Authorized voting rights
You can vote for miners directly or indirectly by authorizing voting rights.
set_voting_proxy - Sets the voting agent to an account
signed_transaction set_voting_proxy(string account_to_modify, optional<string> voting_account, bool broadcast = false);
- account_to_modify - The name or ID of the account to be updated.
- voting_account - The name or ID of an account authorized to vote, using the share of the account_to_modify, while the share of the account itself is invalid.
- Broadcast - If you want the broadcast transaction to be true
Return value:
- Change the signed transaction set by your voting agent
Examples are given to illustrate:
set_voting_proxy richard richard2 true
{ "ref_block_num": 47625, "ref_block_prefix": 2529286176, "expiration": "2017-12-22T13:49:40", "operations": [[ 2,{ "fee": { "amount": 500000, "asset_id": "1.3.0" }, "account": "1.2.71", "new_options": { "memo_key": "DCT8NC1kNjEeqRp8SnEPQWtpeCLoJRuquH5jHtE78NNTthSi6t2uX", "voting_account": "1.2.78", "num_miner": 0, "votes": [ "0:0", "0:1", "0:2", "0:3", "0:4", "0:5", "0:6", "0:7", "0:8", "0:9", "0:10" ], "extensions": [], "allow_subscription": false, "price_per_subscribe": { "amount": 0, "asset_id": "1.3.0" }, "subscription_period": 0 }, "extensions": {} } ] ], "extensions": [], "signatures": [ "2062bb191fe9ffce227a6f796582982fb45068a084661b6fef8e108177f3eb008b23e71d19a851f96f785887b0c2c840db6339e19c4569499a2e972a39cf643e3d" ] }
API Developer Document for Setting up Voting Agents
Proposed change in voted miners count
If you want to propose a change in the number of miners voted for, you can use the following methods.
set_desired_miner_count - Set the number of miners you voted for in the system. Each account can recommend the number of miners in the active list. The number of votes between accounts is relatively independent and unaffected by other factors. You need to vote at least as many active miners as you suggest (if you suggest 20 miners, you can't vote only for 10 people). There is a maximum number of miners in each block chain (currently the default maximum is 1001). This setting can be changed at any time. If your account has a voting agent setting, your options will be ignored.
signed_transaction set_desired_miner_count(string account_to_modify, uint16_t desired_number_of_miners, bool broadcast = false);
Return value:
- Change the signed transaction set by your voting agent
Examples are given to illustrate:
set_desired_miner_count richard 11 true
{ "ref_block_num": 47616, "ref_block_prefix": 3219005700, "expiration": "2017-12-22T13:48:50", "operations": [[ 2,{ "fee": { "amount": 500000, "asset_id": "1.3.0" }, "account": "1.2.71", "new_options": { "memo_key": "DCT8NC1kNjEeqRp8SnEPQWtpeCLoJRuquH5jHtE78NNTthSi6t2uX", "voting_account": "1.2.3", "num_miner": 11, "votes": [ "0:0", "0:1", "0:2", "0:3", "0:4", "0:5", "0:6", "0:7", "0:8", "0:9", "0:10" ], "extensions": [], "allow_subscription": false, "price_per_subscribe": { "amount": 0, "asset_id": "1.3.0" }, "subscription_period": 0 }, "extensions": {} } ] ], "extensions": [], "signatures": [ "202d0694f993d471613372724a8467d930c481e3c502e87430dce4ad9c9b18db173d3505b15b9279edc3f18925106cacadc64df86d1e3977bea3834cdba2195c34" ] }
API Developer Document for Setting Ideal Miner Count
Proposed changes to block chain parameters
You can choose to propose changes to some block chain parameters. Please note that this is a signed transaction, so you need to pay the transaction fee. In addition, unreasonable suggestions will be filtered out.
Command Line Introduction:
propose_parameter_change - Creates a transaction that proposes to change parameters. If the need for change is large, you can specify multiple parameters.
signed_transaction propose_parameter_change (string proposing_account, fc::time_point_sec expiration_time, variant_object changed_values, bool broadcast = false)
- proposing_account - Payment account that initiates the proposed change
- expiration_time - Specifies the timestamp when the intention expires
- Change_values - The number to be changed. All other block chain parameters are entered with default values.
- Broadcast - If you want to broadcast a transaction, enter true
Return value:
- Signed version of the transaction
Examples are given to illustrate:
propose_parameter_change alien "2018-05-30T19:36:11" {"block_interval":15} true
{ "ref_block_num": 46239, "ref_block_prefix": 1270744930, "expiration": "2018-05-15T13:49:05", "operations": [[ 9,{ "fee": { "amount": 500004, "asset_id": "1.3.0" }, "fee_paying_account": "1.2.30", "expiration_time": "2018-05-30T19:36:11", "proposed_ops": [{ "op": [ 8,{ "fee": { "amount": 10, "asset_id": "1.3.0" }, "new_parameters": { "current_fees": { "parameters": [[ 0,{ "fee": 500000 } ],[ 1,{ "basic_fee": 500000 } ],[ 2,{ "fee": 500000 } ],[ 3,{ "basic_fee": 500000 } ],[ 4,{ "fee": 500000 } ],[ 5,{ "fee": 10 } ],[ 6,{ "fee": 50000000 } ],[ 7,{ "fee": 500000 } ],[ 8,{ "fee": 10 } ],[ 9,{ "fee": 500000, "price_per_kbyte": 10 } ],[ 10,{ "fee": 500000, "price_per_kbyte": 10 } ],[ 11,{ "fee": 500000 } ],[ 12,{ "fee": 500000 } ],[ 13,{ "fee": 500000 } ],[ 14,{ "fee": 500000, "price_per_kbyte": 10 } ],[ 15,{ "fee": 0 } ],[ 16,{ "fee": 500000 } ],[ 17,{ "fee": 500000 } ],[ 18,{ "fee": 500000, "price_per_kbyte": 10 } ],[ 19,{ "fee": 5000000 } ],[ 20,{ "fee": 0 } ],[ 21,{ "fee": 0 } ],[ 22,{ "fee": 0 } ],[ 23,{ "fee": 0 } ],[ 24,{ "fee": 0 } ],[ 25,{ "fee": 0 } ],[ 26,{ "fee": 0 } ],[ 27,{ "fee": 0 } ],[ 28,{ "fee": 0 } ],[ 29,{ "fee": 0 } ],[ 30,{ "fee": 0 } ],[ 31,{ "fee": 0 } ],[ 32,{ "fee": 0 } ],[ 33,{ "fee": 0 } ],[ 34,{ "fee": 0 } ],[ 35,{ "fee": 0 } ],[ 36,{ "fee": 0 } ],[ 37,{ "fee": 0 } ],[ 38,{ "fee": 0 } ] ], "scale": 10000 }, "block_interval": 15, "maintenance_interval": 86400, "maintenance_skip_slots": 3, "miner_proposal_review_period": 1209600, "maximum_transaction_size": 4096, "maximum_block_size": 2048000, "maximum_time_until_expiration": 86400, "maximum_proposal_lifetime": 2419200, "maximum_asset_feed_publishers": 10, "maximum_miner_count": 1001, "maximum_authority_membership": 10, "cashback_vesting_period_seconds": 31536000, "cashback_vesting_threshold": 1000000000, "max_predicate_opcode": 1, "max_authority_depth": 2, "extensions": [] } } ] } ], "review_period_seconds": 1209600, "extensions": [] } ] ], "extensions": [], "signatures": [ "1f43c6efa44266e8dda0dbb125c75f336fa05a4f8143c842a03e41de9b35e43c986a3f65fd7513e3b4cc3d333132192988385f0400af94f22cd1dae84572210e94" ] }