Command line program of Go language

Programmers want to create command-line programs for the following reasons:

1. Create scripts for that can be run automatically on a regular basis.

2. To create a script that interacts with files in the system.

3. To create scripts that can perform system maintenance tasks.

4. To avoid the unnecessary overhead of designing graphical user interfaces.

On the Mac os terminal, enter the command line:

vim beatles.txt

Open vim and enter the following:


Save and exit.

Enter the command line as follows:

sort beatles.txt

The operation results are as follows:


Operation input and output

Operation input and output codes and their meanings
Standard input0Contains the input provided to the program
standard output 1Contains the output displayed on the screen
Standard error2Contains error messages that are displayed on the screen

Enter the command line and delete Beatles Txt, as follows:

rm beatles.txt

Enter the command line again as follows:

sort beatles.txt

The operation results are as follows:

sort: No such file or directory

Access the command line parameters, and the program list is as follows:

package main


func main(){
  for i,arg:=range os.Args{

Enter the command line twice as follows:

go build main.go


The operation results are as follows:

argument 0 is ./main

Enter the command line as follows:

./main for bar baz

The operation results are as follows:

argument 0 is ./main
argument 1 is for
argument 2 is bar
argument 3 is baz

Enter the command line as follows:

go run main.go

The operation results are as follows:

argument 0 is /var/folders/3x/txs8lfzs6s13njkkrvjmnz2c0000gn/T/go-build2259276456/b001/exe/main

Analyze the command line flag, and the program list is as follows:

package main


func main(){
  s:=flag.String("s","Hello World","String help text")
  fmt.Println("value of s:",*s)

Enter the command line twice as follows:

go build main.go


The operation results are as follows:

value of s: Hello World

Enter the command line as follows:

./main -s Goodbye

The operation results are as follows:

value of s: Goodbye

Enter the command line as follows: (- h, -- h, - help, -- help)

./main -h

The operation results are as follows:

Usage of ./main:
  -s string
    	String help text (default "Hello World")

Specifies the type of flag

The flag package analyzes the type of flag according to the declaration, which corresponds to the type system of Go language.

Analyze String, Int and Boolean flags. The program list is as follows:

package main


func main(){
  s:=flag.String("s","Hello world","String help text")
  i:=flag.Int("i",1,"Int help text")
  b:=flag.Bool("b",false,"Bool help text")
  fmt.Println("value of s:",*s)
  fmt.Println("value of i:",*i)
  fmt.Println("value of b:",*b)

Enter the command line twice as follows:

go build main.go


The operation results are as follows:

value of s: Hello world
value of i: 1
value of b: false

Enter the command line as follows:

./main -s Goodbye -i 42 -b

The operation results are as follows:

value of s: Goodbye
value of i: 42
value of b: true

Enter the command line as follows:

./main -i String

The operation results are as follows:

invalid value "String" for flag -i: parse error
Usage of ./main:
  -b	Bool help text
  -i int
    	Int help text (default 1)
  -s string
    	String help text (default "Hello world")

If the user executes the command-line program with the wrong class of the value specified for the flag, an error message is displayed. In the above example, set the flag - i to String. Since this flag must be set to an integer value, it will cause an error: the default behavior of the flag package is to print an error message and display help text.

Custom Help text

Create help text for the command line tool. The program list is as follows:

package main


func main(){
    usageText:=`Usage example [OPTION]
    An example of customizing usage output
    -s,--s    example string argument, default: String help text
    -i,--i    example integer argument, default: Int help text
    -b,--b    example boolean argument, default: Bool help text`
  s:=flag.String("s","Hello world","String help text")
  i:=flag.Int("i",1,"Int help text")
  b:=flag.Bool("b",true,"Bool help text")
  fmt.Println("value of s:",*s)
  fmt.Println("value of i:",*i)
  fmt.Println("value of b:",*b)

Enter the command line twice as follows: you can also specify the option - h.

go build main.go

./main --help

The operation results are as follows:

Usage example [OPTION]
    An example of customizing usage output
    -s,--s    example string argument, default: String help text
    -i,--i    example integer argument, default: Int help text
    -b,--b    example boolean argument, default: Bool help text

Enter the command line ". / main" and the running results are as follows:

value of s: Hello world
value of i: 1
value of b: true

The flag package will automatically generate help text. The variable Usage is set to a function, so that this function will be called whenever an error occurs in the process of analyzing the flag.

Use the os package in the standard library to print the message to the standard Error, because this message will be displayed when an analysis error is found, but the output is completely customizable.

Create subcommand

Many command-line programs support subcommands.

To create a subcommand and specify a flag:


The first parameter is the subcommand name, and the second parameter specifies the error handling behavior.

flag.ContinueOnError: if there is no analysis error, continue to execute.

flag.ExitOnError: if there is an analysis error, exit and set the status code to 2.

flag. Panic onerror: if an analysis error occurs, panic is raised.

Use subcommands in the command line program. The program list is as follows:

package main

func flagUsage(){
  usageText:=`example is an example cli tool.

example command [arguments]
The commands are:
uppercase uppercase a string
lowercase lowercase a string
Use "example [command] --help" for more information about a command.`
func main(){
  if len(os.Args)==1{
  switch os.Args[1]{
  case "uppercase":
    s:=uppercaseCmd.String("s","","A string of text to be upercased")
  case "lowercase":
    s:=lowercaseCmd.String("s","","A string of text to be lowercased")

Enter the command line as follows:

./main uppercase -s "i want to grow up"

The operation results are as follows:


Enter the command line as follows:

./main lowercase -s "I DO NOT WANT TO GROW UP"

The operation results are as follows:

i do not want to grow up

POSIX compatibility: omitted.

Install and share command line programs

To make Go tools work, you must follow the Go language conventions. $GOPATH must be set correctly. Use the standard target layout and place the code in a subfolder located in src.





The path of the subfolder is as follows:


The Go project is located in this folder. Create a folder named heloworld in this folder as follows:

// Linux / macOS

$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/[your github username]/helloworld

// Windows

$ mkdir "$GOPATH\src\\[your github username]\helloworld"

Access the command line parameters, and the program list is as follows:

package main


func main(){
	fmt.Println("Hurray! You are a Gopher!")

Use the command GO install to install the program. The specified path must be relative to $GOPATH.

The command line is as follows:

go install[your github usrername]/helloworld

Submit the code to Github so that others can easily install it with the following command line:

go get[your github usrername]/helloworld

Keywords: Go Back-end

Added by SoberDude on Thu, 27 Jan 2022 20:24:08 +0200