1. Grouping, traversal and sorting
/** * For the assessment list of production waste and operation, each enterprise only keeps the latest assessment data * * @param entCheckList * @return */ private List<Map<String, Object>> cleanEntCheckList(List<Map<String, Object>> entCheckList) { Map<String, List<Map<String, Object>>> groupCheckList = entCheckList.stream().collect(Collectors.groupingBy(map -> map.get("enterpriseId").toString())); groupCheckList.forEach((key, checkList) -> { if (checkList.size() > 1) { Collections.sort(checkList, new Comparator<Map<String, Object>>() { public int compare(Map<String, Object> o1, Map<String, Object> o2) { return ((String) o2.get("createTime")).compareTo((String) o1.get("createTime")); } }); Map<String, Object> temp = checkList.get(0); checkList.clear(); checkList.add(temp); } } ); entCheckList.clear(); for (List<Map<String, Object>> map : groupCheckList.values()) { entCheckList.addAll(map); } return entCheckList; }
2. Traverse list < map < string, Object > > to obtain the data of composite conditions
List<Map<String, Object>> originEpaCheckList = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); ... // Assign a value to originEpaCheckList Set<String> originCheckIdList = new HashSet<>();// Set stores non repeating elements originEpaCheckList.stream().forEach(map -> originCheckIdList.add(map.get("id").toString()));
3. Traverse List < Object >, and summarize a field in the object into a List
List<InventoryBillVO> recordList = new ArrayLsit<InventoryBillVO>(); List<String> inventoryBillIdList = recordList.stream().map(InventoryBillVO::getId).collect(Collectors.toList());
4. Multi dimensional grouping data processing
/** * The waste list is grouped according to the receipt document ID, and then filled into the receipt document information * * @param recordList * @param detailList */ public void fillInventoryBillInfo(List<InventoryBillVO> recordList, List<InventoryInfoDetailVO> detailList) { Map<String, List<InventoryInfoDetailVO>> detailGroup = detailList.stream().collect(Collectors.groupingBy(InventoryInfoDetailVO::getInventoryBillId)); recordList.forEach(record -> { List<InventoryInfoDetailVO> wasteList = detailGroup.get(record.getId()); record.setWasteList(groupByWasteIdAndStorageId(wasteList)); }); } /** * The transfer volume is summarized in groups according to waste ID and storage point ID * * @param wasteList * @return */ public List<InventoryInfoDetailVO> groupByWasteIdAndStorageId(List<InventoryInfoDetailVO> wasteList) { double totalInventoryWaste = (double) 0.0; List<InventoryInfoDetailVO> inventoryInfoDetailVOListNew = Lists.newArrayList(); if (wasteList != null && wasteList.size() > 0) { Map<String, Map<String, List<InventoryInfoDetailVO>>> result = wasteList.parallelStream() .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(InventoryInfoDetailVO::getWasteId, Collectors.groupingBy(InventoryInfoDetailVO::getStorageId))); for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, List<InventoryInfoDetailVO>>> wasteIdMap : result.entrySet()) { for (Map.Entry<String, List<InventoryInfoDetailVO>> storageIdmap : wasteIdMap.getValue().entrySet()) { totalInventoryWaste = (double) 0.0; for (InventoryInfoDetailVO inventoryInfoDetailVO : storageIdmap.getValue()) { totalInventoryWaste += Double.parseDouble(inventoryInfoDetailVO.getQuantity()) / Double.parseDouble(inventoryInfoDetailVO.getConversion()); } storageIdmap.getValue().get(0).setQuantity(ArithUtil.roundAndSubZero(totalInventoryWaste)); inventoryInfoDetailVOListNew.add(storageIdmap.getValue().get(0)); } } } return inventoryInfoDetailVOListNew; }
5. Sum: add the score sum of all elements in the object set
List<EvaluationModule> resultMdls = new ArrayList<EvaluationModule>(); resultMdls = query SQL; double score = resultMdls.stream().collect(Collectors.summingDouble(EvaluationModule::getScore));
6. After the collection is filtered, take the first element that meets the condition. If not, return null
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(yesterdayTrainingPlanList)) { yesterdayAudioVisualPlan = yesterdayTrainingPlanList.stream() .filter(plan -> TrainingMdlEnum.AudioVisual.getCode().equals(plan.getType())) .findFirst().orElse(null); }
In addition to findFirst(), java.util.stream.Stream also has findAny(), allMatch(), anyMatch(), noneMatch(), min(),max(), count(), concat(),limit(long maxSize),skip(long n),filter().
java.util.Optional in addition to orElse(T other), orelseget (supplier <? Extensions T > other), ofnullable(), get(), isPresent(), filter(),
7. Set sorting
This class is required to sort using stream().sorted() Comparable Interface, which has only one method to be implemented, as follows:
public int compareTo(T o);
Specific implementation examples:
definition StudentInfo Classes, implementing Comparable Interface //Test data, please do not tangle with the preciseness of the data List<StudentInfo> studentList = new ArrayList<>(); studentList.add(new StudentInfo("Xiao Ming Li",true,18,1.76,LocalDate.of(2001,3,23))); studentList.add(new StudentInfo("Zhang Xiaoli",false,18,1.61,LocalDate.of(2001,6,3))); studentList.add(new StudentInfo("Wang Dapeng",true,19,1.82,LocalDate.of(2000,3,11))); studentList.add(new StudentInfo("Chen xiaopao",false,17,1.67,LocalDate.of(2002,10,18))); //Output before sorting StudentInfo.printStudents(studentList); //Sort by age (Integer type) List<StudentInfo> studentsSortName = studentList.stream().sorted(Comparator.comparing(StudentInfo::getAge)).collect(Collectors.toList()); //Output after sorting StudentInfo.printStudents(studentsSortName);
8. Summation
BigDecimal bb =list.stream().map(Plan::getAmount).reduce(BigDecimal.ZERO,BigDecimal::add);
double max = list.stream().mapToDouble(User::getHeight).sum();
9.Stream.iterate() stream iterator
Stream.iterate(BigInteger.ONE, n->n.add(BigInteger.ONE))
The result is a BigInteger type stream incremented by 1 from 1.
Use example:
/** * Cumulative state duration * <p> * Status duration of current time = sum of status duration from start time to current time */ public static void periodMetricReduce(Map<String, ? extends BaseMetric> metricMap) { List<String> keyList = Lists.newArrayList(metricMap.keySet()); Stream.iterate(0, item -> item + 1) .limit(metricMap.size()) .forEach(item -> { if (item == 0) return; StatePeriodMetric statePeriodMetric = metricMap.get(keyList.get(item)).getStatePeriodMetric(); StatePeriodMetric statePeriodMetricForLast = metricMap.get(keyList.get(item - 1)).getStatePeriodMetric(); statePeriodMetric.setShutdown(statePeriodMetric.getShutdown() + statePeriodMetricForLast.getShutdown()) .setStandby(statePeriodMetric.getStandby() + statePeriodMetricForLast.getStandby()) .setWork(statePeriodMetric.getWork() + statePeriodMetricForLast.getWork()) .setTotal(statePeriodMetric.getTotal() + statePeriodMetricForLast.getTotal()); }); }
The effect of using the flatMap method is that each array is not mapped to a stream separately, but to the content of the stream. All single streams generated when using map(Array::stream) are merged, that is, flattened into one stream.
String[] words = new String[]{"Hello","World"}; List<String> a = Arrays.stream(words) .map(word -> word.split("")) .flatMap(Arrays::stream) .distinct() .collect(toList()); a.forEach(System.out::print);
List<User> uList = Lists.newArrayList(); User u1 = new User(); u1.setAddr("a1;a2;a3;a4;a5"); User u2 = new User(); u2.setAddr("b1;b2;b3;b4;b5"); uList.add(a); uList.add(b); List<String> addrList = uList.stream().map(x -> x.getAddr()).flatMap(x->Arrays.stream(x.split(";"))).collect(Collectors.toList()); //perhaps List<String> ridStrList = uList.stream().map(x -> x.getAddr()).map(x -> x.split(";")).flatMap(Arrays::stream).collect(Collectors.toList()); System.out.println(addrList);
11.Optional.ofNullable() method, which can handle null pointer exceptions more gracefully
The query returns null. If there is no null judgment processing, a null pointer exception will occur accidentally. It's OK to add if judgment processing, but jdk1.8 has a more elegant processing method.
public static void main(String[] args) { List<String> list = null; List<String> newList = Optional.ofNullable(list).orElse(Lists.newArrayList()); newList.forEach(x -> System.out.println(x)); }
Source code
//Static variable empty private static final Optional<?> EMPTY = new Optional<>(); //If the object is empty, execute the empty() method; If it is not empty, execute the of(value) method public static <T> Optional<T> ofNullable(T value) { return value == null ? empty() : of(value); } public static<T> Optional<T> empty() { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Optional<T> t = (Optional<T>) EMPTY; return t; } public static <T> Optional<T> of(T value) { return new Optional<>(value); }
1. First, execute ofNullable() method. If T object is empty, execute empty() method; If it is not empty, execute the of(value) method;
2.empty() method, initialize an empty object optional (empty object and null are not the same thing);
3.of(value) method, use the generic object T on the parameters of the Optional constructor method and return a value object
4. After the above two steps, it is ensured that the Optional is not null and the null pointer is avoided;
twelve How to write List to Map: get the Map of primary energy type code
The data source itself is an object containing a subset list aggregate public static Map<String, Set<String>> convertCodeToMap(Collection<CommonNodeTreeVO> trees) { if (org.springframework.util.CollectionUtils.isEmpty(trees)) { return Maps.newHashMap(); } return trees.stream(). collect(Collectors.toMap( CommonNodeTreeVO::getCode, e -> Optional.ofNullable(e.getChild()) .map(k -> k.stream().map(CommonNodeTreeVO::getCode).collect(Collectors.toCollection(LinkedHashSet::new))) .orElseGet(Sets::newLinkedHashSet), (k1, k2) -> k2, LinkedHashMap::new )); }
100.java8 Stream example
(1)Use of Lambda expressions in Java - Franson - blog Garden