Check and fill gaps in knowledge points < I >

Task 1 draw background

  1. base64 (in this way, the image will load faster, and each photo has its own unique base64 code)

    background-image: url() When referencing background
    <img src=")Directly in body When referencing photos in

  2. Controls the drawing area of the background image

    • Draw to element border box

    • Draw to element padding box

    • Draw to element content box only

  3. Control element background (compound format, this order can be adjusted)

    background: color image repeat attachment position

Task 2 List

  1. Controls the location of the list item tag (just the common point in front of the unordered list)

    list-style: outside | inside | none;
                The outside of the content is not inside the content
                (Default (outside)

  2. Points to note in floating

    To keep the order unchanged, first set the parent < UL > float.

  3. The style in front of the unordered list controls the list style type, and pictures can also act as

    list-style-type: decimal;
    list-style-image: url(img/1.png);
    Composite attribute settings type ,position ,image  (Order cannot be changed)

Task 3 form

  1. Merge border collapse of table border

    border-collapse: collapse | separate;
                     merge        Not merge

  2. Control table title position caption

        caption-side: bottom | top;
    <caption>I'm the title</caption>

  3. Processing of empty cells

    (Empty cells (not shown)

  4. ·Control table layout algorithm

    table-layout: fixed;|auto
    fixed:The cell size is specified when there is no content. Even if the content overflows, it doesn't change.
    auto;The default value varies with the amount of content.

  5. notes

    • The entire table has a margin. td no margin

    • The table is calculated when rendering, and the div is executed line by line according to the written style.

Task 4 Transform and transition (dynamic effect)

  1. Move translate

  2. Zoom in on scale

  3. rotate

  4. Tilt skew (deg)

                transform: translateX(5px);towards x Axis offset 5 pixels
                transform: translateY(-10px);towards y The axis is offset by 10 pixels in the negative direction
                transform: translate(15px,-15px);Compound( x,y)
                transform: scale(1.5,1);Enlarged compound writing( x,y)
                transform: rotate(360deg);x,y Didn't write, just rotated 360 degrees.
                transform: skew(60deg);  x,y Each tilted 60 degrees.
                transform: scale(1.5,1) rotate(360deg); Compound writing.

Task 5 derivation selector

  1. Combined selectors use commas to separate selectors, which can increase the effect at the same time

                    color: pink;

  2. Descendant Selectors

                    color: pink;

  3. Parent-child selector

                    color: palevioletred;
    Connecting parent and child element selectors
     Only a son can do it, not even a grandson

  4. Sibling Combinators

    • Next to sibling selector (next to and same as parent) (use + connection)

                      color: pink;

    • General brother selector (close or not) (use ~ connection)

                      color: pink;

  5. Selector juxtaposition (and relationship, two or more conditions must be met without any symbol division, and they must be met at the same time)


    Task 6 UI status pseudo class

    1. : enable available status

    2. : disable unavailable status

    3. : checked status

      input:enabled{                         input Label in( enable)Available
                    background-color: blue;
      input[type="button"]:disabled{         input In label type in button stay disable(Not available)State
                   background-color: pink;

Task 7 calculation of selector priority and weight

  1. Thousand bit: if the attribute declared in < style >, this bit will get one point

  2. Hundredth: the id selector is included in the selector, and one point is added to this bit

  3. Ten bits: class selector, attribute selector and pseudo class selector. Add one point in this bit

  4. Bits: including elements and pseudo elements, this bit will add one point

Task 8 notes

  1. The outer contour does not occupy a position and does not count the width of the container

  2. Remove the setting of the outer contour


  3. In utf-8, English letters are usually 1 byte and Chinese characters are 3 bytes Very rare Chinese characters are 4 bytes

Keywords: Java html css

Added by Aptana on Fri, 31 Dec 2021 11:17:33 +0200