rb");
	if (ptr == NULL)
		printf("read failure\n");
	else {
		PeopleInfor mat = { 0 };
		while (fread(&mat, sizeof(PeopleInfor), 1, ptr))
			con->date[con->sz] = mat;





2 add contact

void ADDITION(PeopleColl* con)

	printf("Please enter your name:\n");
	scanf("%s", con->date[con->sz].name);
	printf("Please enter gender:\n");
	scanf("%s", con->date[con->sz].sex);
	printf("Please enter the address:\n");
	scanf("%s", con->date[con->sz].add);
	printf("Please enter the number:\n");
	scanf("%s", &(con->date[con->sz].num));
	printf("Please enter age:\n");
	scanf("%d", &(con->date[con->sz].age));
	printf("Entered successfully\n");

Before adding contacts, first consider whether the address book is full; Therefore, a condensation () is created here; Compatibilization function;

Convergence() is implemented as follows:

void Congestion(PeopleColl* con)
	if (con->sz == con->capacity)

		PeopleInfor* p = (PeopleInfor*)realloc(con->date, (con->capacity + VALUE) * sizeof(PeopleInfor));

		if (con->date == NULL)
			printf("Capacity increase failed\n");
			con->date = p;
			con->capacity += VALUE;
			printf("Successful capacity increase\n");



3 delete contact

//Delete information
void Delete(PeopleColl* con)
	if (con->sz == 0) {
		printf("Address book is empty\n");
	char arr[MAX_NAME] = { 0 };
	printf("Please enter the name of the person to delete:\n");
	scanf("%s", arr);
	int p = Seek(con, arr);
	if (p == -1) {
		printf("The deleted person does not exist\n");

		int i = 0;
		for (i = p; i < con->sz - 1; i++) {
			con->date[i] = con->date[i + 1];
		printf("Delete succeeded\n");



When deleting a contact, a function Seek is used; This function is a search function, which determines whether to find the specified contact according to the return value of this function (this function will also be used in subsequent function implementations);

int  Seek(const PeopleColl* con, char arr[MAX_NAME])
	int i = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < con->sz; i++)
		if (strcmp(con->date[i].name, arr) == 0)
			return i;
	return -1;



4 find information

The function is an extension of the search function and adds a function of displaying information

//Find information about the specified person
void SEEK(PeopleColl* con)

	if (con->sz == 0) {
		printf("Address book is empty\n");
	char arr[MAX_NAME] = { 0 };
	printf("Please enter the name of the person you want to find:\n");
	scanf("%s", arr);
	int p = Seek(con, arr);
	if (p == -1) {
		printf("The person you are looking for does not exist\n");

		printf("The information of the finder is:\n");
		printf("%-10s %-10s %-20s %-20s %-10s\n", "full name", "Gender", "address", "number", "Age");
		printf("%-10s %-10s %-20s %-20s %-10d\n", con->date[p].name,


5 modify information

//Modify information
void Revise(PeopleColl* con)
	if (con->sz == 0) {
		printf("Address book is empty\n");
	char arr[MAX_NAME] = { 0 };
	printf("Please enter the name of the person to modify:\n");
	scanf("%s", arr);
	int p = Seek(con, arr);
	if (p == -1) {
		printf("Modified by does not exist\n");

	else {
		printf("Please enter your name:\n");
		scanf("%s", con->date[p].name);
		printf("Please enter gender:\n");
		scanf("%s", con->date[p].sex);
		printf("Please enter the address:\n");
		scanf("%s", con->date[p].add);
		printf("Please enter the number:\n");
		scanf("%s", &(con->date[p].num));
		printf("Please enter age:\n");
		scanf("%d", &(con->date[p].age));
		printf("Modified successfully\n");


Modifying the content of the information is to add a reduced version of the information

6 view address book

This function can be added after each option to achieve the display effect

//see information
void Check(PeopleColl con)
	if (con.sz == 0) {
		printf("Please enter the information first\n");

	int i = 0;
	printf("%-10s %-10s %-20s %-20s %-10s\n", "full name", "Gender", "address", "number", "Age");
	for (i = 0; i < con.sz; i++)
		printf("%-10s %-10s %-20s %-20s %-10d\n", con.date[i].name,


7 exit and store information

Before we quit, we should store the address book information and destroy the address book

//Save information to file
void StoreIfor(PeopleColl* con)
	FILE* p = fopen("AddBook.dat", "wb");
	if (p == NULL)
		printf("Storage failed\n");
	//Storage file
	int i = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < con->sz; i++)
		fwrite(con->date + i, sizeof(PeopleInfor), 1, p);


	printf("Storage successful\n");
	//Close file
	//Freeing pointers to avoid memory leaks
	p = NULL;

Destroy address book

void Freed(PeopleColl* con)
	con->date = NULL;
	con->capacity = 0;
	con->sz = 0;


This article is over again. The imperfections can be pointed out or modified by yourself. Thank you;

Keywords: C p2p

Added by BIGjuevos on Tue, 18 Jan 2022 08:19:13 +0200