Data structure and algorithm learning note tree

Data structure and algorithm learning notes (7) tree

Previous review

1, Definition of tree and binary tree

1. Trees

Definition of tree

Recursive nested definition

  • Other representations of trees

It's a bit like this markdown syntax:

  • A
  • B
    • E
      • K
      • L
    • F
  • C
    • G
  • D
    • H
      • M
    • I
    • J

Basic terms of trees

The degree of a node is also the number of branches and the number of successors

    • Ordered tree: the subtrees of nodes in the tree are ordered from left to right (the leftmost is the first child)

    • Unordered tree: the subtrees of the nodes in the tree have no order

    • Forest: a collection of m(m ≥ 0) disjoint trees

      Tree to forest:

Comparison between tree structure and linear structure

2. Binary tree

Definition of binary tree

The difference between binary tree and tree

Binary tree and tree are two concepts. Binary tree is not a special case of tree

  • example

  • Although they are two concepts, the basic terms related to trees are applicable to binary trees

Basic form of binary tree

3. Abstract data type definition of tree and binary tree


  • Mainly learn the abstract data type definition of binary tree

    • There are many basic operations. The following are the main ones:

2, Properties and storage structure of binary tree

1. Properties of binary tree

① Binary tree properties 1, 2, 3

  • Number of nodes per layer

    • There is at least one node on layer i
  • Total number of nodes

  • Relationship between the number of leaves and the number of nodes with degree 2

    n represents the total number of nodes

    n 1 n_1 n1 represents a node with a degree of 1

    • 🤩 Top down and then bottom up thinking

② Two special forms of binary trees: full binary tree and complete binary tree

Definition and characteristics
  • Full binary tree

  • Complete binary tree

    • Judgment skills

    • characteristic

    [external chain picture transfer failed. The source station may have an anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-qtpivbor-1637761025234)( )]

Relationship between the two

③ Properties 4 and 5 of binary tree (two properties of complete binary tree)

  • Property 4: depth of complete binary tree

  • Property 5: relationship between node numbers

    • Property 5 shows the relationship between parent node numbers and child node numbers in a complete binary tree

      Proof: mathematical induction

Judge complete binary tree: with the help of queue

2. Storage structure of binary tree

[external link picture transfer failed. The source station may have anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-lwsp7ijn-1637761025237)( )]

① Sequential storage

  • Implementation: according to the node level number of the full binary tree, the data elements in the binary tree are stored in turn

  • For example:

    First from top to bottom, then from left to right

  • type definition

    #define MAXTSIZE 100
    typedef TElemType SqBiTree[MAXTSIZE];
    SqBiTree bt;

    The above SqBiTree is a data type, and the defined variable type is texttype [maxsize]

    That is, the bt above is an array of texttype with maxsize elements

  • Look at an example

  • Characteristics of binary tree sequential storage

② Chain storage

Binary linked list
  • Characteristics of binary tree nodes

  • Storage structure definition

    typedef struct BiNode{
    	TElemType	data;
    	struct BiNode	*lchild,*rchild;	//Left and right child pointers
    • Look at an example

  • Number of empty finger fields

    • Each node has a connection to its parents, except the root node
      • Therefore, only the chain domain of n-1 nodes will store pointers to non empty child nodes
Trigeminal linked list
  • Sometimes you need to find a precursor

3, Traversing binary tree and clue binary tree

1. Overview of traversal method

  • Focus on DLR, LDR and LRD

    According to the recursive definition of binary tree, traversing left subtree and right subtree can be "recursive" as traversing binary tree

Operation definition of preordered traversal of binary tree

Operation definition of traversing binary tree in middle order

Operation definition of post order traversal of binary tree


  • Preamble: ABDGCEHF
  • Middle order: DGBAEHCF
  • Later: GDBHEFCA

  • Precedence: - + a × b-cd/ef

  • Middle order: a+b × c-d-e/f

  • Later: abcd- ×+ ef/-

2. Determine the binary tree according to the traversal sequence

  • If the values of each node in the binary tree are different, the pre order sequence, middle order sequence and post order sequence of binary tree nodes are unique

  • The unique binary tree can be determined by the pre order sequence and middle order sequence of the binary tree, or by the post order sequence and middle order sequence of the binary tree

    • example

      [the external chain picture transfer fails. The source station may have an anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (IMG hgendyck-163776102558)( )]

    • example

3. Implementation of traversal method of binary tree

Preorder traversal recursive algorithm

Status PreOrderTraverse(BiTree T){
	if(T==NULL)	return OK;	//Empty binary tree
		visit(T);	//Access root node
		PreOrderTraverse(T->lchild);	//Recursive traversal of left subtree
		PreOrderTraverse(T->rchild);	//Recursive traversal of right subtree

  • Preorder sequence


Middle order traversal recursive algorithm

Status InOrderTraverse(BiTree T){
	if(T==NULL)	return OK;	//Empty binary tree
		InOrderTraverse(T->lchild);	//Recursive traversal of left subtree
		visit(T);	//Access root node
		InOrderTraverse(T-rchild);	//Recursive traversal of right subtree

Postorder traversal recursive algorithm

Status PostOrderTraverse(BiTree T){
	if(T==NULL)	return OK;	//Empty binary tree
		PostOrderTraverse(T->lchild);	//Recursive traversal of left subtree
		PostOrderTraverse(T-rchild);	//Recursive traversal of right subtree
		visit(T);	//Access root node

Comparative analysis of three recursive traversal algorithms

Space is stack

Middle order traversal non recursive algorithm

Status InOrderTraverse(BiTree T){
	BiTree p;
	p=T;	//Point to root node
		return OK;

Hierarchical traversal algorithm of binary tree

  • Algorithm idea

  • Algorithm description

    Use sequential loop queue

    Queue types are defined as follows:

    typedef struct{
    	BTNode data[MaxSize];	//Store elements in the queue
    	int front, rear;		//Head and tail pointer
    }SqQueue;				//Sequential loop queue type

    Binary tree hierarchy traversal algorithm:

    void LevelOrder(BTNode *b){
    	BTNode *p;
    	SqQueue *qu;	//Initialize queue
    	enQueue(qu,b);	//The root node pointer enters the queue
    	while(!QueueEmpty(qu)){		//Loop if the queue is not empty
    		deQueue(qu,p);	//Outgoing node p
    		printf("%c",p->data);	//Access node p
    			enQueue(qu,p->lchild);	//When there are left children, let them join the team
    			enQueue(qu,p->rchild);	//When there are right children, let them join the team

4. Application of binary tree traversal algorithm

Algorithm for establishing binary tree

The binary linked list of binary tree is established by traversing the sequence in advance

The tree established according to a pre sequence is not unique, such as:

To avoid duplication, you can add empty nodes and use # instead

  • Algorithm description

    Status CreateBiTree(BiTree &T){
    	if(ch=="#") T=NULL;
    		{	//T=new BiTNode;
            T->data = ch;	//Generate root node
            CreateBiTree(T->lchild);	//Construct left subtree
            CreateBiTree(T->rchild);	//Construct right subtree
        return OK;

Duplicate binary tree

  • Algorithm idea

  • Algorithm description

    int Copy(BiTree T, BiTree &NewT){
    	if(T==NULL){	//If it is an empty tree, return 0
    		return 0;
    		NewT=new BiTNode;

Calculate the depth of the binary tree

  • Algorithmic thought

  • Algorithm description

    int Depth(BiTree T){
    	if(T==NULL)	return 0;
    			return (m+1);
    			return (n+1);

Calculate the total number of binary tree nodes

  • Algorithmic thought

    Plus 1 is the root node

  • Algorithm description

    int NodeCount(BiTree T){
    		return 0;
    		return NodeCount(T->lchild)+NodeCount(T->rchild)+1;

Calculate the number of leaf nodes of binary tree

  • Algorithmic thought

  • Algorithm description

    int LeafCount(BiTree T){
    	if(T==NULL)	//If it is an empty tree, return 0
    		return 0;
    	if(T->lchild == NULL && T->rchild == NULL)
    		return 1;	//If it is a leaf node, return 1
    		return LeafCount(T->lchild) + LeafCount(T->rchild);

5. Clue binary tree

  • why

    • Possible solutions

    • Review the empty finger field

      [external chain picture transfer failed. The source station may have anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the picture and upload it directly (img-lofyc38f-163776102579)( )]

    • Empty finger needle field using binary linked list

  • what

    • The process of turning a binary tree into a clue binary tree in a certain ergodic order is called cueing

    • example

  • Node structure

    typedef struct BiThrNode{
    	int data;
    	int ltag,rtag;
    	struct BiThrNode *lchild,*rchild;
    }BiThrNode, *BiThrTree;

Storage of clue binary tree

Preordered clue binary tree

Middle order clue binary tree

Post ordered clue binary tree

Add head node

4, Trees and forests

1. Storage structure of tree

Parental representation

  • C language type description

Child list

  • C language type description

  • Add more data fields

Child brother representation (binary tree representation, binary linked list representation)

  • example

2. Transformation between tree and binary tree

Tree to binary tree

  • example

  • law

  • example

Binary tree to tree

  • example

3. Transformation between forest and binary tree (relationship between binary tree and multiple trees)

Forest to binary tree

  • example

Binary tree into forest

  • example

4. Traversal of trees and forests

Tree traversal (three ways)

Forest traversal

  • Preorder traversal

  • Medium order traversal

  • example

5, Huffman tree

1. Introduction

  • optimization

  • Huffman tree

2. Basic concepts

Path, path length, weight

In the binary tree with the same number of nodes, the complete binary tree is the binary tree with the shortest path length

Huffman tree
  • example

Characteristics of Huffman tree
  • A full binary tree is not necessarily an optimal binary tree (Huffman tree)
  • The more powerful the leaf in the Huffman tree, the closer it is to the root
  • Huffman trees with the same weighted nodes are not unique

3. Construction algorithm of Huffman tree

  • C language implementation:

Huffman algorithm (method of constructing Huffman tree)

  • example

  • example

Characteristics of Huffman algorithm

Implementation of Huffman tree construction algorithm
  • Sequential storage structure

  • example

  • Algorithm implementation

    • code implementation

      void CreatHuffmanTree(HuffmanTree HT,int n){//Constructing Huffman tree -- Huffman algorithm
      	if(n<=1) return;
      	m=2*n-1;	//The array has 2n-1 elements in total
      	HT = new HTNode[m+1];	//Cell 0 is not used, HT[m] represents the root node
      	for(i=1;i<=m;++i){	//Set lch, rch and parent of 2n-1 elements to 0
      		cin>>HT[i].weight;//Enter the weight value of the first n elements
          //After initialization, let's start building Huffman tree
          for(i=n+1;i<=m;i++){	//Merging to produce n-1 nodes -- Constructing Huffman tree
              Select(HT,i-1,s1,s2);	//In HT[k](1 ≤ K ≤ i-1), select two nodes whose parent domain is 0 and whose weight is the smallest, and return their sequence numbers s1 and s2 in HT
              HT[s2].parent=i;	//Indicates that S1 and S2 are deleted from F
              HT[i].rch=s2;	//S1 and S2 are the left and right children of i
              HT[i].weight=HT[s1].weight+HT[s2].weight;	//The weight of i is the sum of the weight of left and right children
  • example

    • initialization
    • Constructing Huffman tree

Application of Huffman tree -- Huffman coding

  • introduce

  • example

Properties of Huffman coding

  • Example 54

Implementation of Huffman coding algorithm
  • example

  • Algorithm description

4. Application of Huffman tree

Encoding and decoding of files

  • introduce



7, Partial code implementation

Solve the random code of vscode terminal:

The previous notes are pseudo code

Code implementation reference of this part:

Qingdao University MOOC: Data structure and algorithm practice

Great tutorial!

Supplementary review: C + + template, STL

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

//The vector vector is also a template

int main()
   vector<int> v;

   for (auto x : v) //For every element x in v
       cout << x << endl;
   cout << endl;
   // return 0;
Episode: mentality burst

Tap the code into the tutorial and find that auto is wrong

I searched the expected primary expression before '}' token for a long time, but I couldn't find it. Another search method: VSCODE auto reported an error, and finally found it 😭

And found one

But the link above doesn't solve my problem

In order to solve the auto error report, toss for a long time

First solve it in dev:

vscode... Gave up 😅😅😅… Checked for more than an hour

Searching the Internet for various methods is still useless

You can't change C++17 to 11 directly 😅

Use dev directly 😅

  • Press the object into the container

    Create a class first

    #include <iostream>
    #include <vector>
    using namespace std;
    //The vector vector is also a template
    class Stu{
    		string id;
    		int score;
    	//Construction method
    		Stu(string id,int score){
    			this->id = id;
    			this->score = score;
    		friend ostream& operator << (ostream &o,const Stu& s);
    ostream& operator << (ostream&o,const Stu& s){
    	o <<"("<<<<","<<s.score<<")";
    int main()
      Stu s("007",99);

Object push into container

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

//The vector vector is also a template
class Stu{
		string id;
		int score;
	//Construction method
		Stu(string id,int score){
			this->id = id;
			this->score = score;
		friend ostream& operator << (ostream &o,const Stu& s);
ostream& operator << (ostream&o,const Stu& s){
	o <<"("<<<<","<<s.score<<")";
int main()
//  Stu s("007",99);
//  cout<<s<<endl;
	vector<Stu> v;
	//First Stu s("007",99); Then v.push_back(s); This is equivalent to copying, which is a little inefficient
	//It can be constructed in the container,
	for(auto x:v)
	 return 0;

Chain implementation of tree and binary tree (C + +)

Construction tree

c + + structure template

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template <class Elem>
//typedef is C-style, and the template of C + + is used here
struct BinNode
    Elem data;
    BinNode<Elem> *left;
    BinNode<Elem> *right;
    BinNode(Elem x)
    	data = x;
		left = right = NULL; 
//Write a binary tree with a class template 
template<class Elem> 
class BinTree{
	BinNode<Elem> *root;//Pointer to the root node
	BinTree() {root = NULL;}//Construct empty tree
	BinTree(Elem r){
		root = new BinNode<Elem>(r);//Construct root node 
	~BinTree() {
int main()
    BinTree<int> bt(11); 
    return 0;

Traversal tree

  • Preorder traversal
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template <class Elem>
//typedef is C-style, and the template of C + + is used here
struct BinNode
    Elem data;
    BinNode<Elem> *left;
    BinNode<Elem> *right;
    BinNode(Elem x)
    	data = x;
		left = right = NULL; 
//Write a binary tree with a class template 
template<class Elem> 
class BinTree{
	BinNode<Elem> *root;//Pointer to the root node
	void rpreprint(BinNode<Elem> *r)//Recursive print preorder traversal 
		if(r==NULL)	return ;//Null pointer call returns immediately
		cout<< r->data <<" ";
	BinTree() {root = NULL;}//Construct empty tree
	BinTree(Elem r){
		root = new BinNode<Elem>(r);//Construct root node 
	//Preorder traversal
	void preprint(){
		cout << endl; 
	~BinTree() {
int main()
    BinTree<int> bt(11); 
    return 0;
BinNode(Elem x)
	data = x;
	left = right = NULL; 

//Write a binary tree with a class template
class BinTree{
BinNode *root;// Pointer to the root node
BinTree() {root = NULL;} / / construct an empty tree
BinTree(Elem r){
root = new BinNode ®;// Construct root node

~BinTree() {

int main()
BinTree bt(11);
return 0;

#### Traversal tree

- Preorder traversal

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template <class Elem>
//typedef is C-style, and the template of C + + is used here
struct BinNode
    Elem data;
    BinNode<Elem> *left;
    BinNode<Elem> *right;
    BinNode(Elem x)
    	data = x;
		left = right = NULL; 
//Write a binary tree with a class template 
template<class Elem> 
class BinTree{
	BinNode<Elem> *root;//Pointer to the root node
	void rpreprint(BinNode<Elem> *r)//Recursive print preorder traversal 
		if(r==NULL)	return ;//Null pointer call returns immediately
		cout<< r->data <<" ";
	BinTree() {root = NULL;}//Construct empty tree
	BinTree(Elem r){
		root = new BinNode<Elem>(r);//Construct root node 
	//Preorder traversal
	void preprint(){
		cout << endl; 
	~BinTree() {
int main()
    BinTree<int> bt(11); 
    return 0;

Keywords: C C++ data structure tree STL

Added by caedo on Thu, 25 Nov 2021 00:59:12 +0200