Database one of Part (concept and DQL statement)

1, Database introduction

1.1 related concepts

There are many types of databases, including relational database and non relational database. MySQL database (relational) is introduced here

Related concepts
one ️⃣ DB (database): a "warehouse" for storing data. It holds a series of organized data.

two ️⃣ DBMS (database management system): the database is added, deleted and searched through the database management system

three ️⃣ SQL (structure query language): Structured Query Language

We can understand the relationship between the three with a picture

Characteristics of data stored in database:

2.2 relevant orders

When installing and configuring the database software, we need to start MySQL Service can only be used

1. Start and stop of MySQL service:

#cmd start / stop MySQL
net  start/stop MySQL name

2. Database login and logout:

#data base logging
mysql -h locahost -P 3306 -u root(root User login) -p(If you enter the password directly, p The following password cannot be followed by a space)
#Database exit

3. View all current databases

show databases;

4. Open the specified library

use  Library name;

5. View table structure

desc Table name;

2, DQL statement (Data Query Language)

Data Query Language

Query database data, such as SELECT statement.
Simple single table query or multi table complex query and nested query.
It is the most core and important statement in database language.
The most frequently used statement.

2.1 basic query

1. Syntax:

select Query list from Table name  
(The query list can be fields, constant values, expressions and functions in the table, and the result is a virtual table
select 100;               #constant
select 100%98;            #expression
select version;AS(Alias the field, AS (can be replaced by a space)     #function
select distinct XX from Table name ;                       #duplicate removal
select  concat(a,b,c,)                               #Splicing
ifnull                                              #(expression, return value) judge whether it is empty  

2. Usage of + sign

+Sign: in MySQL, the + sign is an operator. If there is a character type, the character type will be converted to a number type. If the conversion is successful, the operation will be carried out. If the conversion fails, the character is assigned to 0, and if one of them is null. The final result is null

2.2 query criteria


	Query list
	Table name
	Screening conditions;		

1. Filter by conditional expression:
Conditional operation: > < =! < > =<=

	Table name
	Screening conditions;	

2. Filter by logical expression:

&&And and: both conditions are true, and vice versa
||And or: as long as one condition is true, the result is true, and vice versa
! Or not: if the connection condition is false, the result is true; otherwise, it is false

	name not null
	Table name
	Screening conditions;
  • Specific situations will have specific applications in different scenarios

2. Filter by fuzzy query

like is usually used to judge characters, so it is generally used with wildcards
1.% any number of characters, including 0 characters
2._ Any single character

#For example, if there is a field name in the employee table, you need to search the data with e in the name
	name like '%e%';		

between and

#Query the employee name with salary greater than 1000 and less than 2000 in the employee table
	salary between 1000 and 2000;	


#Query the name and job number of employees belonging to the IT department in the employee table
	job_id in (IT);	

Sort query

order by asc(Ascending order) |desc(Descending order) Query list 
order by Usually at the end of the sentence( limit (except)

2.3 common functions

1. Character function

length()Gets the number of bytes of the parameter value
concat() Splice string
upper() Convert parameter values to uppercase
lower() Convert parameter values to lowercase
substr() Intercepts the string and returns    #The database index starts at 1
instr(Large string, substring)Returns the starting index position of the substring in the large string. If it is not found, it returns 0
trim()Remove the string before and after the string
lpad()  Fill the specified length with the specified character
rpad() Fill the specified length with the specified character
replace ()replace

2. Mathematical function

round() rounding
ceil()Round up and return>=The minimum integer for this parameter
truncate()Truncate several decimal places
mod() Surplus

3. Date function

now () Return system date+time
curdate() Returns the current system date, excluding time
curtime() Returns the current system date, excluding time
datadiff() The number of days to find the difference between two dates
monthname()Return month in English

Time < - > string

Time correspondence format

4. Aggregate function

sum() Summation function
avg() Average function
max() Maximum function
min() Minimum function
count() Function of finding number

2.4 connection query

1. Internal connection
inner join


	Query list
	Table 1 aliases inner join Table 2 aliases

2. External connection
Application scenario:
Used to query records in one table but not in another
1. The query result of external connection is all records in the main table
If there is a matching from the table, the matching value is displayed. If there is no matching from the table, null is displayed
External join query result = internal join result + records in the main table but not in the slave table. The left join is the main table, the right external join is the main table, and the right join is the main table
3 the same effect can be achieved by exchanging the order of the two tables outside the left and right
4 total external connection = results of internal connection + those in Table 1 but not in Table 2 + those in Table 2 but not in Table 1


	Query list
	Table 1 aliases [line type]
	on Connection conditions
	[where Screening conditions]
	[group by grouping]
	[having Screening conditions]
	[order by Sort list]	


3. Cross connection
Cross connection is also called Cartesian product

2.5 sub query

By where the subquery appears
     select After:
     		Only scalar subqueries are supported
     from After:
     		Support sub query
     where or having After:
     		scalar subquery 
     		Column subquery
     		Row subquery
     exists Later (related sub query)						


2.6 paging query

Application scenario:
When the data to be displayed is incomplete on one page, you need to submit sql requests in pages
select query list from table
[join type join table 2 on connection conditions where filter conditions
group by grouping field having grouped filtering order by sorted field] limit offset,size;
offset the starting element index of the item to be displayed (starting element index starts from 0) size the number of items to be displayed

	Query list 
[join type join Table 2 
on Connection conditions 
where Screening conditions
group by Grouping field 
having Filtering after grouping 
order by Sorted fields] 

limit offset,size;
offset The starting element of the entry to display(The starting element starts from 0) size Number of entries to display


2.7 joint query

Merge multiple query statements into one result


Query statement 1
 Query statement 2


Keywords: Database MySQL

Added by katarra on Tue, 04 Jan 2022 23:11:54 +0200