Disk read / write understanding

Time complexity o(1), o(n), o(logn), o(nlogn)

1. Time complexity o(1), o(n), o(logn), o(nlogn). The time complexity of the algorithm is sometimes called o(1), o(n), o(logn), o(nlogn), which is the representation of the time-space complexity of the algorithm. It is not only used to represent time complexity, but also used to represent space complexity. There is a function in parentheses after o, indicating the relationship between time / space consumption of an algorithm and data growth. Where n represents the amount of input data.

Big O describes the relationship between the running time of the algorithm and the input data.

2. The time complexity is O(1). It is the lowest space-time complexity, that is, the time / space consumption is independent of the size of the input data. No matter how many times the input data is increased, the time / space consumption remains the same. Hash algorithm is a typical O(1) time complexity. No matter how large the data scale is, the target can be found after one calculation (regardless of conflict).

3. The time complexity is O(n). It means that the amount of data increases several times and the time consumption increases several times. For example, common traversal algorithms. Another example is the time complexity O(n^2), which means that when the amount of data increases by N times, the time consumption increases by n square times, which is a higher time complexity than linearity. For example, bubble sorting is a typical O(n^2) algorithm. To sort n numbers, you need to scan n × N times.

4. The time complexity is O(logn). When the data increases by n times, the time consumption increases by logn times (the log here is based on 2. For example, when the data increases by 256 times, the time consumption only increases by 8 times, which is lower than the linear time complexity). Binary search is the O(logn) algorithm. Every time you search, you eliminate half the possibility. You can find the target only 8 times in 256 data. Exponential function: generally, y=a^x function (a is constant and a > 0, a ≠ 1) is called exponential function. y=a^x represents the x power of A. Logarithmic function: if a^x =N (a > 0 and a ≠ 1), then the number x is called the logarithm of N with a as the base, recorded as x=logaN, and read as the logarithm of N with a as the base, where a is called the base of logarithm and N is called the true number. 5. The time complexity is O(nlogn). That is, n times logn. When the data increases by 256 times, the time consumption increases by 256 * 8 = 2048 times. This complexity is higher than linearity and lower than square. Merge sort is the time complexity of O(nlogn).

 * Btree example for DynnOS
 * Quenza simple license
 * 2013, Dinux

** B-Tree definition :
** Assume the degree of the tree is d(d>=2).
**   1. Every node has at most 2d children.
**   2. Every node (except root) has at least d children.
**   3. The root has at least 2 children if it is not a leaf node.
**   4. A non-leaf node with K children contains K-1 keys. And :
**      K[1]<=K[2]<=K[3]<=...<=K[K-1].
**   5. All leaves appear in the same level.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define EMPTY 0

#define NODE_ORDER    3 /*The degree of the tree.*/

typedef unsigned char bool;

typedef struct tree_node {
  int key_array[NODE_KEYS];
  struct tree_node *child_array[NODE_POINTERS];
  unsigned int key_index;
  bool leaf;
} node_t;

typedef struct {
  node_t *node_pointer;
  int key;
  bool found;
  unsigned int depth;
} result_t;

typedef struct {
  node_t *root;
  unsigned short order;
  bool lock;
} btree_t;

static int BTreeGetLeftMax(node_t *T);
static int BTreeGetRightMin(node_t *T);
/* The AllocateNode operation allocate a b-tree node.And then set the node's
** properties to the defualt value :
**   BTreeNode => K[i] = 0
**   BTreeNode => child_array[i] = NULL
**   BTreeNode => key_index = 0
**   BTreeNode => isLeaf = 1;
static node_t *create_node()
  int i;
  node_t *new_node = (node_t *)malloc(sizeof(node_t));

    printf("Out of memory");

  // Set Keys
  for(i = 0;i < NODE_KEYS; i++){
    new_node->key_array[i] = 0;

  // Set ptr
  for(i = 0;i < NODE_POINTERS; i++){
    new_node->child_array[i] = NULL;

  new_node->key_index = EMPTY;
  new_node->leaf = TRUE;

  return new_node;
/* The CreatBTree operation creates an empty b-tree by allocating a new root
** that has no keys and is a leaf node.Only the root node is permitted to
** have this properties.
btree_t *create_btree()
  btree_t *new_root = (btree_t *)malloc(sizeof(btree_t));

    return NULL;

  node_t *head = create_node();

    return NULL;

  new_root->order = NODE_ORDER;
  new_root->root = head;
  new_root->lock = FALSE;

  return new_root;

static result_t *get_resultset()
  result_t *ret = (result_t *)malloc(sizeof(result_t));

    printf("ERROR! Out of memory.");

  ret->node_pointer = NULL;
  ret->key = 0;
  ret->found = FALSE;
  ret->depth = 0;

  return ret;

void print_node(node_t *n)
  int i, q;

  printf(">>-----0x%x-----\n", n);
  printf("  Index: %d\n", n->key_index);
  printf("   Leaf: ");

  printf("  Array:");
  for(i = 0; i < n->key_index; i++){
    printf(" [%d : %d]", i, n->key_array[i]);

  printf("\n  Child:");
    printf(" NONE");
    for(q = 0; q < NODE_POINTERS; q++){
      printf(" [%d : %x]", q, n->child_array[q]);


/* The BTreeSearch operation is to search X in T.Recursively traverse the tree
** from top to bottom.At each level, BTreeSearch choose the maximum key whose
** value is greater than or equal to the desired value X.If equal to the
** desired ,found.Otherwise continue to traverse.
result_t *search(int key, node_t *node)
  int i = 0;

  while((i < node->key_index) && (key > node->key_array[i])){
    //printf("it %d is <= %d and key %d > than %d\n", i, node->key_index, key, node->key_array[i]);
//printf("end iterator: %d\n", i);

//printf("better: \n");
  int c = 0;

  while((c < node->key_index) && (key > node->key_array[c])){
    printf("it %d is <= %d and key %d > than %d\n", c, node->key_index, key, node->key_array[c]);
  // HACK /// may not be working 
  if(i == 6){

  // Check if we found it
  if((i <= node->key_index) && (key == node->key_array[i])){
    result_t *result = get_resultset();
    result->node_pointer = node;
    result->key = i;
    result->found = TRUE;
    return result;

  // Not found check leaf or child
    result_t *result = get_resultset();
    result->node_pointer = node;
    result->found = FALSE;
    return result;
    result_t *result = get_resultset();
    return search(key, node->child_array[i]);
/* The split_child operation moves the median key of node child_array into
** its parent ptrParent where child_array is the ith child of ptrParent.
static void split_child(node_t *parent_node, int i, node_t *child_array)
  int j;

  //Allocate a new node to store child_array's node.
  node_t *new_node = create_node();
  new_node->leaf = child_array->leaf;
  new_node->key_index = NODE_ORDER-1;

  //Move child_array's right half nodes to the new node.
  for(j = 0;j < NODE_ORDER-1;j++){
    new_node->key_array[j] = child_array->key_array[NODE_ORDER+j];

  //If child_array is not leaf node,then move child_array's [child_array]s to the new
  //node's [child_array]s.
  if(child_array->leaf == 0){
    for(j = 0;j < NODE_ORDER;j++){
      new_node->child_array[j] = child_array->child_array[NODE_ORDER+j];
  child_array->key_index = NODE_ORDER-1;

  //Right shift ptrParent's [child_array] from index i
  for(j = parent_node->key_index;j>=i;j--){
    parent_node->child_array[j+1] = parent_node->child_array[j];

  //Set ptrParent's ith child_array to the newNode.
  parent_node->child_array[i] = new_node;

  //Right shift ptrParent's Keys from index i-1
  for(j = parent_node->key_index;j>=i;j--){
    parent_node->key_array[j] = parent_node->key_array[j-1];

  //Set ptrParent's [i-1]th Key to child_array's median [child_array]
  parent_node->key_array[i-1] = child_array->key_array[NODE_ORDER-1];

  //Increase ptrParent's Key number.
/* The BTreeInsertNonFull operation insert X into a non-full node T.before
** execute this operation,guarantee T is not a full node.
static void insert_nonfull(node_t *n, int key){
  int i = n->key_index;
    // Shift until we fit
    while(i>=1 && key<n->key_array[i-1]){
      n->key_array[i] = n->key_array[i-1];
    n->key_array[i] = key;
    // Find the position i to insert.
    while(i>=1 && key<n->key_array[i-1]){
    //If T's ith child_array is full,split first.
    if(n->child_array[i]->key_index == NODE_KEYS){
      split_child(n, i+1, n->child_array[i]);
      if(key > n->key_array[i]){
    //Recursive insert.
    insert_nonfull(n->child_array[i], key);
/* The BTreeInsert operation insert key into T.Before insert ,this operation
** check whether T's root node is full(root->key_index == 2*d -1) or not.If full,
** execute split_child to guarantee the parent never become full.And then
** execute BTreeInsertNonFull to insert X into a non-full node.
node_t *insert(int key, btree_t *b)
    node_t *root = b->root;
    if(root->key_index == NODE_KEYS){ //If node root is full,split it.
      node_t *newNode = create_node();
      b->root = newNode; //Set the new node to T's Root.
      newNode->leaf = 0;
      newNode->key_index = 0;
      newNode->child_array[0] = root;
      split_child(newNode, 1, root);//Root is 1th child of newNode.
      insert_nonfull(newNode, key); //Insert X into non-full node.
    }else{ //If not full,just insert X in T.
      insert_nonfull(b->root, key);
    printf("Tree is locked\n");

  return b->root;
/* The merge_children operation merge the root->K[index] and its two child
** and then set chlid1 to the new root.
static void merge_children(node_t *root, int index, node_t *child1, node_t *child2){
  child1->key_index = NODE_KEYS;
  int i;
  //Move child2's key to child1's right half.
    child1->key_array[i] = child2->key_array[i-NODE_ORDER];
  child1->key_array[NODE_ORDER-1] = root->key_array[index]; //Shift root->K[index] down.
  //If child2 is not a leaf node,must copy child2's [ptrchlid] to the new
  //root(child1)'s [child_array].
  if(0 == child2->leaf){
      child1->child_array[i] = child2->child_array[i-NODE_ORDER];
  //Now update the root.
    root->key_array[i-1] = root->key_array[i];
    root->child_array[i] = root->child_array[i+1];
/* The BTreeBorrowFromLeft operation borrows a key from leftPtr.curPtr borrow
** a node from leftPtr.root->K[index] shift down to curPtr,shift leftPtr's
** right-max key up to root->K[index].
static void BTreeBorrowFromLeft(node_t *root, int index, node_t *leftPtr, node_t *curPtr){
  int i;
    curPtr->key_array[i] = curPtr->key_array[i-1];
  curPtr->key_array[0] = root->key_array[index];
  root->key_array[index] = leftPtr->key_array[leftPtr->key_index-1];
  if(0 == leftPtr->leaf)
      curPtr->child_array[i] = curPtr->child_array[i-1];
  curPtr->child_array[0] = leftPtr->child_array[leftPtr->key_index];
/* The BTreeBorrowFromLeft operation borrows a key from rightPtr.curPtr borrow
** a node from rightPtr.root->K[index] shift down to curPtr,shift RightPtr's
** left-min key up to root->K[index].
static void BTreeBorrowFromRight(node_t *root, int index, node_t *rightPtr, node_t *curPtr){
  curPtr->key_array[curPtr->key_index-1] = root->key_array[index];
  root->key_array[index] = rightPtr->key_array[0];
  int i;
    rightPtr->key_array[i] = rightPtr->key_array[i+1];
  if(0 == rightPtr->leaf){
    curPtr->child_array[curPtr->key_index] = rightPtr->child_array[0];
      rightPtr->child_array[i] = rightPtr->child_array[i+1];
/* The BTreeDeleteNoNone operation recursively delete X in root,handle both leaf
** and internal node:
**   1. If X in a leaf node,just delete it.
**   2. If X in a internal node P:
**      a): If P's left neighbor -> prePtr has at least d keys,replace X with
**        prePtr's right-max key and then recursively delete it.
**      b): If P's right neighbor -> nexPtr has at least d keys,replace X with
**        nexPtr's left-min key and then recursively delete it.
**      c): If both of prePtr and nexPtr have d-1 keys,merge X and nexPtr into
**        prePtr.Now prePtr have 2*d-1 keys,and then recursively delete X in
**        prePtr.
**   3. If X not in a internal node P,X must in P->child_array[i] zone.If child_array[i]
**      only has d-1 keys:
**      a): If child_array[i]'s neighbor have at least d keys,borrow a key from
**        child_array[i]'s neighbor.
**      b): If both of child_array[i]'s left and right neighbor have d-1 keys,merge
**        child_array[i] with one of its neighbor.
**      finally,recursively delete X.
static void BTreeDeleteNoNone(int X, node_t *root){
  int i;
  //Is root is a leaf node ,just delete it.
  if(1 == root->leaf){
    while( (i<root->key_index) && (X>root->key_array[i])) //Find the index of X.
    //If exists or not.
    if(X == root->key_array[i]){
        root->key_array[i] = root->key_array[i+1];
      printf("Node not found.\n");
      return ;
  else{  //X is in a internal node.
    i = 0;
    node_t *prePtr = NULL, *nexPtr = NULL;
    //Find the index;
    while( (i<root->key_index) && (X>root->key_array[i]) )
    if( (i<root->key_index) && (X == root->key_array[i]) ){ //Find it in this level.
      prePtr = root->child_array[i];
      nexPtr = root->child_array[i+1];
      /*If prePtr at least have d keys,replace X by X's precursor in
      if(prePtr->key_index > NODE_ORDER-1){
        int aPrecursor = BTreeGetLeftMax(prePtr);
        root->key_array[i] = aPrecursor;
        //Recursively delete aPrecursor in prePtr.
      if(nexPtr->key_index > NODE_ORDER-1){
      /*If nexPtr at least have d keys,replace X by X's successor in
       * nexPtr*/
        int aSuccessor = BTreeGetRightMin(nexPtr);
        root->key_array[i] = aSuccessor;
      /*If both of root's two child have d-1 keys,then merge root->K[i]
       * and prePtr nexPtr. Recursively delete X in the prePtr.*/
    else{ //Not find in this level,delete it in the next level.
      prePtr = root->child_array[i];
      node_t *leftBro = NULL;
        nexPtr = root->child_array[i+1];
        leftBro = root->child_array[i-1];
      /*root->child_array[i] need to borrow from or merge with his neighbor
       * and then recursively delete. */
      if(NODE_ORDER-1 == prePtr->key_index){
      //If left-neighbor have at least d-1 keys,borrow.
        if( (leftBro != NULL) && (leftBro->key_index > NODE_ORDER-1))
        else //Borrow from right-neighbor
        if( (nexPtr != NULL) && (nexPtr->key_index > NODE_ORDER-1))
        //OR,merge with its neighbor.
        else if(leftBro != NULL){
          //Merge with left-neighbor
          prePtr = leftBro;
        else //Merge with right-neighbor
      /*Now prePtr at least have d keys,just recursively delete X in
       * prePtr*/
/*Get T's left-max key*/
static int BTreeGetLeftMax(node_t *T){
  if(0 == T->leaf){
    return BTreeGetLeftMax(T->child_array[T->key_index]);
    return T->key_array[T->key_index-1];
/*Get T's right-min key*/
static int BTreeGetRightMin(node_t *T){
  if(0 == T->leaf){
    return BTreeGetRightMin(T->child_array[0]);
    return T->key_array[0];
/* The BTreeDelete operation delete X from T up-to-down and no-backtrack.
** Before delete,check if it's necessary to merge the root and its children
** to reduce the tree's height.Execute BTreeDeleteNoNone to recursively delete
node_t *delete(int key, btree_t *b)
    //if the root of T only have 1 key and both of T's two child have d-1
    //key,then merge the children and the root. Guarantee not need to backtrack.
    if(b->root->key_index == 1){
      node_t *child1 = b->root->child_array[0];
      node_t *child2 = b->root->child_array[1];
      if((!child1) && (!child2)){
        if((NODE_ORDER-1 == child1->key_index) && (NODE_ORDER-1 == child2->key_index)){
          //Merge the children and set child1 to the new root.
          merge_children(b->root, 0, child1, child2);
          BTreeDeleteNoNone(key, child1);
          return child1;
    BTreeDeleteNoNone(key, b->root);
    printf("Tree is locked\n");
  return b->root;

void tree_unlock(btree_t *r)
  r->lock = FALSE;

bool tree_lock(btree_t *r)
    return FALSE;
  r->lock = TRUE;

  return TRUE;

//---------------------------------TEST APP ------------------------------------------

void console(btree_t *b)
  int number;
  char name[256];

  printf("BTree> ");
  scanf("%s", name);
  if(!strcmp("add", name)){
    scanf("%d", &number);
      b->root = insert(number, b);
    printf("Insert %d\n", number);
  }else if(!strcmp("del", name)){
    scanf("%d", &number);
      b->root = delete(number, b);
    printf("Delete %d\n", number);
  }else if(!strcmp("search", name)){
    scanf("%d", &number);
      result_t *rs = search(number, b->root);
        printf("Not found\n");
  }else if(!strcmp("tree", name)){
    printf("  Order: %d\n", b->order);
    printf("   Lock: ", b->lock);
  }else if(!strcmp("lock", name)){
  }else if(!strcmp("unlock", name)){
  }else if(!strcmp("exit", name)){
  }else if(!strcmp("quit", name)){
    printf("Unknown [%s]\n", name);


int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int test[] = {1, -11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 28, 29, 31,
         35, 36, 39, 41, 42, 45, 55, 58, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 74,
         76, 80, 81, 82, 83, 88, 89, 99, 83, 91, 93, 94, 95, 98};
  int test2[] = {-23, -234, -24, -3, -38, -82, -49, -72, -84, -27, -22,
           -35, -9, -29, -374, -84, -24 , -92, -83, -372, -756};
  int todelete[] = {15, 19};

  btree_t *main = create_btree();
  int i;

  for(i=0; i<sizeof(test)/sizeof(int); i++){
    main->root = insert(test[i], main);

  for(i=0; i<sizeof(test2)/sizeof(int); i++){
    main->root = insert(test2[i], main);

  for(i=0; i<sizeof(todelete)/sizeof(int); i++){
    main->root = delete(todelete[i], main);

  // Run console for easy testing

  return 0;

Added by po on Tue, 11 Jan 2022 02:56:58 +0200