Docker learning: customize Redis local container through Dockerfile (advanced application)


This lecture is from Docker series explanation courses , a separate section, Previous chapters It is mainly theory + practice. Since this chapter, it has entered the advanced application of Docker.

Before browsing this article, it is recommended to understand Use of Dockerfile core commandsOptimization of Dockerfile

After mastering the use of Dockerfile, it is helpful to learn yaml files in later k8s. They all complete the automatic deployment of containers by writing configuration files.

1, Customize Redis local container through Dockerfile

1. Download the source code package of the specified version on the official redis website and upload it to the specified folder of the host computer

note appended: redis official website ,redis-6.0.6.tar.gz Download

cd && mkdir -p test/image/docker-redis  #Switch to the root directory and create a directory
cd test/image/docker-redis  #Switch to the image storage directory
rz  #Upload the downloaded redis source package

2. Edit Dockerfile

vim Dockerfile
FROM centos
RUN ["yum","install","-y","gcc","gcc-c++","net-tools","make"]   # Install the operating environment that IDS depends on
WORKDIR /usr/local
ADD redis-6.0.6.tar.gz .                                        # Unzip the source package to the current WORKDIR
WORKDIR /usr/local/redis-6.0.6/src
RUN make && make install                                        # Compile and install in the extracted src directory
WORKDIR /usr/local/redis-6.0.6
RUN ["mkdir","/etc/redis"] && ["cp","redis.conf","/etc/redis/6379.conf"]   # Copy a configuration file to etc (try not to modify the original configuration file)
EXPOSE 7000                                                     # Specifies the port on which the container is exposed
CMD ["../bin/redis-server","redis.config"]                      # Specify the profile to start Redis service

3.docker build -t build container

docker build -f Dockerfile -t .

Special note: if the dockerfile itself is in the current directory when the docker build command is executed, you can not specify the location of the dockerfile with - f; The following image name can also be customized according to the actual situation. Tail, If you're interested in him, Click to enter (see Chapter 3).  

If there is no syntax error in your Dockerfile, you can see the following prompt for successful construction and return the id of the image

4.docker images view container list

docker images  #View and verify whether the self built image is built successfully

You can see that the image you built is successful

5.docker run runs redis container

docker run -d --name redis -p 7000:6379 

6. After docker PS checks the container id, exec enters the container

docker ps -a
docker exec -it redis /bin/bash

2, Use the Redis container provided on the docker official website

In practice, Redis images are rarely customized. Go directly to the official to find the image name and pull through docker Official image Name is enough.

docker pull reids:6.2.6    #Pull the specified redis version image
docker images              #View mirror list
docker run -d redis:6.2.6  
docker exec -it a9 /bin/bash  #Enter the inside of the container according to the initial of the container ID
cd /usr/local/bin/
redis-cli   #Run redis client
set k2 hell
get k2


The use of dockerfile is relatively simple compared with yaml. It is mainly to specify the benchmark image FROM, then ADD the downloaded installation package FROM the host to the container through ADD or COPY, then execute some commands through run, and finally use CMD command, Start the container service (so that when using the image, you can automatically start the internal service of the container when running the image directly through the docker run command).

Of course, in actual work, the official image is usually pulled directly, and then some modifications, configurations, clusters and other operations are done on the basis of this image. This article will not expand in depth, but mainly introduce the simple use of Dockerfile.

Last words

The content of this lecture is from Docker introduction to advanced The content extracted from it, although the knowledge points are relatively simple, is also an indispensable part of docker's learning. I hope it will be helpful to you. If there is anything wrong, please criticize and correct it. On the way of learning, we will forge ahead together!

note appended

Guess what you might be interested in

1,Eight core commands of Dockerfile | use of Dockerfile

2,Optimization of Dockerfile

3,Docker external browser accessing containers | container accessing containers | five common ways to access containers | - p -P detailed explanation

4,Docker container five (3 + 2) network modes | bridge mode | host mode | none mode | container mode | detailed explanation of user-defined network mode

5,Docker container life cycle | the difference between kill and stop

6,Data mounting and sharing between Docker containers | remote sharing & mounting data volume | sshfs mounting remote volume | accessing remote host through sshfs inside the container

Keywords: Docker Redis Container

Added by Schlo_50 on Sun, 30 Jan 2022 19:14:18 +0200