[data structure] static list and dynamic list

Static linked list is realized by array, is a sequential storage structure, is continuous in physical address, and needs to be pre allocated size. The dynamic linked list uses the memory application function (C is malloc,C + + is new) to dynamically apply for memory, so there is no limit on the length of the linked list. Because the dynamic linked list applies for memory dynamically, the physical address of each node is not continuous, and it needs to be accessed sequentially through pointers.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/*All nodes are defined in the program, not opened temporarily, and cannot be released after use. This kind of list is called "static list".*/
struct Student
    int num;
    float score;
    struct Student *next;
int main()
    struct Student stu1, stu2, stu3, *head, *p;
    stu1.num = 1001; stu1.score = 80; //Assign values to num and score members of stu1 node
    stu2.num = 1002; stu2.score = 85; //Assign values to num and score members of stu2 node
    stu3.num = 1003; stu3.score = 90; //Assign values to num and score members of stu3 node
    head = &stu1;      //The head pointer points to the first node stu1
    stu1.next = &stu2; //Assign the address of stu2 node to the next member of stu1 node
    stu2.next = &stu3; //Assign the address of stu3 node to the next member of stu2 node
    stu3.next = NULL;  //Stu3 is the last node. The next member of stu3 does not store the address of any node. Set it to NULL
    p = head;          //Make the p pointer also point to the first node
    //Traverse static list
        printf("%d,%f\n", p->num, p->score); //Output the data of the node p points to
        p = p->next;                         //Then let p point to the next node
    } while (p != NULL);                     //Until the next member of p is NULL, the traversal is completed

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/*The so-called dynamic linked list refers to the establishment of a linked list from scratch in the process of program execution, that is, to open up nodes and input data of each node one by one, and establish the relationship between the front and back links.*/
struct Student
    int No;//Student ID
    struct Student *next;
int main()
    struct Student *p1, *p2, *head;
    int n = 0; //Node number
    head = NULL;
    p1 = (struct Student *)malloc(sizeof(struct Student));
    printf("Please enter a student number\n");
    scanf("%d", &p1->No);
    p2 = p1; //At the beginning, p1 and p2 both point to the first node
    while (p1->No != 0)
        if (n == 1)
            head = p1;
            p2->next = p1;
        p2 = p1;//p2 is the last node
        printf("Please enter the student number and enter 0 to terminate:\n");
        p1 = (struct Student *)malloc(sizeof(struct Student));
        scanf("%d", &p1->No);
    p2->next = NULL;//After input, P2 - > next is NULL
    //Traversal dynamic list
    struct Student *p;
    p = head;
    while (p != NULL)
        printf("%d,", p->No);
        p = p -> next;

Added by jordanwb on Sat, 15 Feb 2020 18:40:26 +0200