Chapter Twelve Nine takes you through helm3 harbor with ease

This series of articles:

Chapter 1: helm explodes easily in a minute

Chapter II: helm Easy to Explode Public Warehouse

Chapter III: helm Easy to Explode Private Warehouses

Chapter IV: helm Easily Burst chart

Chapter V: helm Blast release Easy

Chapter VI: Nine analysis takes you through helm gitlab easily

Chapter VII: Nine analysis takes you through helm nginx-ingress easily

Chapter VIII: Nine analysis takes you through helm gitlab nfs easily

Chapter IX: Nine analysis takes you through helm nexus easily

Chapter 10: Nine analysis takes you through helm3 heapster easily

Chapter 11: Nine analysis takes you through helm3 kubernetes-dashboard easily


1 Preface

2 Add harbor warehouse

3 Download harbor

4 Unzip harbor

5 Edit values.yaml

6 Write pv

7 Create nginx-ingress

8 Create nfs

9 Create a harbor namespace

10 Install harbor

11 Create pv

12 Check pvc

13 View nginx-ingress service port

14 Edit dns

15 Access harbor

16 Notes

1 Preface

This paper uses helm v3.0.0; k8s v1.16.3.

2 Add harbor warehouse

helm repo add harbor

3 Download harbor

helm pull harbor/harbor

4 Unzip harbor

tar -zxvf harbor-1.2.3.tgz

5 Edit values.yaml

Edit as follows:



    commonName: ""





harborAdminPassword: "hellojiuxi"

6 Write pv

This article does not cover pv and pvc. I believe you should not be a novice if you dare to play helm.If you really don't know that PVs and PVCs don't matter either; you can think of them as a couple relationship, that is, PVCs have to have PVS to be willing to work, and of course they can't be white c. To give "money", pv receives money and saves it somewhere, such as a shoebox.Did you understand?You're welcome.

Looking at the values.yaml file, there are five PVCs in total.And there are two specifications: A cup (1Gi), C cup (5Gi)

Create a new resource file, pv-harbor-1g.yaml.Do not execute.Remember.

apiVersion: v1

kind: PersistentVolume


    name: pv-harbor-1g-1



        storage: 1Gi

    volumeMode: Filesystem


    -  ReadWriteOnce

    persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain



        path: /data/nfs/harbor


apiVersion: v1

kind: PersistentVolume


    name: pv-harbor-1g-2



        storage: 1Gi

    volumeMode: Filesystem


    -  ReadWriteOnce

    persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain



        path: /data/nfs/harbor


apiVersion: v1

kind: PersistentVolume


    name: pv-harbor-1g-3



        storage: 1Gi

    volumeMode: Filesystem


    -  ReadWriteOnce

    persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain



        path: /data/nfs/harbor

Create a new resource file, pv-harbor-5g.yaml.Do not execute.Remember.

apiVersion: v1

kind: PersistentVolume


    name: pv-harbor-5g-1



        storage: 5Gi

    volumeMode: Filesystem


    -  ReadWriteOnce

    persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain



        path: /data/nfs/harbor


apiVersion: v1

kind: PersistentVolume


    name: pv-harbor-5g-2



        storage: 5Gi

    volumeMode: Filesystem


    -  ReadWriteOnce

    persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain



        path: /data/nfs/harbor

7 Create nginx-ingress

) To create nginx-ingress, refer to the Chapter VII "."Don't be nervous. Explode in minutes.

8 Create nfs

(See "Creating nfs" Chapter VIII "."Don't be nervous, it's easy to make you scream.

9 Create a harbor namespace

kubectl create ns harbor

10 Install harbor

## The first harbor is release; the second is namespace; and the third is the root directory after unzipping

helm install harbor -n harbor harbor

11 Create pv

After a successful harbor installation, the pvc will be in pending state.Because the actual pv was not created.

Be careful in the order in which you create them, and keep the specifications small to large.Why?Think about it. Think about it.

Create small size pv:

kubectl apply -f pv-harbor-1g.yaml

After the creation of the small size pv, take a look at the creation status and wait until the status is Bound before creating the large size pv:

kubectl apply -f pv-harbor-5g.yaml

12 Check pvc

kubectl get pvc -n harbor

13 View nginx-ingress service port

Note that port is not 443.Remember.I am 32734.Each according to his own actual situation.

kubectl get svc -n kube-system

14 Edit dns

The domain name was used when creating ingress.So edit the hosts file on the host of the browser.

15 Access harbor

Open your browser and enter

User name/password: admin/hellojiuxi.

16 Notes

Sometimes you enter your username and password correctly but can't log in because the pods aren't all running successfully and you have to make sure that all the pods are running successfully and log in again.

Keywords: Linux Nginx GitLab DNS nexus

Added by genix2011 on Tue, 17 Dec 2019 21:24:53 +0200