Developing Excel VBA to send mail automatically


1, . set up Outlook email account (not the focus of this article)

2, . set up Outlook Trust Center as follows

If the following operation settings are not made, the prompt is as follows when Excel VBA calls Outlook to automatically send mail

2.1 Outlook - > tools - > Trust Center

2.2 programming access - > select "never send me suspicious activity warning (not recommended)", note: it is recommended to use Excel VBA to automatically send mail to enable this function

3, Enable Excel Macro

3.1 enable macro operations as follows:

Open Excel and click Office - > Excel, as shown below

Select "Trust Center" - > trust center setting on the left side of the "Excel option" form, as shown below:

In the "Trust Center" form - > macro settings, select the following two options

Then close Excel and open again to enable macro and VBA programming development.

4, Excel VBA development

4.1 create module class: clsModel, write the following code:

  1. Public Declare Function SetTimer Lib "user32" _  
  2.         (ByVal hwnd As LongByVal nIDEvent As LongByVal uElapse As LongByVal lpTimerfunc As LongAs Long  
  3. Public Declare Function KillTimer Lib "user32" _  
  4.         (ByVal hwnd As LongByVal nIDEvent As LongAs Long  
  5. Public Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)  
  6. Sub AutoMail()  
  7.     GB_EMPSALARY.Show  
  8. End Sub  
  10. 'Function WinProcA(ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal uMsg As Long, ByVal idEvent As Long, ByVal SysTime As Long) As Long  
  11. '    KillTimer 0, idEvent  
  12. '    DoEvents  
  13. '    Sleep 100  
  14. '    'Use Alt+S Sending email is the key point of this article. It is the only way to automatically send email without security prompt  
  15. '    Application.SendKeys "%s"  
  16. 'End Function  
  18. ' Subprogram to send a single message  
  19. Sub SendMail(ByVal to_who As StringByVal SubJect As StringByVal body As StringByVal cell As String)  
  20.     Dim objOL As Object  
  21.     Dim itmNewMail As Object  
  22.     'Quote Microsoft Outlook object  
  23.     Set objOL = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")  
  24.     Set itmNewMail = objOL.CreateItem(olMailItem)  
  25.     On Error GoTo Err_Handle  
  27.     With itmNewMail  
  28.         .SubJect = SubJect  'A purpose  
  29.         .htmlBody = body    'Text text  
  30.         '.body = body   'Text text  
  31.         .To = to_who  'Recipient  
  32.         '.Attachments.Add attachement 'Attachments. If you don't need to send attachments, you can delete this sentence, Excel The fourth column in cannot be deleted  
  33.         .Display  'start-up Outlook Send window  
  34.         'SetTimer 0, 0, 0, AddressOf WinProcA  
  35.         .Send  
  36.         'Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:03"))  
  37.         'Application.SendKeys "%s"  
  38.     End With  
  39.     Worksheets("Sheet1").Range(cell).Value = "Y"  
  40.     Set objOL = Nothing  
  41.     Set itmNewMail = Nothing  
  42. Err_Handle:  
  43.     Set objOL = Nothing  
  44.     Set itmNewMail = Nothing  
  45.     On Error Resume Next  
  46. End Sub  

4.2 create an automatic email sending interface, so that users can see which line of Excel table to operate.

The main codes are as follows:

  1. Private Sub butSend_Click()  
  2.     On Error Resume Next  
  3.     Dim i As Integer  
  5.     Dim EmpName, eMail, mailSubJect, mailBody, cell, sendFlag As String  
  8.     i = CInt(txtStartRow.Text)  
  9.     If (i < 3) Then  
  10.         i = 3  
  11.     End If  
  12.     'Mailbox subject  
  13.         mailSubJect = "A company" & Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("C1").Value & "Payslip"  
  14.     'Employee name  
  15.     EmpName = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("E" & i).Value  
  16.     'Employee name is empty exit stop sending mail  
  17.     Do While EmpName <> ""  
  18.         'Send mail flag  
  19.         sendFlag = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A" & i).Value  
  20.         'e-mail address  
  21.         eMail = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("AH" & i).Value  
  22.         'Whether the email is sent and closed, and whether the email address is empty  
  23.         If (sendFlag <> "Y" And eMail <> ""Then  
  24.            'Mailbox content  
  25.            mailBody = SalaryContext(EmpName, i)  
  26.            'Send flag cell or not  
  27.            cell = "A" & i  
  28.            SendMail eMail, mailSubJect, mailBody, cell  
  29.         End If  
  30.         i = i + 1  
  31.         'Get employee name on next line  
  32.         EmpName = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("E" & i).Value  
  33.         DoEvents  
  34.         Sleep 300  
  35.         txtSend.Text = i  
  36.     Loop  
  37. End Sub  
  38. 'Payslip table details  
  39. Function SalaryContext(ByVal EmpName As StringByVal Row As IntegerAs String  
  40.     Dim htmlBody, tableHeader, tableBody As String  
  41.     htmlBody = "<html>" & _  
  42.         "<head>" & _  
  43.         "<meta http-equiv=""Content-Type"" contentType=""application/;charset=gb2312"">" & _  
  44.         "   <STYLE type=text/css>" & _  
  45.         "   .sub_title{" & _  
  46.         "      FONT-WEIGHT: bold;" & _  
  47.         "      FONT-SIZE: 4mm;" & _  
  48.         "      VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle;" & _  
  49.         "      TEXT-ALIGN: center" & _  
  50.         "      background-color: #ffff66//" & _  
  51.         "      }"  
  53.     htmlBody = htmlBody & "   .context {" & _  
  54.         "      font-size: 12px;" & _  
  55.         "      BORDER-TOP-WIDTH: 0.6mm;" & _  
  56.         "      PADDING-RIGHT: 1mm;" & _  
  57.         "      PADDING-LEFT: 1mm;" & _  
  58.         "      BORDER-LEFT-WIDTH: 0.6mm;" & _  
  59.         "      BORDER-BOTTOM-WIDTH: 0.6mm;" & _  
  60.         "      PADDING-BOTTOM: 0mm;" & _  
  61.         "      PADDING-TOP: 0mm;" & _  
  62.         "      BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse;" & _  
  63.         "      BORDER-RIGHT-WIDTH: 0.6mm" & _  
  64.         "      }"  
  66.     htmlBody = htmlBody & "   .context td{" & _  
  67.         "      border:1px solid #009900;" & _  
  68.         "      }" & _  
  69.         "   .page {" & _  
  70.         "      page-break-after: always;" & _  
  71.         "      }" & _  
  72.         "  </STYLE>" & _  
  73.         "</head><body>Dear " & EmpName & Chr(13)  
  75.     htmlBody = htmlBody & "<table class=""context"" borderColor=""#669933"" border=1>"  
  76.     'MsgBox htmlBody  
  77.     'Header  
  78.     tableHeader = "<tr bgcolor=""#FFE66F""><td align=""center"">Fixer<br>Benchmark</td>" & _  
  79.         "<td align=""center"">Floating performance<br>Benchmark</td><td align=""center"">Should be diligent<br>Hours</td>" & _  
  80.         "<td align=""right"">Actual<br>Attendance</td><td align=""center"">section<br>holiday</td><td align=""center"">Assessment<br>coefficient</td>" & _  
  81.         "<td align=""center"">fixed<br>wages</td><td align=""center"">Float<br>Achievements</td><td align=""center"">stay outside over-night<br>subsidy</td>" & _  
  82.         "<td align=""right"">food&subsidy</td><td align=""center"">bonus</td><td align=""center"">Royalty</td>" & _  
  83.         "<td align=""right"">subsidy</td><td align=""center"">Replacement</td><td align=""center"">Other<br>subsidy</td>" & _  
  84.         "<td align=""right"">Should be issued<br>Total</td><td align=""center"">Late</td><td align=""center"">food</td>" & _  
  85.         "<td align=""right"">social security</td><td align=""center"">common<br>MPF</td><td align=""center"">rent</td>" & _  
  86.         "<td align=""right"">hydropower</td><td align=""center"">personal income tax</td><td align=""center"">Telephone bill</td>" & _  
  87.         "<td align=""right"">Withholding tuition</td><td align=""center"">Other</td><td align=""center"">Withhold<br>Total</td>" & _  
  88.         "<td align=""right"">Paid wages</td></tr>"  
  89.    'MsgBox Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("F" & i).Value  
  90.    'Table content  
  91.    tableBody = "<tr>" & _  
  92.         "<td>" & Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("F" & Row).Value & "</td>" & _  
  93.         "<td>" & Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("G" & Row).Value & "</td>" & _  
  94.         "<td>" & Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("H" & Row).Value & "</td>" & _  
  95.         "<td>" & Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("I" & Row).Value & "</td>" & _  
  96.         "<td>" & Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("J" & Row).Value & "</td>" & _  
  97.         "<td>" & Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("K" & Row).Value & "</td>" & _  
  98.         "<td>" & Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("L" & Row).Value & "</td>" & _  
  99.         "<td>" & Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("M" & Row).Value & "</td>" & _  
  100.         "<td>" & Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("N" & Row).Value & "</td>" & _  
  101.         "<td>" & Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("O" & Row).Value & "</td>" & _  
  102.         "<td>" & Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("P" & Row).Value & "</td>" & _  
  103.         "<td>" & Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("Q" & Row).Value & "</td>" & _  
  104.         "<td>" & Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("R" & Row).Value & "</td>" & _  
  105.         "<td>" & Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("S" & Row).Value & "</td>" & _  
  106.         "<td>" & Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("T" & Row).Value & "</td>" & _  
  107.         "<td>" & Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("U" & Row).Value & "</td>" & _  
  108.         "<td>" & Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("V" & Row).Value & "</td>" & _  
  109.         "<td>" & Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("W" & Row).Value & "</td>" & _  
  110.         "<td>" & Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("X" & Row).Value & "</td>" & _  
  111.         "<td>" & Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("Y" & Row).Value & "</td>" & _  
  112.         "<td>" & Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("Z" & Row).Value & "</td>" & _  
  113.         "<td>" & Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("AA" & Row).Value & "</td>" & _  
  114.         "<td>" & Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("AB" & Row).Value & "</td>" & _  
  115.         "<td>" & Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("AC" & Row).Value & "</td>"  
  117.    tableBody = tableBody & "<td>" & Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("AD" & Row).Value & "</td>" & _  
  118.         "<td>" & Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("AE" & Row).Value & "</td>" & _  
  119.         "<td>" & Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("AF" & Row).Value & "</td>" & _  
  120.         "<td>" & Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("AG" & Row).Value & "</td>" & _  
  121.         "</tr>"  
  123.    'MsgBox tableBody  
  125.    htmlBody = htmlBody & tableHeader & tableBody & "</table></body></html>"  
  127.    SalaryContext = htmlBody  
  128. End Function  

The contents of the Excel table are as follows

Keywords: Excel Programming

Added by saariko on Sun, 03 May 2020 08:09:12 +0300