Detailed explanation of crawler Python crawling vipshop product information


Hello, I'm 👉 [year of fighting]

This issue introduces you how to use python to crawl vipshop product information, involving Chinese urlencode coding, multi-layer url search, excel table operation and so on. I hope it will be helpful to you.

Statement: This article is for learning reference only

1. Web page analysis

1.1 official website analysis

Official website address:

Take men's t-shirts and short sleeves as an example:

Pay attention to the three information in the figure: name, sort and page number. The men's t-shirt short sleeves are sorted by default, with a total of 28 pages.

When we pull down the scroll bar on the right to the bottom, we will find that the goods on the page are increasing, indicating that there is ajax interaction on the web page, that is, the web address in the browser search box is not the actual goods information web address, so we need F12 to find the actual goods information web address.

Press F12 or right-click to review the element and search the first product information (fuzzy search):

It can be found that the product information is returned in json format, numbered 0-49, with a total of 50 items.

Requested URL:

Pull down the right scroll bar to the bottom. There are 3 requests in total:

The number of goods requested in the three requests is 50, 50 and 20 respectively, that is, there are 120 goods information in total, which is consistent with the web page.

Get the links of the first three pages in sequence according to the above methods as follows:

The main difference lies in the different productIds parameters. Finally_ The (underlined) parameter is also different, but this parameter has no effect on the result, so the main problem is to solve the productIds parameter.

After careful observation, you will find that the value of the productIds parameter is actually the id of all commodities requested this time. You can confirm from the number or click a commodity details page to confirm. It will not be repeated here.

So the question turns to how to get the productIds of goods?

1.2 productlds analysis

search the productId of any product:

You can see a request link of rank. See the details:

What a coincidence! There are 120 pieces of pid information here, which correspond to the 120 items on this page.

Next, let's look at the rank link on the first three pages:

The main difference is that the pageOffset parameter is different. Finally_ The (underlined) parameter is also different. This parameter can be ignored, and pageOffset increases with a tolerance of 120.

When crawling, the parameter is pageOffset = 120 * (page-1)

1.3 summary

Crawl logic:

  • Get current page productIds
  • Get three product information requests per page
  • Save product information

2. Crawl commodity information

2.1 obtaining productids


# Get product ids
def get_product_ids(url,headers):
    r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
    r.encoding = r.apparent_encoding
    datas = re.findall('{.*}', r.text)[0]
    pid_datas = json.loads(datas)
    ids = pid_datas['data']['products']
    product_ids = []
    for id in ids:
    return product_ids

url: rank request link
headers: request header (requires its own cookies)

2.2 specific information of crawling goods

Guess: since we have obtained all productIds of the current page number, can we request 120 pieces of information at one time without three times?

Try it!

def get_info_test(product_ids):
    product_ids_str = '%2C'.join(product_ids)
    url = '{}%2C&scene=search&standby_id=nature&extParams=%7B%22stdSizeVids%22%3A%22%22%2C%22preheatTipsVer%22%3A%223%22%2C%22couponVer%22%3A%22v2%22%2C%22exclusivePrice%22%3A%221%22%2C%22iconSpec%22%3A%222x%22%7D&context=&_=1600164018137'.format(product_ids_str)
    r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
    r.encoding = r.apparent_encoding


Tip: limit size: 50. The maximum number of requests is 50, so you still need to make three requests.

Note the Chinese code of the url when requesting:

You can use parse. In urllib Transcoding with the quote() function:

Product information resolution code:

# Get product specific information
def get_product_infos(url,headers):
    r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
    r.encoding = r.apparent_encoding
    product_infos = re.findall('{.*}', r.text)[0]
    infos = json.loads(product_infos)
    infolsts = infos['data']['products']
    allinfo = []
    for lst in infolsts:
            # Commodity id
            id = lst['productId']
            # title
            title = lst['title']
            # brand
            brand = lst['brandShowName']
            # market value
            price0 = lst['price']['marketPrice']
            # price
            price1 = lst['price']['salePrice']
            # link
            brandId = lst['brandId']
            href = '{}-{}.html'.format(brandId,id)
            oneinfo = [id,title,brand,price0,price1,href]
    return allinfo


2.3 saving data

We use openpyxl to save data to excel file:

# Save data
def insert2excel(filepath,allinfo):
        if not os.path.exists(filepath):
            tableTitle = ['commodity id','title','brand','market value','price','Product link']
            wb = Workbook()
            ws =
            ws.title = 'sheet1'
        wb = load_workbook(filepath)
        ws =
        ws.title = 'sheet1'
        for info in allinfo:
        return True
        return False


Here we only take the previous three pages of goods as an example.

2.4 main function

3. Summary

This issue mainly introduces you how to analyze the logic of web page data acquisition step by step. You should pay attention to the following points:

  • Check whether the web page data is loaded asynchronously

  • How to find the actual request url and whether transcoding is required

  • Data saving

The above is all the content sorted out for you in this issue. Practice quickly. It's not easy to be original. Friends who like can praise, collect and share it for more people to know.

  • The article provides the code of several core functions. If you need full-text code, you can reply to "vipshop" in the background to obtain it.

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Keywords: Python crawler Python crawler

Added by bradkenyon on Sat, 15 Jan 2022 12:20:23 +0200