Dockerfile writing guide


The remote warehouse can pull a tomcat image, and then docker run starts the container, and then docker exec -it container id /bin/bash enters the container and returns our program to webapps. Wait, this series of operations need to be operated manually step by step. Then I ask you: you don't have the deployment permission of qa and production environment. How do you operate these? This requires that all manual step-by-step operations be written to the Dockerfile file, and then the file is sent to the operation and maintenance personnel, who build it into an image and start it.

give an example

For example, if you want to deploy a war package with tomcat, the contents of your Dockerfile file will include the following:

Pull tomcat down from the remote warehouse
Enter the webapps directory of tomcat
Throw the war package on the host to the webapps directory of the container
Then the O & M takes the Dockerfile and build s it into an image. Start the container at run time. be accomplished


The benefits of the above example are not difficult to find

Dockerfile liberates many steps of manual operation
Dockerfile ensures the unity of the environment
It will never happen again: QA is normal, but online is not (provided that it is caused by environmental problems), because the Dockerfile is the same, ranging from the environment to the version. Another problem is the code problem, which saves a lot of "close contact" time with the operation and maintenance personnel.

What is Dockerfile

Dockerfile is called image description file in Chinese. It is a text document containing image directories for combination, which can also be called "script". He automatically generates the image by reading the instructions in the dockerfile and the installation steps.

Supplement: the file name must be Dockerfile

Dockerfile command

Build mirror command

The instructions in Dockerfile include FROM, MAINTAINER, RUN, CMD, EXPOSE, ENV, ADD, COPY, entering, VOLUME, USER, WORKDIR and ONBUILD. The wrong instructions will be ignored. Some important Docker instructions will be explained in detail below

The two forms are as follows:

adopt FROM The specified image name must be an existing image. This image is called the basic image and must be located in the first non annotation instruction


Specify the author information of the image, including the owner and contact information of the image


Specifies the command to run when building a mirror. There are two modes:

RUN <command> (shell pattern)
RUN [ "executable", "param1", "param2" ] (exec pattern)
stay shell In mode, yes/bin/sh -c COMMAND To run the command
 stay exec In mode, you can specify other shell To run the command RUN ["/bin/bash", "-c", "echo hello"]
Multiple RUN Instructions can be combined into one:

RUN yum install httpd && yum install ftp
 This will reduce the generation of middle tier images during construction


Specify the port used by the container running the image, which can be multiple.

The purpose of using this instruction is to tell the application that the port that the application will use in the container needs to be used at run time-p Parameter specifies the mapping port. This is docker For security purposes, ports are not automatically opened.

docker run -p 80 -d dockertest/dockerfile_build nginx -g "daemon off"


Used to provide the default command for the container to run, if docker run When a command to run is specified, then CMD The command will not be executed. CMD There are three modes:

CMD <command> (shell pattern)
CMD [ "executable", "param1", "param2" ] (exec pattern)
CMD [ 'param1', 'param2'] (Usually with ENTRYPOINT Collocation assignment ENTRYPOINT Default parameters for)


And CMD similar, ENTRYPOINT Will not be docker run The command specified in is overwritten, if you want to overwrite ENTRYPOINT,You need to docker run Specified in--entrypoint option

It has two modes:

ENTRYPOINT <command> (shell pattern)
ENTRYPOINT [ "executable", "param1", "param2" ] (exec pattern)


The function is to copy files or directories to Dockerfile In the built image

ADD <src> <dest>
ADD ["<src>" "<dest>"] (Applies if the file path contains spaces)

COPY <src> <dest>
ADD ["<src>" "<dest>"] (Applies if the file path contains spaces)
ADD Contains similar tar If you only copy files, it is recommended to use the decompression function of COPY,Moreover, the source file paths of both are used Dockerfile Relative path, target path uses absolute path.
COPY index.html /var/www/html


It is used to add volumes to containers, and can provide functions such as shared storage

VOLUME ['/data']
 Set the working directory inside the container so that ENTRYPOINT and CMD The specified commands will be executed in this directory in the container.

WORKDIR /path/to/workdir


Used to set environment variables



Used to specify why the user runs the image

USER nginx
 The mirror will nginx Run as, you can use uid,gid And other combinations
 Create a trigger for an image. This trigger is executed when an image is used as the base image of other images. When the sub image is built, the instruction in the trigger is inserted.

ONBUILD COPY index.html /var/www/html

Construction process of Dockerfile

docker will run a container FROM the underlying image specified in the Dockerfile header FROM
Then execute an instruction to modify the container
Then, perform an operation similar to docker commit to create a new image layer
Run a new container based on the image you just created
Execute the next instruction of Dockerfile until all instructions are executed
Docker will delete the container created by the m-tier, but will not delete the m-tier image. Therefore, you can use docker run to run an m-tier container to view the image status after each step of construction, so you can debug.

dockerfile layering principle

1.docker image layering (based on AUFS):
The docker image is located on the bootfs
The next layer of each mirror becomes the parent mirror
The first layer image becomes base image
Container layer (readable and writable), at the top layer (writable)
Below the container layer are readonly

Keywords: CentOS Docker server

Added by clartsonly on Tue, 30 Nov 2021 12:48:59 +0200