C + + nesting and recursion (Chapter 3)


Nested calls to functions

Nested Call

Example 3-7 enter two integers and sum the squares

Recursive call of function


Example: calculate n!

For example, calculate 4! The two phases of the project:

Example 3-8 find n!

Source code:

Operation results:

Example 3-9 calculate the number of different combinations of k people selected from n people to form a committee by recursive method.

 analysis

Source code:

Operation results:

Example 3-10 Hanoi Tower

Source code:

Operation results:

Parameter passing of function

Nested calls to functions

Nested Call

Example 3-7 enter two integers and sum the squares

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int fun2(int m) {
    return m * m;
int fun1(int x,int y) {
    return fun2(x) + fun2(y);
int main() {
    int a, b;
    cout<<"Please enter two integers (a and b): ";
    cin >> a >> b;
    cout << "The sum of square of a and  b: " 
         << fun1(a, b) << endl;
    return 0;

Recursive call of function


l} functions that call themselves directly or indirectly are called recursive calls.


Example: calculate n!

l) formula 1: n= n × (n-1) × (n-2) × (n-3) ×...× two × one

l) formula 2:


For example, calculate 4! The two phases of the project:

l) recurrence:

l) regression:

Example 3-8 find n!


Source code:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
unsigned fac(int n){
    unsigned f;
    if (n == 0)
      f = 1;
      f = fac(n - 1) * n;
    return f;
int main() {
    unsigned n;
    cout << "Enter a positive integer:";
    cin >> n;
    unsigned y = fac(n);
    cout << n << "! = " << y << endl;
    return 0;

Operation results:

Enter a positive integer:8
8! = 40320

Example 3-9 calculate the number of different combinations of k people selected from n people to form a committee by recursive method.

 analysis

 number of combinations selected from n individuals = number of combinations selected from n-1 individuals + number of combinations selected from n-1 individuals;

• when n = k or k = 0, the number of combinations is 1.

Source code:

using namespace std;
int comm(int n, int k)
	if (k > n) return 0;
	else if (n == k || k == 0)
		return 1;
	else return comm(n - 1, k) + comm(n - 1, k - 1);
int main()
	int n, k;
	cin >> n >> k;
	cout << "C(n, k) = " << comm(n, k) << endl;
	return 0;

Operation results:

18 5 

Example 3-10 Hanoi Tower

There are three needles A, B and C. There are n plates on needle A, the large one is lower and the small one is upper. It is required to move the N plates from needle A to needle C. during the movement, needle B can be used to move only one plate at A time, and the large plate is lower and the small plate is upper on the three needles during the movement.

l) moving n plates from pin A to pin C can be divided into three steps:

N. move n-1 plates on A  to pin B (with the help of pin C);

n. move the remaining plate on pin A to pin C;

N. move n-1 plates from pin B to pin C (with the help of pin A).

Source code:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

//Move the top plate of src needle to dest needle
void move(char src, char dest) {
    cout << src << " --> " << dest << endl;

//Move n plates from src needle to dest needle, and use medium needle as transfer
void hanoi(int n, char src, char medium, char dest)
    if (n == 1)
        move(src, dest);
    else {
        hanoi(n - 1, src, dest, medium);
        move(src, dest);
        hanoi(n - 1, medium, src, dest);
int main() {
    int m;
    cout << "Enter the number of diskes: ";
    cin >> m;
    cout << "the steps to moving " << m << " diskes:" << endl;
    hanoi(m, 'A', 'B', 'C');
    return 0;

Operation results:

Enter the number of diskes:3
the steps to moving 3 diskes:
A --> C
A --> B
C --> B
A --> C
B --> A
B --> C
A --> C

Parameter passing of function

  • The storage unit of the formal parameter is allocated only when the function is called
  • Arguments can be constants, variables, or expressions
  • Argument type must match formal parameter
  • Value transfer is the transfer of parameter values, that is, one-way transfer
  • Reference passing can achieve two-way passing
  • Constant reference as a parameter can ensure the security of argument data

Keywords: C++

Added by marco75 on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 23:42:04 +0200