As I stated in my first blog, I mainly need to analyze user behavior in my group
User behavior analysis generally refers to viewing the user's feedback on some indicators of the product from various dimensions.
The various functions of the user's home page are the premise for users to obtain feedback
This part of the code is mainly concentrated in the user.js file
The user home page is divided into two modes: ordinary user and administrator user
This time, the main analysis is the administrator user
The database used is member
constructor(ctx) { super(ctx); this.db = this.model('cmswing/member'); this.tactive = 'user'; }
User list
Force start and length in the database to type int
async userlistAction() { const gets = this.get(); const start = parseInt(gets.start); const length = parseInt(gets.length); const draw = gets.draw; const key = gets['search[value]'];
Update the last login time and login IP of the user
It is then stored as data for the user list
const userList = await this.db.join({ table: 'customer', join: 'left', as: 'u', on: ['id', 'user_id'] }).field('id,username,score,login,last_login_ip,last_login_time,status,u.real_name,u.group_id,u.balance').limit(start, length).where({username: ['like', '%' + key + '%'], status: ['>', -1]}).order('id DESC').countSelect(); userList.data.forEach(v => { v.last_login_time = times(v.last_login_time); v.last_login_ip = _int2iP(v.last_login_ip); });
join is used to convert an array to a string without changing the original array
For details, please refer to JavaScript Array join() method
Then, the data properties of this web page will become as follows
Finally, return the newly updated data attribute
const data = { 'draw': draw, 'recordsTotal': userList.count, 'recordsFiltered': userList.count, 'data': userList.data }; return this.json(data); }
Display user information
Get the ID of the current user from the database and initialize a user object
If this user belongs to the manager, he / she has permission to display the following content
Then you can start to get the list of member groups and administrator groups
Finally, set the title of this page to "personal information"
async showuserAction() { const id = this.get('id'); const user = await this.model('member').find(id); this.assign('user', user); if (user.is_admin == 1) { const roleid = await this.model('auth_user_role').where({user_id: user.id}).getField('role_id', true); this.assign('roleid', roleid); } const usergroup = await this.model('member_group').select(); this.assign('usergroup', usergroup); const role = await this.model('auth_role').where({status: 1}).select(); this.assign('role', role); this.meta_title = 'personal information'; return this.display(); }
Add user
The first time I saw the function that allows administrators to add users... Won't ordinary users be very upset?
First, verify whether the password entered is consistent with the password transmitted in the past. If it is inconsistent, an error will be returned
If successful, set the input password to this number
async adduserAction() { if (this.isPost) { const data = this.post(); if (data.password != data.repassword) { return this.fail('The passwords filled in twice are inconsistent'); } data.password = encryptPassword(data.password);
reg should refer to the operation time
Then judge whether the user to be established is a vip
data.reg_time = new Date().getTime(); if (data.vip == 1) { data.overduedate = new Date(data.overduedate).getTime(); } else { data.overduedate = think.isEmpty(data.overduedate) ? 0 : data.overduedate; } console.log(data);
Force the status in the user's data to be set to 1
If you are adding an administrator, add it to self.db
Otherwise, it is added directly to the current database
data.status = 1; const self = this; let res; if (data.is_admin == 1) { res = await this.db.transaction(async() => { const userId = await self.db.add(data); return await self.model('auth_user_role').db(self.db.db()).add({ user_id: userId, role_id: data.role_id }); }); } else { res = await this.db.add(data); }
After that, it is gratifying to judge whether the addition is successful
if (res) { return this.success({name: 'Successfully added!'}); } else { return this.fail('Add failed!'); }
If you fail to receive the returned contents of the database at the beginning
You can display any page
The title is "add user"
else { // Member group const usergroup = await this.model('member_group').select(); this.assign('usergroup', usergroup); // Get management group const role = await this.model('auth_role').where({status: 1}).select(); this.assign('role', role); this.meta_title = 'Add user'; return this.display(); }