Data structure learning, hash table (chain address)

Dear friends, happy new year.

Hash table is essentially an array, and chain address is the array that stores the linked list.

The hash function is used to properly calculate a number to obtain the hash value of the number, and the hash table is searched, inserted and deleted according to the hash value.

Suppose this is a hash table H with a capacity of 5 and a length of 0; All five pointers are NULL;

First, we have a number: 3; Assume that the hash value obtained is 2, as shown in the figure:

Then make 3 the first node of the third linked list in the array storing the five linked lists.

As shown in the figure:

This is the operation of inserting and deleting. You can also learn from the operation of single linked list.

Let's see how to achieve it


Header file and macro definition to be referenced in advance

The structure of the hash table used

Hash function used

Its basic operation interface

Initialize hash table

Destroy hash table





Testing of some interfaces

Header file and macro definition to be referenced in advance

//using namespace std;

#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define OK 1
#define ERROR 0
#define OVERFLOW -1
#define UNSUCCESS 0
#define SUCCESS 1
typedef int ElemType;
typedef int Status;
typedef int KeyType;

The structure of the hash table used

//(chain address)
typedef struct {
	KeyType Key;
	//Other data can be stored here
}RecordType, RcdType;
typedef struct Node {                       //In fact, this pointer is a linked list
	RcdType r;
	struct Node* next;
typedef struct {
	Node** rcd;								//Pointer to array
	int size;								//Capacity of hash table
	int count;								//Number of records contained in the current table
	int(*hash)(KeyType key, int hashSize);	//Function pointer variable, select hash function

Hash function used

int hash(int key, int hashSize)
{//Hash function, hashSize is the length of address space (the capacity of hash table)
	return (3 * key) % hashSize;

There are many kinds of hash functions

1. Direct addressing method. Your number is 98. Go directly to H.rcd[98]. hash = 98

2. In addition to the remainder method, hash = keyword% (a number you like (generally the capacity of the hash table)) is also my choice.

3. Digital analysis method,

4. Folding method,

5. Square middle method,

Wait. 3, 4, 5 if you are interested, just search it. I won't talk about it.

Its basic operation interface

Status InitHash(HashTable& H, int size, int(*hash)(KeyType, int));	//Initialize hash table
Status DestroyHash(HashTable& H);									//Destroy hash table
Node* SearchHash(HashTable H, KeyType key);							//lookup
Status InsertHash(HashTable& H, RcdType e);							//insert
Status DeleteHash(HashTable& H, KeyType key, RcdType& e);			//delete
void HashTraverse(HashTable H);										//ergodic

Initialize hash table

Status InitHash(HashTable& H, int size, int(*hash)(KeyType, int))
	H.rcd = (Node**)malloc(size*sizeof(Node*));
	if (H.rcd != NULL)
		for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
			H.rcd[i] = NULL;			
		H.size = size;
		H.hash = hash;
		H.count = 0;
		return OK;
		return OVERFLOW;

Destroy hash table

Status DestroyHash(HashTable& H)
	if (H.rcd != NULL)
		Node* np, * nt;
		for (int i = 0; i < H.size; i++)
			np = H.rcd[i];
			while (np != NULL)
				nt = np;
				np = np->next;
		H.size = 0;
		H.count = 0;
		H.hash = NULL;
		return OK;
		return OVERFLOW;


Node* SearchHash(HashTable H, KeyType key)
	int p = H.hash(key, H.size);
	Node* np;
	for (np = H.rcd[p]; np != NULL; np = np->next)
		if (np->r.Key == key)return np;
	return NULL;


Status InsertHash(HashTable& H, RcdType e)
	int p;
	Node* np;
	np = SearchHash(H, e.Key);
	if (np == NULL)
		p = H.hash(e.Key, H.size);
		np = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
		if (np != NULL)
			np->r = e;
			np->next = H.rcd[p];
			H.rcd[p] = np;
			return OK;
			return OVERFLOW;		
		return ERROR;


Status DeleteHash(HashTable& H, KeyType key, RcdType& e)
	Node* n;
	n = SearchHash(H, key);
	if (n != NULL)
		int p = H.hash(key, H.size);
		Node* np, * nq;
		np = H.rcd[p];
		nq = NULL;
		while (np != NULL)
			if (np->r.Key != key)
				nq = np;
				np = np->next;
				e = np->r;
				if (nq == NULL)//Header
					H.rcd[p] = np->next;
				else//Not a header
					nq->next = np->next;
		return OK;
		return ERROR;


void HashTraverse(HashTable H)
	if (H.rcd != NULL)
		Node* np, * nq;
		for (int i = 0; i < H.size; i++)
			np = H.rcd[i];
			if (np == NULL)
				printf("  #");
				while (np)
					printf("%3d", np->r.Key);
					np = np->next;

Testing of some interfaces

int main()
    HashTable H;
	InitHash(H, 10, hash);
	for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
		RcdType e;
		e.Key = i;
		InsertHash(H, e);
	RcdType e1;
	DeleteHash(H, 9, e1);
	printf("Deleted data%d\n", e1.Key);

In fact, think about it. If it's not a linked list, it's a B tree!!!, The array for storing the B tree, ha ha.

Keywords: C C++ data structure

Added by Spectre on Thu, 03 Feb 2022 13:00:43 +0200