C language programming Report


  • Design topic

C language game - Millionaire (simple version)

Novice Xiaobai, I hope you can make more suggestions and make progress together

1, Adopted data storage structure and its meaning

Input: judge whether to play the game


a1,a2: the position on the chessboard corresponding to the cumulative number of dice rolled

fund=2000,fund2=2000: initial fund

c: Determine whether the game is terminated

b1 = b2 =: total number of throws

i=1: judge A/B to play

2, Design ideas

Step 1: judge whether the game is going on

Step 2: judge A/B players

Step 3: value dice

Step 4: judge the effect of the number thrown

Step 5: judge whether you have achieved success

Step 6: judge whether any players go bankrupt

Step 7: if there is bankruptcy, terminate the procedure, otherwise return to step 2

Step 8: judge who wins and output

Step 9: ask whether to play again

3: Difficulties and solutions in design

Difficulty 1: generating random numbers

Solution: rand function is used, but it can only be regarded as random in a certain range. Therefore, srand function is introduced to increase its randomness by using the seed of time(NULL) change

Difficulty 2: chessboard variability

Solution: using header file macro to define variables can change the size of chessboard

4: Program code


int num1,num2, a1,a2, fund=2000,fund2=2000,c, b1 = 0,b2=0,i=1;

int play(int row , int col)   

	printf("game player A And B The initial capital is 2000 yuan\n");
		printf("*********  1.continue  *****\n");
		printf("*********  0.end  **********\n");
		scanf("%d", &c);//Continue the game
		if (c == 0)
			break;//Determine whether the game is terminated
		if (i % 2 == 1)//Judge player A/B
			printf("game player A Round of\n");
			srand((int)time(NULL));//Used to set the seed when rand() generates random numbers and the seed when time(NULL) changes
			num1 = rand() % 6 + 1;//Generate random number
			printf("Throw result is%d\n", num1);
			b1 += num1;

			a1 = b1 % (((row+col))*2+4);//Where to go on the map
			switch (a1)//Judge the effect corresponding to the number of steps taken
			case 6:
				printf("Three steps backward\n");
				a1 -= 3;
				b1 -= 3;
			case 2:
				printf("Bank interest rate growth\n");
				fund *= 2;
				printf("The remaining funds are%d\n", fund);
			case 5:
				printf("Kechuang won 500 yuan\n");
				fund += 500;
				printf("The remaining funds are%d\n", fund);
			case 7:
				printf("700 yuan cheated by Telecom\n");
				fund -= 700;
				printf("The remaining funds are%d\n", fund);
			case 9:
				printf("Investment fund growth\n");
				fund *= 5;
				printf("The remaining funds are%d\n", fund);
			case 8:
				printf("Four steps forward\n");
				a1 += 4;
				b1 += 4;
			case 12:
				printf("The scholarship is 1000 yuan\n");
				fund += 1000;
				printf("The remaining funds are%d\n", fund);
			case 11:
				printf("Stocks plummeted\n");
				fund /= 4;
				printf("The remaining funds are%d\n", fund);
			case 15:
				printf("Investment cheated\n");
				fund /= 2;
				printf("The remaining funds are%d\n", fund);
				printf("The remaining funds are%d\n", fund);

			if (fund > 20000 &&fund<50000)
				printf("Accumulated achievements and fledgling\n");
			else if (fund > 50000&&fund<70000 )
				printf("Accumulated achievements, fledgling achievements\n");
			else if (fund > 70000&&fund<100000 )
				printf("Accumulated achievements, fledgling achievements and abundant funds\n");
			else if (fund > 100000 )
				printf("Accumulated achievements, fledgling, small achievements, abundant funds and experts\n");
			//Judge achievements
			printf("game player B Round of\n");
			num2 = rand() % 6 + 1;
			printf("Throw result is%d\n", num2);
			b2 += num2;

			a2 = b2 % (((row + col)) * 2 + 4);
			switch (a2)
			case 6:
				printf("Three steps backward\n");
				a2 -= 3;
				b2 -= 3;
			case 2:
				printf("Bank interest rate growth\n");
				fund2 *= 2;
				printf("The remaining funds are%d\n", fund2);
			case 5:
				printf("Kechuang won 500 yuan\n");
				fund2 += 500;
				printf("The remaining funds are%d\n", fund2);
			case 7:
				printf("700 yuan cheated by Telecom\n");
				fund2 -= 700;
				printf("The remaining funds are%d\n", fund2);
			case 9:
				printf("Investment fund growth\n");
				fund2 *= 5;
				printf("The remaining funds are%d\n", fund2);
			case 8:
				printf("Four steps forward\n");
				a2 += 4;
				b2 += 4;
			case 12:
				printf("The scholarship is 1000 yuan\n");
				fund2 += 1000;
				printf("The remaining funds are%d\n", fund2);
			case 11:
				printf("Stocks plummeted\n");
				fund2 /= 4;
				printf("The remaining funds are%d\n", fund2);
			case 15:
				printf("Investment cheated\n");
				fund2 /= 2;
				printf("The remaining funds are%d\n", fund2);
				printf("The remaining funds are%d\n", fund2);
			if (fund2 > 20000 && fund2 < 50000)
					printf("Accumulated achievements and fledgling\n");
				else if (fund2 > 50000 && fund2 < 70000)
					printf("Accumulated achievements, fledgling achievements\n");
				else if (fund2 > 70000 && fund2 < 100000)
					printf("Accumulated achievements, fledgling achievements and abundant funds\n");
				else if (fund2 > 100000)
					printf("Accumulated achievements, fledgling achievements, abundant funds, fund experts\n");


	} while (fund > 0&&fund2 > 0);//Judge whether bankruptcy occurs
	if (fund2 > fund)
		printf("congratulations B victory");
		printf("congratulations A victory");
		return 0;//Judge A/B victory


int main()
	int input;
		printf("*********  1.play  *********\n");
		printf("*********  0.exit  *********\n");
		printf("Please select:>");//Please choose whether to start the game
		scanf("%d", &input);
		switch (input)//Judge the user's choice
		case 1:
			play( ROW , COL);
		case 0:
			printf("Exit the game\n");
			printf("Selection error reselection\n");
	} while (input);


#pragma once
#define ROW 7
#define COL 4 / / determine the size of the chessboard
int play(int row, int col);//Call function


Through the application of cyclic structure and selective structure, this experimental design makes me have a better understanding of these structures; Through continuous learning, I also learned the way of random number generation and the use of header files, which gave me a new understanding of program design. Using code can make it more convenient to do some work and have fun. Similarly, I can discuss and learn with my peers, so that the coding process is not boring and a good design experience. Novice Xiaobai, I hope you can make more corrections and make common progress.

Keywords: C Back-end

Added by toffler on Sun, 12 Dec 2021 11:24:21 +0200