Data analysis notes

Data analysis

1. to_datetime()

errors: {ignore ',' raise ',' coerce '}, the default is' raise'

  • If "raise", an invalid resolution throws an exception
  • If it is "coerce", set invalid resolution to NaT
  • If it is "ignore", invalid parsing will return input

2. isnull()

The program returns a Boolean value. If it is a missing value, it returns True. If it is not a missing value, it returns False

3. dropna()

dropna(axis=0, how='any', thresh=None, subset=None, inplace=False)


Axis: axis. 0 or 'index', indicating deletion by line; 1 or 'columns', indicating deletion by column.

how: filtering method‘ any 'means that the row / column will be deleted as long as there is more than one null value in the row / column‘ All 'indicates that all the rows / columns are null, and the row / column will be deleted.

thresh: minimum number of non empty elements. int type, the default is None. If the number of non empty elements in the row / column is less than this value, the row / column will be deleted.

Subset: subset. List, the element is the index of the row or column. If axis=0 or 'index', the element in the subset is the index of the column; If axis=1 or 'column', the element in the subset is the index of the row. The sub area restricted by subset is the condition judgment area to judge whether to delete the row / column.

inplace: whether to replace in place. Boolean value, which defaults to False. If True, the operation is performed on the original DataFrame, and the return value is None.

4. The eval() function of pandas realizes the high-performance operation of DataFrame with string Algebra:

# The ordinary Pandas method calculates the sum of four dataframes
%timeit df1 + df2 + df3 + df4
# 93.4 ms ± 8.72 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

# pd.eval and string algebra calculate and get the same result (twice as fast as the ordinary method, less memory consumption and the same result)
%timeit pd.eval('df1 + df2 + df3 + df4')
# 49.4 ms ± 3.82 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
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5. pivot_table

Parameter margins, margins_name

These two parameters are used to summarize and display the grouped data in the pivot table. It should be noted that only margins=True, and the parameter margins_ The setting of name will take effect.

pivot_ Parameters of table()

Parameter nameexplain
valuesThe name of the column to aggregate
rowsPivot table rows
colsPivotTable columns
aggfuncAggregate function or function list
fill_valueUsed to replace missing values
marginsAdd row / column subtotals and totals



   # Merge promotion and non promotion
       data_csv_all_sum = pd.DataFrame({"Promotion sales amount": yes_mid_meoney.iloc[:, 0], "Non promotional sales amount": no_mid_meoney.iloc[:, 0]})
       data_csv_all_sum.fillna(0, inplace=True)


   data_csv_shengxian["week"] = data_csv['Sales date'].apply(lambda x: x.weekofyear)
   Return week serial number


  import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif']=['SimHei'] # Used to display Chinese labels
  plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus']=False # Used to display negative signs
  plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (16.0, 10.0) # Adjust the maximum size of the generated chart
  plt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 300 # Dots per inch

Call PLT rcParams. Keys() can obtain all parameters and default values of rcparams.
For example:

'figure.dpi': 100.0   Dots per inch
'figure.figsize': [6.0, 4.0]  Maximum size of generated chart
'font.size': 10.0  font size
'hist.bins': 10  Number of histogram boxes
'lines.linewidth': 1.5  line width
'lines.marker': 'None'  Tag style
'savefig.format': 'png'  Save picture format
'savefig.jpeg_quality': 95  Picture quality
'text.color': 'black'  text color
'timezone': 'UTC'  Time zone format

10. figure syntax and operation

(1)figure Syntax description

figure(num=None, figsize=None, dpi=None, facecolor=None, edgecolor=None, frameon=True)

num:Image number or name, number is number and string is name
figsize:appoint figure Width and height of, in inches;
dpi Parameter specifies the resolution of the drawing object, that is, how many pixels per inch. The default value is 80      One inch equals two.5cm,A4 Paper is 21*30cm Paper 
facecolor:background color 
edgecolor:Border color
frameon:Show border

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 Create custom image

11. from collections import Counter

Count the string \ list \ Yuanzu \ dictionary and return data of a dictionary type. The key is the element and the value is the number of occurrences of the element

The conversion code of dictionary format data dict to numpy array format data is flight_np = np.array(list(flight_dict.values()))

12. plt. The text() function sets the text description.

x, y Represents a value on a coordinate value
string:Indicates descriptive text
fontsize Indicates the font size
verticalalignment: Vertical alignment, parameters:[ 'center' | 'top' | 'bottom' | 'baseline' ]
Abbreviation: va
horizontalalignment: Horizontal alignment, parameters:[ 'center' | 'right' | 'left' ]
Abbreviation: ha

13. plt.figure

figure(num=None, figsize=None, dpi=None, facecolor=None, edgecolor=None, frameon=True)

num:Image number or name, number is number and string is name
figsize:appoint figure Width and height of, in inches;
dpi Parameter specifies the resolution of the drawing object, that is, how many pixels per inch. The default value is 80      One inch equals two.5cm,A4 Paper is 21*30cm Paper 
facecolor:background color 
edgecolor:Border color
frameon:Show border

14. Four methods for Python pandas to create DataFrame

15. plt. Detailed explanation of plot()

16. Drawing steps

(1) Cut out the whole row of data to be sorted

(2) Create pivot_table intercepts the abscissa and value

(3) Create a DataFrame and throw the value in

(4) Turn data into a list

(5) Drawing, setting abscissa and ordinate

17. Drawing parameters

18. k-means clustering

  1. Point size of scatter chart

s = 1

19. Add a column to the multidimensional matrix

20. Python based data visualization: from one dimension to multi dimension

Keywords: Python Data Analysis

Added by Rich464 on Fri, 17 Dec 2021 12:27:25 +0200