NB Module Connecting Network Sequence
Shiko NBL260 Module
NB Card: Unicom default baud rate 115200
// UDP link mode:
AT// Judging whether the module is powered on successfully
AT+CIMI//Read IMSI to determine whether SIM card initialization is successful
AT+CESQ Check Signal Quality
AT+CEREG?// Judges PS domain attachment status (whether registered network) and returns 1 or 5 to indicate normal attachment.
AT+CIPMUX=0 // / Switch to a single link
AT+CIPSTART= "UDP", "", "60110// Configure Server and Upload Mode
AT+QLWOPEN=0 // Connect Network
AT+CIPSEND =5 // Fixed Send Data Length Bit 5 (Length and Size can be set freely)
12345 // Upload data directly
AT+CIPRXGET=1,100 // get data
Remote NB BC26 Module
Link Remote Platform (COAP Protocol)
NB Card: Unicom default baud rate 115200
Manual inspection:
AT // Synchronized baud rate until OK replies
AT+CIMI//Read IMSI to determine whether SIM card initialization is successful
AT+CESQ//Check Signal Quality Recommendation 15-31
AT+CFUN?//Return 1. Check UE's functional level 1 for all functions
AT+CEREG? Returns 0,1 to indicate successful access. 0,0,0,2 is looking for 300S.
AT+CGSN=1//Get IMEI Number
Automatic inspection section:
// Network, Format Configuration
AT+NCDP=southbound.quectel.com,5683 // / Set up the server port and address
AT+QLWCONF="IMEI". For example: AT+QLWCONF="866971033147948".)
AT+QLWADDOBJ=19,1,1,"0" // Configuration: LWM2M
AT+QLWADDOBJ=19,0,1, "0"//Configuration 1:LWM2M
AT+QLWOPEN=0 //Register to the IoT platform in direct push mode
AT+QLWCFG="dataformat",1,1 //Configure hex string mode for sending and received data.
AT+QLWDATASEND=19,0,0,2,3132,0x0100. //send data 1 and 2 data length 2 CON data
AT+SM=LOCK instruction to prevent modules from entering PSM//debugging can be used
Description: The module will automatically connect to the network when it is powered on. If the module returns + CPIN: READY, the basic configuration of the module itself has been completed, and returns + IP:XXXXXXX, it means that the module has automatically connected to the network. If the network is connected automatically, it can enter the network configuration directly, and then send data. The concrete case is shown in the figure below.
Shift away from NB Guangzhou Unicom Platform
user = "dyson.zhang@whoareyou.live";
password = "way123!@#";
coAP Access Mode LwM2M Link
AT+QLWSERV="device1-api.10646.cn",5683 Equivalent AT+NCDP=device1-api.10646.cn,5683
AT+QLWDATASEND=19,0,0,2,3132,0x0100//con data
Notes: The module will automatically adjust the working mode after booting, without additional intervention. If it does not operate for a period of time, the module will enter the PSM mode. If you want to operate again, you need to wake up from PSM.
Enter key is required when AT command is sent
include "App_Main.h" #include "NBIot_BC26.h" #include "Drv_Usart.h" #include "fifo.h" static void StartingUp(void); extern char gaucUsart1Buff[RXBUFSIZE]; char *gcBC26CmdBuff=0 ; // Store status instructions returned by BN26 module void NB_BC26_init(void) { // NB Vcc GPIO_SetMode(NB_VCCPort, NB_VCCPin, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT); GPIO_SetMode(PWRKEY_Port, PWRKEY_Pin, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT); GPIO_SetMode(PSM_EINT_port, PSM_EINT_pin, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT); GPIO_SetMode(Reset_Port, Reset_Pin, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT); NB_VCCEN; Reset_Disable; // Reset_BC26(); Drv_SysDelayMs(50); StartingUp(); // PSM_wake(); } // Wake up from psm static void PSM_wake(void) { PSM_EINT_Disable; Drv_SysDelayMs(10); PSM_EINT_EN; Drv_SysDelayMs(5); PSM_EINT_Disable; } //Power-on startup static void StartingUp(void) { PWRKEY_Disable; Drv_SysDelayMs(10); PWRKEY_EN; Drv_SysDelayMs(800); PWRKEY_Disable; } //Turn off the power void Shutdown(void) { NB_VCCDisable; } // reset void Reset_BC26(void) { Reset_Disable; Drv_SysDelayMs(10); Reset_EN; Drv_SysDelayMs(100); Reset_Disable; } /*Send AT instructions to NBiot Return: 1 for success 0 for failure */ uint8_t Send_AT_CMD(UART_T* uart,uint8_t *cmdBuffer) { uint8_t utReturn = 0; while(*cmdBuffer != '\0') { utReturn = UART_Write(uart,cmdBuffer++,1); } return utReturn; } /* function : Determine the return data @param : *String: Contrastive orders received *InBuffer: Input Data Cache (IN) * OutBuffer : String intercepted in InBuffer and subsequent data ucLen The first address to appear after the comparison is the first address. */ extern volatile uint32_t gudComRFlag; extern uint8_t guRX_num; char *RX_BC26_CMD(char *InBuffer,char *String) { char *INdex=0; INdex = strstr(InBuffer,String); return INdex; } /* function : Send instructions @param : uart Serial slogans cmd dispatch orders *String: Received predictive orders in contrast waittime : timeout Index_location The first address to appear after the comparison is the first address. return : sucess or fail */ uint8_t BC26_send_cmd(UART_T* uart,uint8_t *cmd,char *String,char **Index_location,uint16_t waittime) { uint8_t res = TA_FAIL; guRX_num =0; memset(gaucUsart1Buff,0,sizeof(gaucUsart1Buff)); Send_AT_CMD(uart,cmd); //Send out commands Drv_SysDelayMs(300); while(waittime--) { Drv_SysDelayMs(20);//The serial port receives one byte at a byte, and every byte it receives, it detects whether the whole data it receives meets the requirements. if(gudComRFlag) //Receive the data and check if the data is what you want { *Index_location = RX_BC26_CMD(gaucUsart1Buff,String); if( RX_BC26_CMD(gaucUsart1Buff,String)) { res = TA_SUCCESS; break; //It's what you want, send it over, jump out } gudComRFlag=0; } } return res; } /* function: BC26 Module power-on self-test return : sucess or fail */ //uint8_t Power_ONCheckself(void) //{ // uint32_t Time_out = 0; // //NB_BC26_init(); // while(RX_BC26_CMD(gaucUsart1Buff,"Leaving")) // { // memset(gaucUsart1Buff,0,sizeof(gaucUsart1Buff)); // return TA_SUCCESS; // } // else // { // Shutdown(); // Drv_SysDelayMs(10); // NB_BC26_init(); // if(TA_SUCCESS == RX_BC26_CMD(gaucUsart1Buff,"Leaving")) // { // memset(gaucUsart1Buff,0,sizeof(gaucUsart1Buff)); // return TA_SUCCESS; // } // else // { // return TA_FAIL; // } // } // //} //Converting a regular string to a Hex string uint8_t str2hex(char* str, char* hex) { const char* cHex = "0123456789ABCDEF"; int i=0,j=0; for( j =0; j < strlen(str); j++) { unsigned int a = (unsigned int) str[j]; hex[i++] = cHex[(a & 0xf0) >> 4]; hex[i++] = cHex[(a & 0x0f)]; } hex[i] ='\0'; return i; } //Network Flow of NBiot Module uint8_t BC26_DataProcess(uint8_t *NB_buffer,uint8_t NB_Length) { uint32_t time_out = 5; uint8_t Signal_Strength = 0; uint8_t Statue = NB_Start; uint16_t Hex_Data_Length = 0; uint8_t New_Satrt_count = 3 ; //Number of startups uint8_t Hex_buffer[100]={0}; // Store data converted to hex char *Data_Location =0; char *AT_cmd1= 0; // Storage AD-cmd char *AT_cmd2= 0; // If (TA_SUCCESS!= Power_ONCheckself()// Self-check failed, exit directly // { // return TA_FAIL; // } while(1) { if(0 == New_Satrt_count) return TA_FAIL; switch(Statue) { case NB_Start: time_out = 40; // NB_VCCDisable; Drv_SysDelayMs(1000); NB_BC26_init(); while(time_out--) { if( RX_BC26_CMD(gaucUsart1Buff,"Leaving")) break; Drv_SysDelayMs(10); } Statue = AT; break; case AT: //Synchronized baud rate time_out=4; while(time_out--) { if(TA_SUCCESS == BC26_send_cmd(UART1,"AT\r\n","OK",&Data_Location,100)) // Timeout 2S { break; } if( RX_BC26_CMD(gaucUsart1Buff,"+CPIN: READY")) break; if(time_out<2) // If it fails twice, restart the module { Statue = NB_Start; New_Satrt_count--; break; } } if(RX_BC26_CMD(gaucUsart1Buff,"+IP:")) { Statue = AT_NCDP; break; } else { Statue = AT_CESQ; break; } case AT_CESQ: // Check signal strength time_out =50; while(time_out--) { if( RX_BC26_CMD(gaucUsart1Buff,"+CPIN: READY")) { break; } Drv_SysDelayMs(100); } time_out = 3; while(time_out--) { if(RX_BC26_CMD(gaucUsart1Buff,"+IP:")) { Statue = AT_NCDP; break; } if(TA_SUCCESS == BC26_send_cmd(UART1,"AT+CESQ\r\n","+CESQ: ",&Data_Location,100)) // Timeout 2S { Signal_Strength = 10*(*(Data_Location+7) - 48) + (*(Data_Location+8) - 48); if(((*(Data_Location+7) - 48) == 0) || ((*(Data_Location+7) - 48) == 9)) { New_Satrt_count--; Statue = NB_Start; break; } else { Statue = AT_CFUN; break; } } if(time_out<2) { Statue = NB_Start; New_Satrt_count--; break; } } break; case AT_CFUN: // Check UE function level up to 15S time_out = 2; while(time_out--) { if(RX_BC26_CMD(gaucUsart1Buff,"+IP:")) { Statue = AT_NCDP; break; } if(TA_SUCCESS == BC26_send_cmd(UART1,"AT+CFUN?\r\n","+CFUN: ",&Data_Location,750)) // Timeout 15S { Signal_Strength = (*(Data_Location+7) - 48); if((Signal_Strength != 1)) { continue; } else { Statue = AT_CEREG; break; } } else { PSM_wake(); } if(time_out<1) { Statue = NB_Start; New_Satrt_count--; break;; } } break; case AT_CEREG: // Check whether the access is successful time_out = 3; while(time_out--) { if(RX_BC26_CMD(gaucUsart1Buff,"+IP: ")) { Statue = AT_NCDP; break; } if(TA_SUCCESS == BC26_send_cmd(UART1,"AT+CEREG?\r\n","+CEREG: ",&Data_Location,400)) // Timeout 2S { if(*(Data_Location+10) == '1')// join in internet sucess { Statue = AT_CGPADDR; break; } else if((*(Data_Location+10) == '2') || (*(Data_Location+10) == '0') ) //looking for internet { Drv_SysDelayMs(500); } } if(time_out<2) { Statue = NB_Start; New_Satrt_count--; break; } } break; case AT_CGPADDR: // Get IP adress time_out = 3; while(time_out--) { if(TA_SUCCESS == BC26_send_cmd(UART1,"AT+CGPADDR=1\r\n","+CGPADDR: 1",&Data_Location,100)) // Timeout 2S { Statue = AT_NCDP; break; } if(time_out<2) { Statue = NB_Start; New_Satrt_count--; break; } } break; // case AT_CGSN: // get IMEI case AT_NCDP: // configure network adress // Drv_SysDelayMs(7000); time_out = 2; while(time_out--) { if (TA_SUCCESS == BC26_send_cmd(UART1,"AT+NCDP=southbound.quectel.com,5683\r\n","OK",&Data_Location,100)) // Timeout 2S { Statue = AT_QLWCONF; break; } else { if(time_out<1) { Statue = NB_Start; New_Satrt_count--; break; } } } break; case AT_QLWCONF: // IMEI for equipment configuration time_out = 2; AT_cmd1 = "AT+QLWCONF="; AT_cmd2 = "866971033234043"; memset(Hex_buffer,0,sizeof(Hex_buffer)); Hex_Data_Length = Cmd_connect(AT_cmd1,AT_cmd2,Hex_buffer,11,15); Hex_buffer[Hex_Data_Length] = 0x0D; Hex_buffer[Hex_Data_Length+1] = 0x0A; // UART_Write (UART1, QLWCONF_buffer, sizeof (QLWCONF_buffer); //Send out commands while(time_out--) { if (TA_SUCCESS == BC26_send_cmd(UART1,Hex_buffer,"OK",&Data_Location,100)) // Timeout 2S { Statue = AT_QLWADDOBJ; break; } else { if(time_out<1) { Statue = NB_Start; New_Satrt_count--; break; } } } break; case AT_QLWADDOBJ: // Configuration 1 time_out = 2; AT_cmd1 = "AT+QLWADDOBJ=19,1,1,"; AT_cmd2 = "0"; memset(Hex_buffer,0,sizeof(Hex_buffer)); Hex_Data_Length = Cmd_connect(AT_cmd1,AT_cmd2,Hex_buffer,20,1); Hex_buffer[Hex_Data_Length]= 0x0D; //Enter Hex_buffer[Hex_Data_Length+1] = 0x0A; while(time_out--) { if (TA_SUCCESS == BC26_send_cmd(UART1,Hex_buffer,"OK",&Data_Location,100)) // Timeout 2S { Statue = AT_QLWADDOBJ1; break; } else { if(time_out<1) { Statue = NB_Start; New_Satrt_count--; break; } } } break; case AT_QLWADDOBJ1: // Configuration 2 time_out = 2; AT_cmd1 = "AT+QLWADDOBJ=19,0,1,"; AT_cmd2 = "0"; memset(Hex_buffer,0,sizeof(Hex_buffer)); Hex_Data_Length = Cmd_connect(AT_cmd1,AT_cmd2,Hex_buffer,20,1); Hex_buffer[Hex_Data_Length]= 0x0D; //Enter while(time_out--) { if (TA_SUCCESS == BC26_send_cmd(UART1,Hex_buffer,"OK",&Data_Location,100)) // Timeout 2S { Statue = AT_QLWOPEN; break; } else { if(time_out<1) { Statue = NB_Start; New_Satrt_count--; break; } } } break; case AT_QLWOPEN: // Register to the IoT platform in direct push mode time_out = 2; while(time_out--) { if (TA_SUCCESS == BC26_send_cmd(UART1,"AT+QLWOPEN=0\r\n","+QLWOBSERVE:",&Data_Location,300)) // Timeout 6S { break; } else { if(time_out<1) { return TA_FAIL; } } } Statue = AT_QLWCFG; // Hexadecimal system break; case AT_QLWCFG: time_out = 2; AT_cmd1 = "AT+QLWCFG="; AT_cmd2 = "dataformat"; memset(Hex_buffer,0,sizeof(Hex_buffer)); Hex_Data_Length = Cmd_connect(AT_cmd1,AT_cmd2,Hex_buffer,10,10); Hex_buffer[Hex_Data_Length] = 0x2c; //, Hex_buffer[Hex_Data_Length+1] = 0x31; //1 Hex_buffer[Hex_Data_Length+2] = 0x2c;//, Hex_buffer[Hex_Data_Length+3] = 0x31; //1 Hex_buffer[Hex_Data_Length+4]= 0x0D; //Enter while(time_out--) { if (TA_SUCCESS == BC26_send_cmd(UART1,Hex_buffer,"OK",&Data_Location,100)) // Timeout 2S { Statue = AT_QLWDATASEND; break; } else { if(time_out<1) { return TA_FAIL; } } } break; case AT_QLWDATASEND: // updata time_out = 3; memset(Hex_buffer,0,sizeof(Hex_buffer)); Hex_Data_Length = NB_Settle_Data(Hex_buffer,NB_buffer,NB_Length);//Data Integration Hex_buffer[Hex_Data_Length++] = 0x2c;//, Hex_buffer[Hex_Data_Length++] = 0x30;//0 Hex_buffer[Hex_Data_Length++] = 0x78;//x Hex_buffer[Hex_Data_Length++] = 0x30;//0 Hex_buffer[Hex_Data_Length++] = 0x31;//1 Hex_buffer[Hex_Data_Length++] = 0x30;//0 Hex_buffer[Hex_Data_Length++] = 0x30;//0 Hex_buffer[Hex_Data_Length++]= 0x0D; //Enter Hex_buffer[Hex_Data_Length++] = 0x0A; while(time_out--) { //Drv_SysDelayMs(2000); if (TA_SUCCESS == BC26_send_cmd(UART1,Hex_buffer,"SEND OK",&Data_Location,200)) // Timeout 4S { return TA_SUCCESS; } else { if(time_out<1) { return TA_FAIL; } } } } } } /* Function, collate data into NB recognizable normal data Outbuffer [OUT] output data INbuf : Input Open Door Information Len : Open Door Information Data Length */ uint8_t NB_Settle_Data(uint8_t *Outbuffer,uint8_t *INbuf,uint8_t Len) { uint16_t length0=0,i=0; char *AT_P = "AT+QLWDATASEND=19,0,0,"; length0 = AT_Conversion_HEX(AT_P,Outbuffer,22); if(2*Len >9) { Outbuffer[length0++] = (2*Len)/10 + 0x30; Outbuffer[length0++] = (2*Len)%10 + 0x30; } else { Outbuffer[length0++] = Len + 0x30; } Outbuffer[length0++] = 0x2c; //, // data for(i=0;i<Len;i++) { Outbuffer[length0++] = 0x33; // if(INbuf[i]>9) // { Outbuffer[length0++] = INbuf[i]/10+0x30; Outbuffer[length0++] = 0x33; Outbuffer[length0++] = INbuf[i]%10+0x30; // } // else // Outbuffer[length0++] = INbuf[i]%10+0x30; } return length0; } /* function: AT TO Hex @param IN_buffer AT_cmd (IN) length the length of IN_buffer Outbuffer Hex (out) */ uint16_t AT_Conversion_HEX(char *IN_buffer,uint8_t *Outbuffer,uint16_t length) { char temp=0; uint16_t i=0; uint16_t Cmd_length = 0; Cmd_length = length ; while(Cmd_length--) { Outbuffer[i]= IN_buffer[i]; i++; } return i; } /*Link two CMD s @param: *IN_buffer1 [IN] cmd 1 *IN_buffer2 [IN] cmd 2 *Outbuffer [out] Output hex length1 [IN] IN_buffer1 length length2 [IN] IN_buffer2 length */ uint16_t Cmd_connect(char *IN_buffer1,char *IN_buffer2,uint8_t *Outbuffer,uint16_t length1,uint16_t lengt2) { uint16_t len1 = 0; uint16_t len2 = 0; len1 = AT_Conversion_HEX(IN_buffer1,Outbuffer,length1); len2 = AT_Conversion_HEX(IN_buffer2, Outbuffer + len1+1 ,lengt2); Outbuffer[len1] =0x22; Outbuffer[len1+len2+1] = 0x22; return (len1+len2+2); }