Use docker to build a common example of php, redis, mysql and nginx. Students with a good foundation can skip the previous basic explanation and start the actual battle directly.
Basic knowledge
Mirror operation
1. Check docker version
docker-compose --version docker version
2. Get image
Generally speaking, the latest tag of the image means that the content of the image will change by tracking the changes of the latest version, and the content is unstable. Therefore, in terms of stability, do not ignore the label information of the image or use the default latest marked image in the production environment.
docker pull php:7.4.25-fpm-buster
The options supported by the pull subcommand mainly include:
-a, --all-tags=true|false: Whether to obtain all images in the warehouse. The default value is No; --disable-content-trust: Cancel the content verification of the image. The default value is true.
3. View the image
Use the command to list the basic information of the existing image on the local host.
➜ docker docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE mysql latest b05128b000dd 5 days ago 516MB php 7.4.25-fpm-buster 918ac8229863 4 weeks ago 405MB redis latest 7faaec683238 5 weeks ago 113MB nginx latest 87a94228f133 6 weeks ago 133MB
TAG information is used to mark different images from the same warehouse. For example, there are multiple images in the ubuntu warehouse. The release versions are distinguished by TAG information, such as 18.04, 18.10, etc.
In addition, use the inspect command to view the details.
docker docker image inspect
4. Saving and exporting images
Export image:
docker save -o ~/gzcp.tar
Save image:
docker load -i gzcp.tar
If there is something unclear, you can execute the help command
docker image help
5. Delete image
docker rmi 15117995393/gzcp_dev:gzcp_dev
Container operation
1. Login container
bash: interactive mode in the form of bash
docker exec -it d1854ecb30df bash
2. Delete container
docker rm
By default, the docker rm command can only delete containers that have been terminated or exited, but cannot delete containers that are still running.
3. Export and import of containers
Export mirror command
docker export -o ~/lnmp1.7.tar 804c161615c3
Import mirror command
docker import ~/lnmp1.7.tar -t lnmp
4. View container
View container details command
docker inspect stark_lnmp:v1.0
View the process in the container. b0b5a9371ce4 is the container ID
docker top b0b5a9371ce4
View docker status
docker stats
Docker data management
1. Data volume
Data Volumes is a special directory that can be used by the container. It maps the host operating system directory directly into the container, which is similar to the mount behavior in Linux.
docker volume create -d local test test
2. Bind data volume
In addition to using the volume subcommand to manage data volumes, you can also mount any local path of the host into the container as a data volume when creating a container. The data volume created in this form is called bound data volume.
-The mount option supports three types of data volumes, including:
- -The mount option supports three types of data volumes, including:
- Bind: bind the data volume and map it to the path specified by the host;
- tmpfs: temporary data volume, which exists only in memory.
Next, create a Web container using the training/webapp image and mount a data volume to the / opt/webapp directory of the container:
docker run -d -P --name web --mount type=bind,source=/webapp, destination=/opt
The above command is equivalent to using the old - v flag to create a data volume in the container:
docker run -d -P --name web -v /webapp:/opt/webapp training/webapp bash
In addition, the path of the local directory must be an absolute path, and the path in the container can be a relative path. If the directory does not exist, Docker will automatically create it.
3. Data volume container
If users need to share some continuously updated data among multiple containers, the simplest way is to use the data volume container. The data volume container is also a container, but its purpose is to provide data volumes for other containers to mount.
Create a data volume container dbdata and mount a data volume in it to / dbdata:
docker run -it -v /dbdata --name dbdata alpine
Then, you can use -- volumes from in other containers to mount the data volumes in the dbdata container, for example, create two containers db1 and db2, and mount the data volumes from the dbdata container.
docker run -it --volumes-from dbdata --name db1 alpine
Note: the container on which the data volume is mounted using the -- volumes from parameter does not need to be kept running.
Port mapping and container interconnection
1. Access container application from outside
Add mapping port - p host port when starting container: container port
docker run -it -d -p 6379:6379 redis bash
2. The interconnection mechanism enables convenient mutual visits
Using the -- link parameter enables safe interaction between containers.
docker run -it --link redis-test:74-fpm b6086f719fea bash
In actual combat, Mysql, Redis, PHP and Nginx applications are installed and deployed separately
Execute the command to view the local image, stark_lnmp:v1.0 is that I integrated lnmp1 7 image, students in need can get the image address from me
➜ Docker docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE stark_lnmp v1.0 279e576fa083 4 weeks ago 5.43GB
Execute command:
docker run -d -i -t --privileged=true --name lnmp -p 90:80 -p 453:443 -p 6389:6379 -p 11221:11211 -p 3316:3306 -v /Users/stark/ChangPei/Docker/lnmp/wwwroot:/home/wwwroot stark_lnmp:v1.0 bash
Log in to docker:
docker exec -it 21e94b048331 bash
Start lnmp
[root@7d63a5989e81 default]# lnmp +-------------------------------------------+ | Manager for LNMP, Written by Licess | +-------------------------------------------+ | | +-------------------------------------------+ Usage: lnmp {start|stop|reload|restart|kill|status} Usage: lnmp {nginx|mysql|mariadb|php-fpm|pureftpd} {start|stop|reload|restart|kill|status} Usage: lnmp vhost {add|list|del} Usage: lnmp database {add|list|edit|del} Usage: lnmp ftp {add|list|edit|del|show} Usage: lnmp ssl add Usage: lnmp {dnsssl|dns} {cx|ali|cf|dp|he|gd|aws} Usage: lnmp onlyssl {cx|ali|cf|dp|he|gd|aws}
mysql test:
$link = mysqli_connect('', 'root', '12345678','test'); $sql = "select `id`,`page_name` from `t_page` limit 0,5"; $result = mysqli_query($link,$sql); while ( $row=mysqli_fetch_array($result,MYSQLI_ASSOC) ) { echo "id:".$row['id'].",page_name:".$row['page_name'].PHP_EOL; }
Execution result:
[root@7d63a5989e81 default]# php mysql.php id:1,page_name:Company profile id:2,page_name:Enterprise honor id:3,page_name:development history id:4,page_name:contact us id:5,page_name:Talent recruitment
Installation services
There were many problems in the previous installation. I guess there is no network interconnection to the php program??!!
docker pull mysql:5.6 docker run -itd --name mysql1 -p 3326:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=rootroot mysql:5.6
docker pull redis:6.2.6
2. Modify the default configuration
bind #Comment out this part, which restricts redis to local access only protected-mode no #The default is yes. The protected mode is enabled and local access is restricted daemonize no#By default, no is changed to yes, which means that it is started as a daemon and can be run in the background. Unless the kill process is changed to yes, redis will fail to start in the configuration file mode databases 16 #Number of databases (optional). I modified this to check whether it takes effect.. dir ./ #Enter the local redis database storage folder (optional) appendonly yes #redis persistence (optional)
3. Start redis
docker run -p 6399:6379 --name redis1 -v /Users/stark/ChangPei/Docker/redis/redis1.conf:/etc/redis/redis.conf -v /Users/stark/ChangPei/Docker/redis/data:/data -d redis:6.2.6 redis-server /etc/redis/redis.conf --appendonly yes
docker pull php:7.4-fpm
2. Operation
docker run --name phpfpm1 -v /Users/stark/ChangPei/Docker/nginx/www:/www -d php:7.4-fpm
3. Install Nginx
docker run --name runoob-php-nginx -p 8083:80 -d \ -v /Users/stark/ChangPei/Docker/nginx/www:/usr/share/nginx/html:ro \ -v /Users/stark/ChangPei/Docker/nginx/conf/conf.d:/etc/nginx/conf.d:ro \ --link phpfpm1:php \ nginx:1.20
remaining problems
The redis service cannot be linked in the PHP script, but it can be used in the software?!?!?!?!
How to install the extensions required by PHP?!?!?!?!