Custom iview selector (original) - Select All button Csearch

This component relies on the select of iView and can be freely used in projects with iView installed globally or in pages with select introduced locally.


Effect display

From left to right: unselected status, selected status and selected all status

Function description

  • The drop-down box is divided into three parts: selected list; Select all / deselect all button; Unselected list;
  • When an item in the unselected list is selected, the item will automatically pop from the unselected list to the selected list;
  • When an item in the selected list is selected, it will automatically pop from the selected list to the unselected list;
  • Keyword search is supported, and the input box displays the selected number;

Structure code

  <div class="c-search">
        v-for="i in selectedList"
        >{{ i.label }}</Option
        v-if="trans_unselList.length > 0"
        style="padding: 0px"
              s_arr.length !== unselList.length + selectedList.length
            s_arr.length !== unselList.length + selectedList.length
              ? "Select all"
              : "Deselect all"
        v-for="item in unselList"
        >{{ item.label }}</Option

data () {
    return {
      unselList: [], // Unselected array
      selectedList: [], // Selected array
      s_arr: [], // v-model binding options array
      add_tag: true, // New option tag
      allList: [], // Select all v-model binding options array
      init_list: [] // Select all selected arrays
  • According to s_ Whether the ARR length is the total length determines whether to select all or cancel all

Logic code

// Select all / deselect all
selectAllFun (isAll) {
  const self = this
  setTimeout(() => {
    self.s_arr = []
    if (isAll) { // Select all
      self.selectedList = []
      self.init_list.forEach(item => {
        // Copying in this way will not only copy the alias of the object (copying only the alias will lead to unwanted changes)
      self.unselList = []
      self.allList.forEach(item => {
    } else { // Deselect all
      self.selectedList = []
      self.unselList = []
      self.init_list.forEach(item => {
      self.s_arr = []
  }, 0)
add_or_del (o) {
  const self = this
  try {
    self.selectedList.forEach(function (item) {
      if (item.value === o.value) {
        self.add_tag = false
        throw new Error('')
  } catch (e) {
    return ''
  self.add_tag = true
  return ''
selectOption (o) {
  const self = this
  if (o.value !== 'all') {
    setTimeout(() => {
      if (self.add_tag) {
        try {
          self.unselList.forEach(function (item, index) {
            if (item.value === o.value) {
              self.unselList.splice(index, 1)
              throw new Error('')
        } catch (e) {
          // console.log(e)
      } else {
        try {
          self.selectedList.forEach(function (item, index) {
            if (item.value === o.value) {
              self.selectedList.splice(index, 1)
              throw new Error('')
        } catch (e) {
          // console.log(e)
    }, 100)
openChange (isopen) {
  if (!isopen) {
    var res = this.backList_handle(this.selectedList)
    this.$emit('func', res)
// Return to option list processing
backList_handle (list) {
  if (isArray(list)) {
    var res = []
    list.forEach(item => {
    return res
allList_setValue () {
  const self = this
  self.unselList.forEach(temp => {
// Get the option processing
selList_handle (trans, unsel) {
  const self = this
  setTimeout(() => {
    if (trans && trans.length > 0) {
      const sel = []
      const un_sel = []
      unsel.forEach(function (item, index) {
        if (item.value && trans.indexOf(item.value) !== -1) {
        } else if (item.value && trans.indexOf(item.value) === -1) {
      self.selectedList = sel
      // s_arr saves only value
      self.selectedList.forEach(item => {
      self.unselList = un_sel
      const res = this.backList_handle(self.selectedList)
      this.$emit('func', res)
    } else if (trans && trans.length === 0) {
      self.selectedList = []
      self.unselList = []
      self.init_list.forEach(item => {
      self.s_arr = []
      const res = this.backList_handle(self.selectedList)
      this.$emit('func', res)
  }, 0)
  • selectAllFun: handles the events of selecting all and canceling all. The parameter isAll determines whether the event of selecting all or canceling all is currently being processed

  • add_or_del: judge whether to add or delete options, and set the label add accordingly_ tag

  • selectOption: select an event according to add_tag performs corresponding deletion and addition processing

  • openChange: the drop-down box expands the stow event and passes the obtained option combination to the parent component when stowing

  • allList_setValue: when getting the unselected array for the first time, save it to alllist and init_list (see data for definition)

  • selList_handle: handle the selected items obtained from the parent component during initialization

Component application


import Csearch from '../c-search/index.vue'

components: {
  • import - > component registration - > use
  • Parent - > child parameters:
    • placeholder: input prompt text passed by parent component

    • trans_unselList: unselected list passed by parent component

    • isdisabled: the selector disabled state passed by the parent component

    • trans_selList: selected list passed by parent component

event hook

// Get the selected fruit
getFruitGroup_List (list) {
  this.sel_FruitGroup_List = list something
  • getFruitGroup_List: get the selected fruit


Full code:

Keywords: Front-end Vue.js

Added by TheDeadPool on Sat, 19 Feb 2022 13:33:08 +0200