Data structure: circular linked list to solve Joseph problem

josephus problem

Origin of the problem

It is said that the famous Jewish historian Josephus had the following story: after the Romans occupied jotapat, 39 Jews hid in a cave with Josephus and his friends. 39 Jews decided that they would rather die than be caught by the enemy, so they decided a way of suicide. 41 people lined up in a circle, counting from the first person. Every time they counted to the third person, they had to commit suicide, Then count off again from the next until everyone commits suicide. However, Josephus and his friends did not want to comply. Start with one person, Over k-2 people (because the first person has been crossed) and kill the k-th person. Then, cross the k-1 person and kill the k-th person. The process continues along the circle until there is only one person left, and the person can continue to live. The problem is, given and, where to stand in the first place to avoid execution. Josephus asked his friends to pretend to obey first, He arranged his friends and himself in the 16th and 31st positions, so he escaped the death game.

Loop linked list for simulation

Because the Joseph problem is a ring, it is also called Joseph Ring. Its structure is similar to the circular linked list, so it can be simulated with the circular linked list.


  • Create node

    class Person
        //Serial number
        private int num;
        //Subsequent pointer to the next node
        private Person next;
        public Person(int num) {
            this.num = num;
        public int getNum() {
            return num;
        public void setNum(int num) {
            this.num = num;
        public Person getNext() {
            return next;
        public void setNext(Person next) {
   = next;
  • Create a one-way circular linked list

    1. First create the first header node, and make the first pointer point to the node and the next pointer point to itself to form a ring.

    2. After each new node is created, it is added to the existing ring linked list.

     * One way circular linked list
    class CircleSingleLinkedList
         * Create a first node
        private Person first;
         * Add nodes to build a ring linked list
         * @param nums Number of nodes to create
        public void addPerson(int nums)
            if (nums < 1)
                System.out.println("nums Incorrect value!");
            //Help build circular linked list
            Person temp = null;
            //Use for to create our circular linked list
            for (int i = 1; i <= nums ; i++)
                //Create node by number
                Person person = new Person(i);
                //Head node
                if (i == 1)
                    first = person;
                    //Form a ring
                    //Let the pointer point to the first node
                    temp = first;
                temp = person;
  • Traverse circular linked list

    1. Let an auxiliary pointer temp point to the first header node first
    2. Traverse the ring linked list through the while loop
    public void list()
        if (first == null)
            System.out.println("Empty linked list");
        //The head node cannot move, and the auxiliary pointer is used to traverse
        Person temp = first;
        while (true)
            //Traversal complete
            if (temp.getNext() == first)
            //Pointer backward
            temp = temp.getNext();
  • Calculate the output order of each node

    1. Create an auxiliary pointer end to point to the last node of the linked list

    2. According to the start position startNum, let the first and end pointers move startNum-1 times at the same time

    3. Start counting. Each time you count, move the first and end pointers backward countNums-1 times

    4. Finally, the node pointed to by the first pointer is the node to be listed

    5. Remove the node and repeat step 34.

     * Calculate the order of people out of the circle according to the user's input
     * @param startNum     Indicates the number of people to count off from
     * @param countNums    It means counting several times at a time
     * @param personNums  Indicates how many people were there at first
    public void play(int startNum,int countNums,int personNums)
        if (first == null || startNum < 1 || startNum > personNums)
            System.out.println("Error in parameter input, please re-enter");
        //Create auxiliary pointer
        Person end = first;
        //Before starting counting, let the end pointer point to the last node
        while (true)
            if (end.getNext() == first)
            end = end.getNext();
        //Before counting, let first and end calibrate according to startNum
        for (int i = 0; i < startNum - 1; i++)
            first = first.getNext();
            end = end.getNext();
        //When counting, let the first and end pointers move (countnum-1) times at the same time
        while (true)
            //There is only one node in the circle
            if (end == first)
            for (int i = 0; i < countNums - 1; i++)
                first = first.getNext();
                end = end.getNext();
            System.out.printf("Out of circle number:%d\n",first.getNum());
            first = first.getNext();
        System.out.printf("The last number left in the circle is:%d\n",first.getNum());


public class Josephu
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        CircleSingleLinkedList circleSingleLinkedList = new CircleSingleLinkedList();
        //Add node
        //Traversal linked list
        //Calculate the cycle order and output,5,6);
//Output results:
 Out of circle number:5
 Out of circle number:4
 Out of circle number:6
 Out of circle number:2
 Out of circle number:3
 The last number left in the circle is: 1

If there are errors or deficiencies, please comment and correct.

Keywords: Java data structure linked list Singly Linked List

Added by sullyman on Thu, 30 Dec 2021 10:56:13 +0200