Data structure (8-3) binary sort tree (find, insert, delete)


1, Basic theory

1. Features:

2. Structure:

2, Search

3, Insert

4, Delete

1. The deleted node D is a leaf node

2. The deleted node D has only one child

2-1. Delete node 14 (left or right)

2-2. Delete node {10 (right or left)

3. Both left and right children of the deleted node exist

Method 1: replace the root node with the largest node of the left subtree

Method 2: replace the root node with the smallest node of the right subtree

Total code

reference material

1, Basic theory

1. Features:

(1) If its left subtree is not empty, the values of all nodes on the left subtree are less than the values of its root node;

(2) If its right subtree is not empty, the values of all nodes on the right subtree are greater than the values of its root node;

(3) Its {left and right subtrees are binary sort trees respectively.

2. Structure:

Binary tree

2, Search

(1) Starting from the root, if not found, obtain the empty node address and return;

(2) If equal, find, prompt and exit;

(3) Key < node, traversing left (recursive lchild)

(4) Key > node, right traversal (recursive rchild)

(you can locate while searching, and finally return to the location to be searched)

The search operation of binary sort tree is very similar to binary search. Let's try to find the node with the value of 13.

Step 1: access the root node {8

Step 2: according to the property that the left subtree of the binary sort tree is smaller than the root node and the right subtree is larger than the root node, 13 > 8, so the node with the value of 13 may be in the right subtree of root node 8. Let's check the right subtree of root node # 10:

Step 3: similar to step 2, 13 > 10, so check the right child of node ^ 10 ^ 14:

Step 4: according to the property that the left subtree of the binary sort tree is smaller than the root node and the right subtree is larger than the root node, 13 < 14. Therefore, check the left subtree of ^ 13, and find that it is just equal to the value to be found:

//Find binary sort tree
void Search_BST(pBiTree* T, int key)		//keyword
	//Search failed (no value, need to add)
	if (!(*T))
		p = T;
	//Search succeeded
	if (key == (*T)->data)
		printf("Search succeeded!\n");
		success = 1;
	else if (key < (*T)->data)
		Search_BST(&((*T)->lchild), key);		//Small, traverse to the left
		Search_BST(&((*T)->rchild), key);		//Large, traverse to the right

3, Insert

Find it first, locate it to the position to be inserted, and insert it directly.  

The first node is placed in the root, and the following nodes are judged with each node in front. The small node is placed on the left and the large node is placed on the right.


//Insert binary sort tree
void Insert_BST(int key)			//Indexes
	Search_BST(&head, key);
	if (success)
	//Not found (create a new node to accommodate)
	(*p) = (pBiTree)malloc(sizeof(pBiTree));

	(*p)->data = key;				//storage
	//Assign null values to the left and right subtrees
	(*p)->lchild = NULL;
	(*p)->rchild = NULL;

4, Delete

The delete operation is different from the find and insert operations. We need to deal with it in the following three cases:

1. The deleted node D is a leaf node

You can delete it directly from the binary sort tree, and it will not affect the structure of the tree.

2. The deleted node D has only one child

(1) If there are only left children and no right children, you only need to link the left child of the node to be deleted to the parent node of the node to be deleted, and then delete node D; (overwrite)

(2) If there is only a right child and no left child, just reconnect the right child to delete node d to the parent node to delete node D. (overwrite)

2-1. Delete node 14 (left or right)


Save node # 13 # where node # 14 # is to be deleted to the temporary variable temp, and delete node # 14;

Set {right child} of the parent node} 10} of the deleted node {14} to temp, that is, node} 13.

2-2. Delete node {10 (right or left)


Save node # 14 # of node # 10 # to be deleted to the temporary variable temp, and delete node # 10;

Set {right child} of the parent node {8} of the deleted node {10} to temp, that is, node} 14.

3. Both left and right children of the deleted node exist

Replace the vertex with the maximum value in the left subtree or the minimum value in the right subtree.

(this situation is more complicated. This time, we will make the graph a little more complicated and add a left child node to the original node # 10 # 9.)

The middle order traversal results of the above binary sort tree are as follows:

Take deleting vertex 8 as an example:

Method 1: replace the root node with the largest node of the left subtree

(1) Get the largest node in the left subtree 7

(2) Replace the value of deleted node {8} with {7}

(3) Delete the left subtree of the root node as the node with the largest median (consider whether the node has left children)

Method 2: replace the root node with the smallest node of the right subtree

(1) Find and delete the right subtree of node ^ 8 ^ and the node with the smallest median, that is, ^ 9

(2) Replace the value of deleted node , 8 , with , 9

(3) Delete the right subtree of the root node as the node with the smallest median (consider whether the node has right children)

Code 1: locate the node to be deleted

//Delete (locate the deleted node)
void Delete_BST(pBiTree* p, int key)
	if (*p)			//Node exists
		if (key == (*p)->data)
		else if (key < (*p)->data)
			Delete_BST(&(*p)->lchild, key);		//Recursive left
			Delete_BST(&(*p)->rchild, key);		//Recursive right

Code 2: single node deletion

//Delete Vertex 
void Delete(pBiTree* p)
	pBiTree s;
	//1. Left and right are empty
	if (!(*p)->lchild && !(*p)->rchild)
		*p = NULL;
	//2. Left subtree is empty
	else if (!(*p)->lchild)
		*p = (*p)->rchild;		//cover
	//3. The right subtree is empty
	else if (!(*p)->rchild)
		*p = (*p)->lchild;		//cover
	//4. The left and right subtrees are not empty (two methods: find the maximum value of the left subtree / find the minimum value of the right subtree)
	//Here, choose to find the maximum value of the left subtree
		pBiTree q = (*p);
		s = (*p)->lchild;			//Locate the left subtree first
		while (s->rchild)
			q = s;					//Save previous node
			s = s->rchild;			//Look back
		(*p)->data = s->data;		//cover
		//Consider: there is a left node
		p = &q;						//Navigate to previous node
		(*p)->rchild = s->lchild;	//Reconnecting q right subtree

Total code

//Binary sort tree (find, insert, delete)

#define MAXSIZE 20
int data[MAXSIZE];
int length = 0;					//Array length
int success = 0;				//Is the record found successfully

//Binary tree structure
typedef struct BiTree
	int data;
	struct BiTree* lchild, * rchild;
}BiTree, * pBiTree, ** p2BiTree;
BiTree* head;
pBiTree* p;

//input data
void Input()
	int Data;
	int i = 0;
	printf("Please enter initial data:\t");

	//input data
		scanf("%d", &Data);
		data[i++] = Data;
	} while (getchar() != '\n');

	length = i;			//Record array length

//Binary tree initialization
void Init_BiTree()
	head = NULL;

//Find binary sort tree
void Search_BST(pBiTree* T, int key)		//keyword
	success = 0;				//Initialization does not affect the search results
	//Search failed (no value, need to add)
	if (!(*T))
		p = T;
	//Search succeeded
	if (key == (*T)->data)
		printf("Search succeeded!\n");
		success = 1;
	else if (key < (*T)->data)
		Search_BST(&((*T)->lchild), key);		//Small, traverse to the left
		Search_BST(&((*T)->rchild), key);		//Large, traverse to the right

void Insert_BST(int key)					//Indexes
	Search_BST(&head, key);
	if (success)
	//Not found (create a new node to accommodate)
	(*p) = (pBiTree)malloc(sizeof(pBiTree));

	(*p)->data = key;				//storage
	//Assign null values to the left and right subtrees
	(*p)->lchild = NULL;
	(*p)->rchild = NULL;

//Delete Vertex 
void Delete(pBiTree* p)
	pBiTree s;
	//1. Left and right are empty
	if (!(*p)->lchild && !(*p)->rchild)
		*p = NULL;
	//2. Left subtree is empty
	else if (!(*p)->lchild)
		*p = (*p)->rchild;		//cover
	//3. The right subtree is empty
	else if (!(*p)->rchild)
		*p = (*p)->lchild;		//cover
	//4. The left and right subtrees are not empty (two methods: find the maximum value of the left subtree / find the minimum value of the right subtree)
	//Here, choose to find the maximum value of the left subtree
		pBiTree q = (*p);
		s = (*p)->lchild;			//Locate the left subtree first
		while (s->rchild)
			q = s;					//Save previous node
			s = s->rchild;			//Look back
		(*p)->data = s->data;		//cover
		//Consider: there is a left node
		p = &q;						//Navigate to previous node
		(*p)->rchild = s->lchild;	//Reconnecting q right subtree

//Delete (locate the deleted node)
void Delete_BST(pBiTree* p, int key)
	if (*p)			//Node exists
		if (key == (*p)->data)
		else if (key < (*p)->data)
			Delete_BST(&(*p)->lchild, key);		//Recursive left
			Delete_BST(&(*p)->rchild, key);		//Recursive right

//Middle order traversal output
void Inorder_Traverse(pBiTree p)
	if (p)
		printf("%d ", p->data);

int main()
	int key;
	Input();							//input

	Init_BiTree();					    //Binary tree initialization

	for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
		Insert_BST(data[i]);	        //Insert binary sort tree

	printf("\n Please enter the data to be deleted:\t");
	scanf("%d", &key);
	Delete_BST(&head, key);

	printf("Please enter the data to query:\t");
	scanf("%d", &key);
	Search_BST(&head, key);

	printf("\n Please enter the data to be inserted:\t");
	scanf("%d", &key);
	Search_BST(&head, key);

	Inorder_Traverse(head);		//Traversal (medium order traversal, output from small to large)

	return 0;

reference material

Keywords: C++ Algorithm data structure Binary tree

Added by fusionxn1 on Sun, 26 Dec 2021 05:21:42 +0200