Use dynamodb to realize a simple collection function. Refer to the collection function of wechat. The function points include the following:
- Collect various types of data, including pictures, videos, links, files, music, chat records, voice, notes, locations, etc
- Cancel collection of collected data
- View all types of collection data and sort them in descending order of collection time
- View specific types of collection data and sort them in descending order of collection time
- Create label, delete label, edit label name
- Show all labels
- Tag management of collected data
- View all types of collection data under a tag and sort them in descending order of collection time
- View a specific type of collection data under a tag and sort it in descending order of collection time
- Search all favorite data
Table design
According to the above cases, three tables are required:
- TagDto, used to record all tags created by the user
- FavoriteDataDto is used to record the basic information of the data collected by the user
- FavoriteDataTagDto, used to record tag information of favorite data
According to aws dynamodb's best practices: As a general rule, you should maintain as few tables as possible in a DynamoDB application.
So here we only need to create a dynamodb table (development. Favorite), and the three dto structures share the same table
First, let's look at TagDto. The basic operations of tag include creating, deleting and editing names. From the analysis of these operations, TagDto only needs to include three fields: useid, TagID and tagName
In addition, from the perspective of displaying all tag s, a sorting operation is also required. There are many ways to sort, such as:
- Sort by tag creation time
- Sort by tag name
- Sort by the last access time of the tag
In order to support multiple sorting methods, we add two fields: critetime and lastaccesstime
To sum up, TagDto contains the following five fields:
- userId
- tagId
- tagName
- crateTime
- lastAccessTime
After setting the fields, let's look at the key design. According to the requirements, TagDto has the following features:
- A user can create multiple tag s
- tagName variable
- tagId is immutable
- You need to get all tag s created by a user
To sum up, we need to create a composite key with userId as the partition key and tagId as the sorting key
In addition, three sorts need to be supported, so three local secondary indexes need to be created. The corresponding sorting keys are tagName, crateTime, lastAccessTime.
package com.jessica.dynamodb.favorite.dto; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.jessica.dynamodb.constant.DynamoDBConstant; import com.jessica.dynamodb.utils.KeyGenerator; import lombok.Data; @Data @DynamoDBTable(tableName = "develop.Favorite") public class TagDto { private static final String DTO_NAME = "Tag"; @DynamoDBIgnore private String userId; @DynamoDBIgnore private String tagId; @DynamoDBAttribute private String tagName; @DynamoDBAttribute private long createTime; @DynamoDBAttribute private long lastAccessTime; @DynamoDBHashKey public String getPk() { return KeyGenerator.createHashKey(DTO_NAME, userId); } public void setPk(String hashKey) { String[] keys = KeyGenerator.parseHashKey(DTO_NAME, hashKey); this.userId = keys[0]; } @DynamoDBRangeKey public String getSk() { return KeyGenerator.createRangeKey(tagId); } public void setSk(String rangeKey) { String[] keys = KeyGenerator.parseHashKey(DTO_NAME, rangeKey); this.tagId = keys[0]; } @DynamoDBIndexRangeKey(localSecondaryIndexName = DynamoDBConstant.LSI_ONE_NAME) public String getLsiOneSk() { return KeyGenerator.createRangeKey(tagName); } @DynamoDBIndexRangeKey(localSecondaryIndexName = DynamoDBConstant.LSI_TWO_NAME) public String getLsiTwoSk() { return KeyGenerator.createRangeKey(String.valueOf(createTime)); } @DynamoDBIndexRangeKey(localSecondaryIndexName = DynamoDBConstant.LSI_THREE_NAME) public String getLsiThreeSk() { return KeyGenerator.createRangeKey(String.valueOf(lastAccessTime)); } }
FavoriteDataDto table
Refer to the collection data design of wechat, including creator information, createrid, thumbnail thumbnailUrl, link contentUrl, title, data type, dataType
According to requirements, FavoriteDataDto has the following features:
- Get all the data collected by the user and sort them in descending order according to the collection time
- Get all collection data of a specific type and sort them in descending order according to collection time
In order to support sorting by favorite time, we add clipTime field
To sum up, FavoriteDataDto contains the following 8 fields:
- userId
- dataId
- creatorId
- title
- thumbnailUrl
- contentUrl
- dataType
- clipTime
We need to create a combination key with userId as the partition key and dataId as the sorting key, so that we can support obtaining all the data collected by the user. We only need to query with userId as the hashKey
In addition, you also need to create a Global Secondary Index with the partition key of userid & type and the sorting key of cliptime & dataid, so that you can obtain all collection data of a specific type. You only need to query the Global Secondary Index with userid & type as hashKey
package com.jessica.dynamodb.favorite.dto; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.jessica.dynamodb.constant.DynamoDBConstant; import com.jessica.dynamodb.utils.KeyGenerator; import lombok.Data; @Data @DynamoDBTable(tableName = "develop.Favorite") public class FavoriteDataDto { private static final String DTO_NAME = "FavoriteData"; @DynamoDBIgnore private String userId; @DynamoDBIgnore private String dataId; @DynamoDBAttribute private String creatorId; @DynamoDBAttribute private String title; @DynamoDBAttribute private String thumbnailUrl; @DynamoDBAttribute private String contentUrl; @DynamoDBTypeConvertedEnum @DynamoDBAttribute private FavoriteDataType dataType; @DynamoDBAttribute private String clipTime; @DynamoDBHashKey public String getPk() { return KeyGenerator.createHashKey(DTO_NAME, userId); } public void setPk(String hashKey) { String[] keys = KeyGenerator.parseHashKey(DTO_NAME, hashKey); this.userId = keys[0]; } @DynamoDBRangeKey public String getSk() { return KeyGenerator.createRangeKey(dataId); } public void setSk(String rangeKey) { String[] keys = KeyGenerator.parseRangeKey(rangeKey); this.dataId = keys[0]; } @DynamoDBIndexHashKey(globalSecondaryIndexName = DynamoDBConstant.GSI_ONE_NAME) public String getGsiOnePk() { return KeyGenerator.createHashKey(DTO_NAME, userId, dataType.getValue()); } public void setGsiOnePk(String hashKey) { String[] keys = KeyGenerator.parseHashKey(DTO_NAME, hashKey); this.userId = keys[0]; this.dataType = FavoriteDataType.valueOf(keys[1]); } @DynamoDBIndexRangeKey(globalSecondaryIndexName = DynamoDBConstant.GSI_ONE_NAME) public String getGsiOneSk() { return KeyGenerator.createRangeKey(clipTime, dataId); } public void setGsiOneSk(String rangeKey) { String[] keys = KeyGenerator.parseRangeKey(rangeKey); this.clipTime = keys[0]; this.dataId = keys[1]; } }
package com.jessica.dynamodb.favorite.dto; public enum FavoriteDataType { IMAGE("image"), LINK("link"), FILE("file"), POSITION("position"); private String value; private FavoriteDataType(String strValue) { this.value = strValue; } public String getValue() { return value; } }
FavoriteDataTagDto is used to record tags added by users to data, so it needs to include userid, dataid and TagID fields. According to requirements, FavoriteDataTagDto has the following features:
- Get all tag s added on the favorite data
- Get all the collection data with a tag added, and sort them in descending order according to the collection time
- Get all the collection data of a specific type with a tag added, and sort them in descending order according to the collection time
According to the latter two features, the table also needs to add clipTime and dataType fields
To sum up, FavoriteDataTagDto contains the following five fields:
- userId
- dataId
- tagId
- dataType
- clipTime
We need to create a combination key with userid & dataid as the partition key and tagId as the sorting key, so that we can support the acquisition of all tag s added to the collected data. We only need to query with userid & dataid as the hashKey
In addition, you need to create two global secondary indexes
The partition key of the first Global Secondary Index is userid & TagID, and the sorting key is cliptime & dataid, so you can get all the favorite data with a tag added. You only need to query the first Global Secondary Index with userid & TagID as hashKey
The partition key of the second Global Secondary Index is userid & TagID & type, and the sorting key is cliptime & dataid, so you can get all the collection data of a specific type with a tag added. You only need to query the second Global Secondary Index with userid & TagID & type as the hashKey
package com.jessica.dynamodb.favorite.dto; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.jessica.dynamodb.constant.DynamoDBConstant; import com.jessica.dynamodb.utils.KeyGenerator; import lombok.Data; @Data @DynamoDBTable(tableName = "develop.Favorite") public class FavoriteDataTagDto { private static final String DTO_NAME = "FavoriteDataTag"; @DynamoDBIgnore private String userId; @DynamoDBIgnore private String dataId; @DynamoDBIgnore private String tagId; @DynamoDBAttribute private String clipTime; @DynamoDBTypeConvertedEnum @DynamoDBAttribute private FavoriteDataType dataType; @DynamoDBHashKey public String getPk() { return KeyGenerator.createHashKey(DTO_NAME, userId, dataId); } public void setPk(String hashKey) { String[] keys = KeyGenerator.parseHashKey(DTO_NAME, hashKey); this.userId = keys[0]; this.dataId = keys[1]; } @DynamoDBRangeKey public String getSk() { return KeyGenerator.createRangeKey(tagId); } public void setSk(String rangeKey) { String[] keys = KeyGenerator.parseRangeKey(rangeKey); this.tagId = keys[0]; } @DynamoDBIndexHashKey(globalSecondaryIndexName = DynamoDBConstant.GSI_ONE_NAME) public String getGsiOnePk() { return KeyGenerator.createHashKey(DTO_NAME, userId, tagId); } public void setGsiOnePk(String hashKey) { String[] keys = KeyGenerator.parseHashKey(DTO_NAME, hashKey); this.userId = keys[0]; this.tagId = keys[1]; } @DynamoDBIndexRangeKey(globalSecondaryIndexName = DynamoDBConstant.GSI_ONE_NAME) public String getGsiOneSk() { return KeyGenerator.createRangeKey(clipTime, dataId); } public void setGsiOneSk(String rangeKey) { String[] keys = KeyGenerator.parseRangeKey(rangeKey); this.clipTime = keys[0]; this.dataId = keys[1]; } @DynamoDBIndexHashKey(globalSecondaryIndexName = DynamoDBConstant.GSI_TWO_NAME) public String getGsiTwoPk() { return KeyGenerator.createHashKey(DTO_NAME, userId, tagId, dataType.getValue()); } public void setGsiTwoPk(String hashKey) { String[] keys = KeyGenerator.parseHashKey(DTO_NAME, hashKey); this.userId = keys[0]; this.tagId = keys[1]; this.dataType = FavoriteDataType.valueOf(keys[2]); } @DynamoDBIndexRangeKey(globalSecondaryIndexName = DynamoDBConstant.GSI_TWO_NAME) public String getGsiTwoSk() { return KeyGenerator.createRangeKey(clipTime, dataId); } public void setGsiTwoSk(String rangeKey) { String[] keys = KeyGenerator.parseRangeKey(rangeKey); this.clipTime = keys[0]; this.dataId = keys[1]; } }
Tool class
package com.jessica.dynamodb.constant; public class DynamoDBConstant { private DynamoDBConstant() { } public static final String HASH_KEY = "pk"; public static final String RANGE_KEY = "sk"; public static final String GSI_ONE_NAME = "gsiOne"; public static final String GSI_ONE_HASH_KEY = "gsiOnePk"; public static final String GSI_ONE_RANGE_KEY = "gsiOneSk"; public static final String GSI_TWO_NAME = "gsiTwo"; public static final String GSI_TWO_HASH_KEY = "gsiTwoPk"; public static final String GSI_TWO_RANGE_KEY = "gsiTwoSk"; public static final String LSI_ONE_NAME = "lsiOne"; public static final String LSI_ONE_RANGE_KEY = "lsiOneSk"; public static final String LSI_TWO_NAME = "lsiTwo"; public static final String LSI_TWO_RANGE_KEY = "lsiTwoSk"; public static final String LSI_THREE_NAME = "lsiThree"; public static final String LSI_THREE_RANGE_KEY = "lsiThreeSk"; }
package com.jessica.dynamodb.utils; public class KeyGenerator { public static final String SEPARATOR = "#"; private KeyGenerator() { } public static String createHashKey(String itemName, String... hashKeys) { StringBuilder hashKeyBuilder = new StringBuilder(itemName); for (String hashKey : hashKeys) { hashKeyBuilder.append(SEPARATOR).append(hashKey); } return hashKeyBuilder.toString(); } public static String createRangeKey(String... rangeKeys) { StringBuilder rangeKeyBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < rangeKeys.length; i++) { rangeKeyBuilder.append(rangeKeys[i]); if (i < rangeKeys.length - 1) { rangeKeyBuilder.append(SEPARATOR); } } return rangeKeyBuilder.toString(); } public static String[] parseHashKey(String itemName, String hashKey) { String keySubStr = hashKey.substring(itemName.length()); return keySubStr.split(SEPARATOR); } public static String[] parseRangeKey(String rangeKey) { return rangeKey.split(SEPARATOR); } }
Create table
According to aws dynamodb's best practices: As a general rule, you should maintain as few tables as possible in a DynamoDB application.
So here we only need to create a dynamodb table (development. Favorite), and the three dto structures share the same table
To sum up, the table needs two global secondary indexes and three Local Secondary Index. Because three DTOs share the same table, and the partition key and sorting key are in the form of multiple field combinations, the partition key of the table is represented by pK (section key), and the sorting key is represented by sk(sort key). The Secondary Index and name, partition key and sorting key are all named in a common way, such as gsiOne, gsiOnePk,gsiOneSk.
Create the serverless.yml file and use sls deploy -v for deployment
service: jessica-favorite-dto provider: name: aws stage: ${opt:stage, 'develop'} region: ${opt:region, 'ap-southeast-1'} stackName: ${self:provider.stage}-${self:service} resources: Resources: FavoriteTable: Type: AWS::DynamoDB::Table Properties: TableName: ${self:provider.stage}.Favorite AttributeDefinitions: - AttributeName: pk AttributeType: S - AttributeName: sk AttributeType: S - AttributeName: gsiOnePk AttributeType: S - AttributeName: gsiOneSk AttributeType: S - AttributeName: gsiTwoPk AttributeType: S - AttributeName: gsiTwoSk AttributeType: S - AttributeName: lsiOneSk AttributeType: S - AttributeName: lsiTwoSk AttributeType: S - AttributeName: lsiThreeSk AttributeType: S KeySchema: - AttributeName: pk KeyType: HASH - AttributeName: sk KeyType: RANGE ProvisionedThroughput: ReadCapacityUnits: 1 WriteCapacityUnits: 1 BillingMode: PROVISIONED LocalSecondaryIndexes: - IndexName: lsiOne KeySchema: - AttributeName: pk KeyType: HASH - AttributeName: lsiOneSk KeyType: RANGE Projection: ProjectionType: ALL - IndexName: lsiTwo KeySchema: - AttributeName: pk KeyType: HASH - AttributeName: lsiTwoSk KeyType: RANGE Projection: ProjectionType: ALL - IndexName: lsiThree KeySchema: - AttributeName: pk KeyType: HASH - AttributeName: lsiThreeSk KeyType: RANGE Projection: ProjectionType: ALL GlobalSecondaryIndexes: - IndexName: gsiOne KeySchema: - AttributeName: gsiOnePk KeyType: HASH - AttributeName: gsiOneSk KeyType: RANGE Projection: ProjectionType: ALL ProvisionedThroughput: ReadCapacityUnits: 1 WriteCapacityUnits: 1 - IndexName: gsiTwo KeySchema: - AttributeName: gsiTwoPk KeyType: HASH - AttributeName: gsiTwoSk KeyType: RANGE Projection: ProjectionType: ALL ProvisionedThroughput: ReadCapacityUnits: 1 WriteCapacityUnits: 1 TimeToLiveSpecification: AttributeName: ttl Enabled: true PointInTimeRecoverySpecification: PointInTimeRecoveryEnabled: false SSESpecification: SSEEnabled: false ContributorInsightsSpecification: Enabled: false Tags: - Key: product Value: ${self:service}
Complete code
GitHub - JessicaWin/dynamodb-in-action: introduce usage of dynamodb