brief introduction
pyspider is a powerful Web crawler framework in Python, and supports distributed architecture.
Why use docker to build pyspider
When installing pyspider, you have crawled through some pits. For example, when using pip install pyspider, the version of Python is required to be 3.6 or less, because async is already the keyword of python3.7;
Using git clone code to install pyspider,python3 intall, you will encounter ssl certificate problems during the use process. In a word, you may encounter version compatibility problems.
Using docker to deploy pyspider
- Installation of docker is not specified;
- Go straight to the point.
docker network create --driver bridge pyspider mkdir -p /volume1/docker/Pyspider/mysql/{conf,logs,data}/ /volume1/docker/Pyspider/redis/ docker run --network=pyspider --name redis -d -v /volume1/docker/Pyspider/redis:/data -p 6379:6379 redis docker run --network pyspider -p 33060:3306 --name pymysql -v /volume1/docker/Pyspider/mysql/conf/my.cnf:/etc/mysql/my.cnf -v /volume1/docker/Pyspider/mysql/logs:/logs -v /volume1/docker/Pyspider/mysql/data:/var/lib/mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root123 -d mysql docker run --network=pyspider --name scheduler -d -p 23333:23333 --restart=always binux/pyspider --taskdb "mysql+taskdb://pyspider:py1234@" --resultdb "mysql+projectdb://pyspider:py1234@" --projectdb "mysql+projectdb://pyspider:py1234@" --message-queue "redis://redis:6379/0" scheduler --inqueue-limit 10000 --delete-time 3600
Using docker compose deployment
- docker-compose.yml
version: '2' services: phantomjs: image: 'binux/pyspider:latest' command: phantomjs cpu_shares: 256 environment: - 'EXCLUDE_PORTS=5000,23333,24444' expose: - '25555' # Expose port 25555 to the container link ed to this service mem_limit: 256m restart: always phantomjs-lb: image: 'dockercloud/haproxy:latest' # Using haproxy to use load balancing links: - phantomjs volumes: - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock # In the version of docker compose V2, haproxy needs to specify the docker socket (in MAC system) restart: always fetcher: image: 'binux/pyspider:latest' command: '--message-queue "redis://Redis: 6379 / 0 "-- phantomjs proxy" phantomjs: 80 "catcher -- XMLRPC 'ා catcher starts in rpc mode cpu_shares: 256 environment: - 'EXCLUDE_PORTS=5000,25555,23333' links: - 'phantomjs-lb:phantomjs' mem_limit: 256m restart: always fetcher-lb: image: 'dockercloud/haproxy:latest' # Using haproxy to use load balancing links: - fetcher volumes: - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock # In the version of docker compose V2, haproxy needs to specify the docker socket (in MAC system) restart: always processor: image: 'binux/pyspider:latest' command: '--projectdb "mysql+projectdb://pyspider:py1234@" --message-queue "redis://redis:6379/0" processor' cpu_shares: 256 mem_limit: 256m restart: always result-worker: image: 'binux/pyspider:latest' command: '--taskdb "mysql+taskdb://pyspider:py1234@" --projectdb "mysql+projectdb://pyspider:py1234@" --resultdb "mysql+resultdb://pyspider:py1234@" --message-queue "redis://redis:6379/0" result_worker' cpu_shares: 256 mem_limit: 256m restart: always webui: image: 'binux/pyspider:latest' command: '--taskdb "mysql+taskdb://pyspider:py1234@" --projectdb "mysql+projectdb://pyspider:py1234@" --resultdb "mysql+resultdb://pyspider:py1234@" --message-queue "redis://redis:6379/0" webui --max-rate 3 --max-burst 6 --scheduler-rpc "http://scheduler:23333/" --fetcher-rpc "http://fetcher/"' cpu_shares: 256 environment: - 'EXCLUDE_PORTS=24444,25555,23333' ports: - '15000:5000' # The external port of webui is 5000. You can access the webui service through http://localhost:5000. links: - 'fetcher-lb:fetcher' # link to other load balancing haproxy services. mem_limit: 256m restart: always webui-lb: image: 'dockercloud/haproxy:latest' links: - webui restart: always nginx: image: 'nginx' links: - 'webui-lb:HAPROXY' ports: - '5080:80' volumes: - /volume1/docker/Pyspider/nginx/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf - /volume1/docker/Pyspider/nginx/conf.d/:/etc/nginx/conf.d/ - /volume1/docker/Pyspider/nginx/sites-enabled/:/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ restart: always networks: default: external: name: pyspider #Specify the network interface of docker compose as: pyspider; implement the interworking with the container created by docker run.
Visit url:
http://ip:15000 - web ui
If you want to create more fetcher, result work and phantomjs container instances, you can use: docker compose scale phantomjs = 2 processor = 4 Result worker = 2 docker compose to automatically create 2 phantomjs services, 4 processor services and 2 Result worker services for you; haproxy will automatically realize load balancing