Delphi basic (operator)

I. operators
1. Variable
2. Operator**
3. Expression


1, variables

Variable explanation: the smallest storage unit (space) in programming. Its space size is determined by the data type when it is declared.

1.1 declaration: define a variable and tell Delphi the storage space of a name

1 var variable name: data type;

1.2. Variable initialization (first assignment of variable)

1 {assignment: variable name: = value of variable;}
1 //Variable to declare
2 var
3   Age:Integer;

1.3 initialize a variable

 1 var
 2   Name:string='Small black';
 3   Age := 0;
 5   //Write out(Written console)Specified content
 7   Writeln(6 / 4);
 8   Writeln(6 div 2);
 9   Writeln(6 mod 4);
11 //Read in a line from the console. Its main task now is to pause and wait for us to press enter.
12   Readln;


2. Operator

Arithmetic operator: + - * / (not divisible) div (divisible) mod (modulo, remainder)

Boolean operator:

Relational operator: < > (not equal to)

2.1. Examples of Boolean operators

1   Writeln(1 <> 2);
2   Writeln(not(1 <> 2));
3   Writeln((1<2) and (2<3));
4   Writeln((1<2) or (2<3));

2.2 XOR (exclusive or): the same is False and the different is True in the judgment condition

1   Writeln((1<2) xor (2<3));
2   Writeln((1<2) xor (2>3));


3. Expression

3.1 expression: a sequence of operators and legal identifiers

Division: according to the type of operation result 1 < 2 1 + 1

3.2 statement: mainly composed of key words and operation instructions

Partitioning: select statements



Loop statement


3.3 statement format

 1 begin
 2   if 1<2 then
 3   begin
 4     //The code executed when the judgment condition is true
 5     //Write a paragraph to the console
 6     Writeln('hello Delphi');
 7   end;
 9   //Read a line of text from the console until a carriage return (line break) is encountered
10   Readln;
11 end.

3.4. Shorthand: only one line of code needs to be executed

1 begin
2   if 1 < 2 then
3     Writeln('hello');  //In shorthand, begin end is omitted;
4 end;

3.5. If not

 1 if 1<2 then
 2   begin
 3     Writeln('hello Delphi');
 4   end
 5   else
 6   begin
 7     Writeln('hello,test');
 8   end;
 9   //Read a line of text from the console until a carriage return (line break) is encountered
10   Readln;
11 end.

3.6 case statement

 1 begin
 2 //case The standard way to write sentences
 3   i := 3;
 4   case i of
 5     1:  //standard notation
 6       begin
 7         Writeln('test1,hello');
 8       end;
 9     2:  //Abbreviation
10       Writeln('Ruby Lin');
11   else
12     begin
13       Writeln('Lin Chiling');
14     end;
15   end;
16   Readln;
17 end.

3.7 define each process

3.7.1 student performance judgment

 1 //Declare a process
 2 procedure ComparingScore();
 3 //Specific implementation of the process
 4 var
 5    Score:Integer;
 6 begin
 7   //For students whose scores are more than 60, the output is qualified; for students whose scores are less than 60, the output is unqualified.
 8   Writeln('Please enter a score:');
 9   Readln(Score); //Readln Can accept a variable, will accept Writeln('Please enter a score:')Medium to variable Score
10   if Score > 60  then
11     begin
12       Writeln('qualified');
13     end
14   else
15     begin
16       Writeln('Unqualified');
17     end;
18 end;
19 begin
20   //call
21   ComparingScore();
22   Readln;
23 end.

3.7.2 print the season of the specified month.

  1 {*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2 Prints the season that the month belongs to, based on the one used to specify the month.
  3 3,4,5 Spring 6,7,8 Summer 9,10,11 Autumn 12,1,2 winter
  4   @param Month    Month to judge
  5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
  6 procedure  JudgmentIn(Month:Integer);
  7 begin
  8   if not ((Month > 0) and (Month < 13)) then
  9   begin
 10     Writeln('Month cannot be judged');
 11     Exit;
 12   end;
 14   if ((Month >= 3) and (Month <= 5 )) then
 15   begin
 16     Writeln('Spring');
 17     Exit;
 18   end;
 20   if (Month >= 6) and (Month <= 8) then
 21   begin
 22     Writeln('Summer');
 23     Exit;
 24   end;
 26   if (Month >= 9) and (Month <= 11) then
 27   begin
 28     Writeln('Autumn');
 29     Exit;
 30   end;
 32   if (Month = 12) or ((Month > 0) and (Month < 3)) then
 33   begin
 34     Writeln('winter');
 35   end;
 37 end;
 38 procedure  JudgmentIn2(Month:Integer);
 39 begin
 40   case Month of
 41     3:
 42       begin
 43         Writeln('Spring');
 44       end;
 45     4:
 46       begin
 47         Writeln('Spring');
 48       end;
 49     5:
 50       begin
 51         Writeln('Spring');
 52       end;
 53     6:
 54       begin
 55         Writeln('Summer');
 56       end;
 57     7:
 58       begin
 59         Writeln('Summer');
 60       end;
 61     8:
 62       begin
 63         Writeln('Summer');
 64       end;
 65     9:
 66       begin
 67         Writeln('Autumn');
 68       end;
 69     10:
 70       begin
 71         Writeln('Spring');
 72       end;
 73     11:
 74       begin
 75         Writeln('Autumn');
 76       end;
 77     12:
 78       begin
 79         Writeln('winter');
 80       end;
 81     1:
 82       begin
 83         Writeln('winter');
 84       end;
 85     2:
 86       begin
 87         Writeln('winter');
 88       end;
 91 else
 92   begin
 93     Writeln('Month cannot be judged');
 94   end;
 96 end;
 97 end;
 98 begin
 99   //call
100   //ComparingScore();
101 //  JudgmentIn(13);
102   JudgmentIn2(12);
103   Readln;
104 end.

3.7.3 judge whether it is Gao fushai

 1 {*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 2   @param Height   height
 3   @param Money     money
 4   @param Handsome  Handsome
 5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
 6 procedure MaleFemaleMarriage(Height: Integer;Money:Integer;Handsome:Boolean);
 7 begin
 8   if (Height>180) and (Money >= 10000000) and Handsome then
 9   begin
10     Writeln('I must marry her');
11     Exit;
12   end;
14   if (Height>180) and (Money>= 10000000) or Handsome then
15   begin
16     Writeln('Let's get married');
17     Exit;
18   end;
20   if not((Height>180) and (Money>= 10000000) and Handsome) then
21   begin
22     Writeln('No marriage');
23     Exit;
24   end;
26 end;
27 begin
28   //call
29   MaleFemaleMarriage(170,1000000,True);
30   Readln;
31 end.

Keywords: Delphi Spring Programming Ruby

Added by Drumminxx on Mon, 25 Nov 2019 22:27:10 +0200