Django ORM data addition, deletion, modification and query interface

Django's object relational mapper (ORM) provides rich data query interfaces, so that you can add, delete, modify and query the data in the database through simple operation of the model without using native SQL statements. The result of query is called queryset, so this interface is called QuerySet API. Today, we will take the blog as an example to demonstrate how Django can add, delete, modify and query the database through the model.

The Article model we use is as follows:

from django.db import models

class Article(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField('title', max_length=200, unique=True)
    body = models.TextField('text')
    created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
    def __str__(self):
        return self.title


For new data, Django provides two methods, save() and create().

Method 1: save method

from .models import Article

article = Article(title="My first article", body="My first article body")

Note: if this method does not actively select save(), the created object instance will only be saved in memory and will not be saved to the database. Because of this, Django also provides a more convenient create method.

Method 2: create method

article = Article.objects.create(title="My first article", body="My first article body")

Django also provides get in order to avoid duplicate creation of existing entries in the data table_ or_ Create method. It will return the queried or newly created model object instance, as well as whether the object instance has just been created.

obj, created = Article.objects.get_or_create(title="My first article", body="My first article body")

Note: for the user model operation in the auth module of Django, for example, when creating a new user, please use create_user method. This method will automatically add Hash to the password and store it in the database, as shown below:

from django.contrib.auth.models import User
user = User.objects.create_user(username='john, email='',password='somepwd')

Method 3: bulk_create method

When multiple pieces of data are inserted into the database in Django, SQL will be executed every time one is saved using the save or create method. The bulk provided by Django_ The Create method can add multiple pieces of data to SQL at a time, which is much more efficient, as shown below:

# Generate multiple object instances in memory
articles  = [Article(title="title1", body="body1"), Article(title="title2", body="body2"), Article(title="title3", body="body3")]

# Execute SQL insert data once


Delete deletes an existing entry from the data table. Django also allows you to delete one or more pieces of data at the same time.

Delete a single piece of data

# Delete Article 5

Delete some data

# Delete articles with python titles

Delete all data

# Use with caution


You can use either the save method or the update method. The difference is that the save method can not only update the existing object data in the data, but also create new objects. The update method can only be used to update existing object data. Generally speaking, if you want to update multiple object data at the same time, use the update method or bulk_ The update method is more appropriate.

Method 1: save method

article = Article.objects.get(id=1)
article.title = "New article title"

Method 2: update method to update a single article

article = Article.objects.get(id=1).update(title='new title')

Method 3: update method updates multiple articles at the same time

# Update all article titles
article = Article.objects.filter(title__icontains='python').update(title='Django')

Method 4: bulk_update method

And bulk_ Similar to the Create method, Django also provides bulk_ The update method can batch update the data in the database.


Query mainly uses get, filter and exclude methods, and these methods can be used together.

Query all data

# QuerySet type, instance object list
# Dictionary list
# Only get title dictionary form
# Only get the title list - tuple form, only value, no key
# Only get the title list, only value
Article.objects.all().values_list('title', flat=True)

Query a single piece of data

article = Article.objects.get(id=11)

When there is a problem with the above query, an error will be thrown if the id does not exist. Another way is to use the filter method so that no error will be reported even if the id does not exist.

article = Article.objects.filter(id=1).first()

A better way is to use the get provided by Django_ object_ or_ 404 method, as follows:

from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 
article = get_object_or_404(Article, pk=1) 

Query multiple data

Query by greater than, less than and not equal to

# gte: greater than or equal to, lte: less than or equal to
articles = Article.objects.filter(id__gte=2).filter(id__lte=11)
# Not equal to
articles = Article.objects.exclude(id=10)

Query by range

# Query by range, in or range
articles = Article.objects.filter(id__range=[2, 11])
articles = Article.objects.filter(id__in=[3, 6,9])

String fuzzy query

#The title contains python. If case is ignored, use icontains
articles = Article.objects.filter(title__contains='python')

#The title starts with python. If case is ignored, use istartswitch
articles = Article.objects.filter(title__startswith='python')

#The title ends in python. If case is ignored, use__ iendswith
articles = Article.objects.filter(title__endswith='python')

Query by date and time

# Query articles published in 2021

# Query articles published on March 19, 2021
import datetime

# Query articles published after January 1, 2021
Article.objects.filter(, 1, 1))

# Query upcoming articles compared to the current time
from django.utils import timezone

# Query according to the absolute time range, and query the articles published from January 1 to June 30, 2021
article = Aritlce.objects.filter(, 1, 1),, 6, 30))

# Query by relative time range, and use range to query articles published within 30 days after March 1
startdate =, 3, 1)
enddate = startdate + datetime.timedelta(days=30)
Article.objects.filter(pub_date__range=[startdate, enddate])

Slicing, sorting, de duplication

# section
articles = Article.objects.filter(created__year=2021)[:5]

# Sorting: created positive order, - indicates reverse order
articles = Article.objects.all().order_by('-created')

# duplicate removal

Advanced Q and F methods

Q method

Sometimes we need to execute conditional query of or logic. At this time, we can use Q method, which can connect multiple query conditions. Adding ~ before the Q object can indicate negation.

from django.models import Q
# Query for articles with python or Django titles
article = Article.objects.filter(Q(title__icontains='python')|Q(title__icontains='django'))
# The query title contains python, not Django articles
article = Article.objects.filter(Q(title__icontains='python')|~Q(title__icontains='django'))

F method

Using the F() method, you can filter a group of objects based on their own field values. It also supports arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, modulus and power operation.

from django.db.models import F
Article.objects.filter(n_comments__gt=F('n_pingbacks') * 2)

Keywords: Django

Added by Pavlos1316 on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 03:57:37 +0200