Custom Monitoring (Aliyun & Zabbix)
At present, Aliyun has limited ports to 25, so it is impossible to set up a mail server on Aliyun to send alarm mail. If you need mail notification, you can take the following methods:
1. Open an E-mail with Aliyun Enterprise
2. Use Aliyun to monitor and alarm
3. Third-party zabbix custom script monitoring
I. Aliyun Custom Monitoring
Aliyun provides customized monitoring SDK, which helps us customize monitoring according to our own business. Next, I will introduce a simple customized monitoring configuration according to business requirements.
Ali provides two versions of the customized monitoring interface:
Custom monitoring SDK (python version):
Custom Monitoring SDK (bash Version):
Download address:
Demonstration using shell version
Monitor mysql master-slave status:
1. Create custom monitors
Script post method description
1. String in namespace, user aliuid
2. Monitor item name, the name that users fill in when they create a monitor item
3. Monitor item value, user report business data to cloud monitor
4. Field information, combined with monitoring items, represents the meaning of specific business fields.
mysql Master-slave monitoring script cat #!/bin/bash export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin export HOSTS=$(hostname) mysql_user='root' mysql_pass='' mail="" data=$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M) netstat -lntup|egrep ":3306"|grep -v grep>/dev/null0 if [ $? -eq 0 ];then Slave_IO=`mysql -u${mysql_user} -p${mysql_pass} -e "show slave status\G"|grep "Slave_IO_Running:"|awk -F": " '{print $2}'` Slave_SQL=`mysql -u${mysql_user} -p${mysql_pass} -e "show slave status\G"|grep "Slave_SQL_Running:"|awk -F": " '{print $2}'` if [ "$Slave_IO" == "Yes" ] && [ "$Slave_SQL" == "Yes" ];then STAT=1 && echo "$data mysql-status is ok">>/var/log/mysql-status.log else STAT=0 && echo "$data mysql-status is error">>/var/log/mysql-status.log fi else STAT=0 && echo "$data mysql-status is error">>/var/log/mysql-status.log fi /scripts/ 1931875513165389 mysql_status $STAT status=$HOSTS //Make timed tasks and call check scripts every minute to upload data Aliyun report script #!/bin/bash ######################################### #Usage: sh #Author: CMS Dev Team #Company: Aliyun Inc. #Version: 1.0 ######################################### #parameters instructions # $1: ali_uid, $2: metric_name, $3: metric_value, $4:fields #convert current time to milliseconds if [[ ! "$#" -eq 4 ]];then echo "usage: $0 userId, metricName, value, dimensions" echo "--multiple dimensions like 'ip=,hostname=cms'" exit 1 fi #biz time timestamp=`date +%s%N | cut -b1-13` #build dimensions json arr=(${4//,/ }) dimensions="{" for i in "${arr[@]}"; do kv=(${i//=/ }) dimensions=${dimensions}'"'${kv[0]}'":"'${kv[1]}'",' done dimensions=${dimensions%,*} dimensions=${dimensions}'}' #build namespace and metrics userId="$1" namespace="acs/custom/$1" metrics='[{"metricName":"'"$2"'","value":'"$3"',"unit":"None","timestamp":'"$timestamp"',"dimensions":'"$dimensions"'}]' url="" params="userId=$userId&namespace=$namespace&metrics=$metrics" echo "params: ${params}" curl -v ${url} --data ${params}
After adding the monitoring, the monitoring chart is as follows:
Alarm configuration
Status fills in variable HOSTNAME statistic cycle and fills in alarm trigger interval
2. Zabbix Monitoring Mode
zabbix-sender needs to be installed on the monitored server to submit and send data to zabbix-server
rpm -ivh yum install zabbix-sender -y
#!/bin/bash mysql_user='root' mysql_pass='' mail="" data=$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M) netstat -lntup|egrep ":3306"|grep -v grep>/dev/null0 if [ $? -eq 0 ];then Slave_IO=`mysql -u${mysql_user} -p${mysql_pass} -e "show slave status\G"|grep "Slave_IO_Running:"|awk -F": " '{print $2}'` Slave_SQL=`mysql -u${mysql_user} -p${mysql_pass} -e "show slave status\G"|grep "Slave_SQL_Running:"|awk -F": " '{print $2}'` if [ "$Slave_IO" == "Yes" ] && [ "$Slave_SQL" == "Yes" ];then STAT=1 && echo "$data mysql-status is ok">>/var/log/mysql-status.log else STAT=0 && echo "$data mysql-status is error">>/var/log/mysql-status.log fi else STAT=0 && echo "$data mysql-status is error">>/var/log/mysql-status.log fi zabbix_sender -z -s "test-mysql-status" -k mysql -o $STAT
- address of z zabbix-server
- s Monitoring Project Name
- k. Key value
Monitoring project
Monitoring Chart