Chapter IV open source projects and deployment

File and data storage

Run todo project

Enter app directory

├── Dockerfile
└── spec             
└── src
└── yarn.lock

Source code download: Getting started source code compressed package

New Dockerfile

FROM node:12-alpine
RUN sed -i 's/' /etc/apk/repositories
RUN apk add --no-cache python3 g++ make
RUN yarn config set registry
COPY . .
RUN yarn install --production
CMD ["node", "src/index.js"]

Package image

docker build -t tke-todo .


docker run -dp 3001:3000 tke-todo

If the container name is not specified, the name will be generated automatically and randomly.

Storage Volume

The function of storage Volume is to make data persistent.

docker volume create todo-db   #Create a storage volume named todo dB
docker volume ls               #List all storage volumes
docker volume inspect todo-db  #Viewing storage volume information
docker volume --help           #Understand all instructions of dokcer volume

Containers use storage volumes

docker run -dp 3002:3000 -v todo-db:/etc/todos tke-todo

stop the container at port 3002 and run another container.

docker run -dp 3003:3000 -v todo-db:/etc/todos tke-todo

It is found that the previously added data is still.

The data of a storage volume can be shared among multiple containers.

Viewing containers and exporting containers

Create a new terminal

docker ps               #View the list of running containers and find the ID of the container running tke todo
docker exec -it <container ID or name> /bin/sh    #Replace with your container ID

Enter the storage volume path and view db.

cd /etc/todos           #Enter the point where the storage Volume is mounted
ls                      #View the list of files under the folder        

Export as tar package

docker ps                                #Find the container ID or name you want to export from the list
docker export <container ID/name> -o Compressed package name.tar #Export all files in the container

Note: to execute the docker command, you need to exit the interactive mode and enter the normal terminal mode. The exported file is in the current directory of the command line.

The exported file contains the entire mirror and storage Volume volume.

Wordpress and database

Pull wordpress and mysql images

docker pull wordpress
docker pull mysql

Create a storage volume

docker volume create wordpress-mysql-data

Initialize and start mysql container

docker run -d \
    --name tke-mysql \
    -v wordpress-mysql-data:/var/lib/mysql \
    -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=tketke \
    -e MYSQL_DATABASE=wordpress \

git bash is recommended for multiline commands, but cmd is not supported.

Create a new cmd and enter interactive mode

docker exec -it tke-mysql mysql -u root -p 

Prompt for the password. The password is tketke just set

The password input is not visible. Press enter after input to enter the mysql interactive mode.

Enter the command SHOW DATABASES; You can see the created wordpress database.

Note: there is a semicolon after the command. show and databases should be separated by spaces and are not case sensitive.

Docker installing Wordpress

Create network

docker network create wordpress-net #Create a network named WordPress net
docker network --help
docker network ls

Database bridge to network

docker network connect wordpress-net tke-mysql

Check the detailed address of MySQL container to find the IP address information.

docker inspect tke-mysql

If there is too much data to find, you can use the command:

docker inspect -f '{{ $network := index .NetworkSettings.Networks "wordpress-net" }}{{ $network.IPAddress}}' tke-mysql

Note that when you run the command on windows, an error will appear:

Template parsing error: template: :1: unclosed action

For normal execution, it needs to be wrapped in double quotation marks (actually, it is still not possible, which needs to be studied)

It is recommended that networks be named without-

docker inspect -f "{{ $network := index .NetworkSettings.Networks "wordpress-net" }}{{ $network.IPAddress}}" tke-mysql

reference resources: docker - Template parsing error: template: :1: unclosed action - Stack Overflow

git bash runs without this problem

Start a wordpress

docker run -dp 8008:80 \
    --name tke-wordpress \
    --network wordpress-net \
    -v wordpress_data:/var/www/html \
    -e WORDPRESS_DB_USER=root \
    -e WORDPRESS_DB_NAME=wordpress \

The above command is too long. You can copy the content and save it as WordPress sh.

There are two ways to run sh files on Windows:

  1. Right click the file and run it with git bash (recommended)
  2. Enter git bash in the current directory and execute sh WordPress sh

reference resources: How to run under Windows system sh script file - Baidu experience

Tencent cloud container service

New private networks and subnets

Create EKS elastic cluster

After creation, you need to go to instance management on the left, find more, and click reset password. (you must go through this step for the first time)

Enter login command:

docker login --username=<Your account number>

After entering the password, the login is successful.

Label the previous local image. ImageId is the name or ID of the local image

docker tag [ImageId][Your image repository namespace]/[Your image warehouse name]:[tag]

Then you can push to the image warehouse in the cloud

docker push[Your image repository namespace]/[Your image warehouse name]:[tag]

give an example:

docker tag tke-todo[Your image repository namespace]/tke-todo:1.0.1
docker push[Your image repository namespace]/tke-todo:1.0.1

The namespace can be viewed on Tencent cloud console or from shortcut instructions:

Quickly deploy applications using EKS


Today's content is more practical. I learned the deployment of the project and the image Service of packaging and uploading to Tencent cloud container. Except that some commands will report errors in the command line of windows, there are no other cumbersome problems. After deploying the application in the cloud, remember to delete the created Workload and the Service of Service and routing. In addition, the locally exported tar package with db has more than 400 M, which can't be used later. Remember to delete it.

Keywords: MySQL wordpress

Added by Chadian22 on Wed, 26 Jan 2022 06:11:58 +0200