Dolphin dispatching 2.0.4 wechat alarm configuration


Enterprise wechat administrator account (you can apply for one by yourself) Enterprise account , for testing)
Self built application for testing

Wechat alarm configuration parameters


Each enterprise has a unique corpid. To obtain this information, you can view the "enterprise ID" (with administrator permission) under "my enterprise" - enterprise information "in the management background


Each application has a unique agentid. In the management background - > applications and applets - > applications, click an application to see agentid.


Secret is the "key" used to ensure data security in enterprise applications. Each application has an independent access key. In order to ensure data security, secret must not be disclosed.
At present, the secret includes:
Self built application secret. In the management background - > applications and applets - > applications - > self built, click an application to see it.
Basic application secret. Some basic applications (such as "approval" and "clock in" applications) support operations through APIs. In the management background - > Application and applet - > Application - > foundation, click an application and open the "API" button to see


You can enter it at will


Sending type, application and group chat


Content to send, JSON format
Application format

  "touser": "UserID1|UserID2|UserID3",
  "toparty": "PartyID1|PartyID2",
  "totag": "TagID1 | TagID2",
  "msgtype": "text",
  "agentid": 1,
  "text": {
		"content": "Your express has arrived\n Please bring your work card to the mail center to get it"
  "safe": 0,
  "enable_id_trans": 0,
  "enable_duplicate_check": 0

Group chat format

    "chatid": "CHATID",
    "msgtype": "text",
    "text": {
        "content": "Your express has arrived\n Please bring your work card to the mail center to get it"
    "safe": 0

Refer to enterprise wechat Development Center

Alarm usage record

40008 error

2022-03-02 11:15:27.150  INFO 1909 --- [pool-3-thread-1] o.a.d.plugin.alert.wechat.WeChatSender   : Enterprise WeChat send [], param:test alert, resp:{"errcode":40008,"errmsg":"Warning: wrong json format. invalid message type, hint: [1646190927277970339863326], from ip:, more info at"}
2022-03-02 11:15:27.172  INFO 1909 --- [pool-3-thread-1] o.a.dolphinscheduler.alert.AlertSender   : Alert Plugin WeChat send error : Warning: wrong json format. invalid message type, hint: [1646190927277970339863326], from ip:, more info at

The reason is user send. MSG configuration content is incorrect, pass Enterprise wechat Developer Center - Interface debugging tool , after debugging directly, copy the body content

Verify again

2022-03-02 14:31:57.250  INFO 1909 --- [pool-3-thread-1] o.a.d.plugin.alert.wechat.WeChatSender   : Enterprise WeChat send [https://qyapi. weixin. qq. com/cgi-bin/message/send? access_ token=0suIhV8_ YfrgWRQ8o5JYO9UhqsQIxxJKaHmdROUt3MJAM24IgwMTw6lwDa45btKtBzrJ7NsIhw2Sde-3AWyjlKJ36jHTaXeAe_ ZAOi0Yye_ OrvzPk0zr28iayeT25Jn3d_ ONQ8Fk9vQe6zts3FZc6dlIuncrAsfTJRfEHH99Ht7zjPyVD6XO1wO1MiWiGaJHLAQ09gYw0LlgzwnwH_ Iqja], param: {"touser": "1", "toParty": "1", "totag": "tagid1 | tagid2", "msgtype": "text", "AgentID": 1000002, "text": {"content": "testing wechat API"}, "safe": 0, "enable_id_trans": 0, "enable_duplicate_check": 0},  resp:{"errcode":0,"errmsg":"ok","invaliduser":"1","invalidtag":"0","msgid":"Dv0oBVNA9p2BIWPODPqgktEu4XC8Y5v2dnEPBBt0GuGW6lViRFDOqz-9mIPuwa5IzUngy4Yk3Ef4tXu0ADGW8w"}
2022-03-02 14:31:57.250  INFO 1909 --- [pool-3-thread-1] o.a.dolphinscheduler.alert.AlertSender   : Alert Plugin WeChat send success

But the alarm content is written dead!!!!

How to send specific task error information

View source code

Modify the content and replace the specific task information

The variable msg format is not configured correctly. If $, {}, "", 44004 error will be reported

2022-03-02 15:11:57.193  INFO 1909 --- [pool-3-thread-1] o.a.d.plugin.alert.wechat.WeChatSender   : Enterprise WeChat send [], param:{   "touser": "14ead2cf8110655aed8fdf2257ab5c1d",   "toparty": "1",   "totag": "TagID1 | TagID2",   "msgtype": "text",   "agentid": 1000002,   "text": {"content": $`start process failed`
>taskStartTime:2022-03-02 15:11:51
>taskEndTime:2022-03-02 15:11:51
 },   "safe": 0,   "enable_id_trans": 0,   "enable_duplicate_check": 0 }, resp:{"errcode":44004,"errmsg":"Warning: wrong json format. empty content, hint: [1646205117042450091058341], from ip:, more info at","msgid":"Dv0oBVNA9p2BIWPODPqgktEu4XC8Y5v2dnEPBBt0GuFZDilY0v-NBE66YjhWNimCQRXZm-_TMwwtLbWQxXgDDA"}
2022-03-02 15:11:57.193  INFO 1909 --- [pool-3-thread-1] o.a.dolphinscheduler.alert.AlertSender   : Alert Plugin WeChat send error : Warning: wrong json format. empty content, hint: [1646205117042450091058341], from ip:, more info at

Verify again

2022-03-02 15:16:42.172  INFO 1909 --- [pool-3-thread-1] o.a.d.plugin.alert.wechat.WeChatSender   : Enterprise WeChat send [], param:{   "touser": "14ead2cf8110655aed8fdf2257ab5c1d",   "toparty": "1",   "totag": "TagID1 | TagID2",   "msgtype": "text",   "agentid": 1000002,   "text": {"content": "$`start process failed`
>taskStartTime:2022-03-02 15:16:37
>taskEndTime:2022-03-02 15:16:37
" },   "safe": 0,   "enable_id_trans": 0,   "enable_duplicate_check": 0 }, resp:{"errcode":0,"errmsg":"ok. Warning: wrong json format. ","invalidtag":"0","msgid":"ApdmTZacy5fwcrmY4C90r3teipLMq1w1kUrdF8B6gEPJugsbwGrAkbGGkYsRAC5doqD9unFNXaaL36GjzulS4w"}
2022-03-02 15:16:42.173  INFO 1909 --- [pool-3-thread-1] o.a.dolphinscheduler.alert.AlertSender   : Alert Plugin WeChat send success


Wechat directly receives enterprise application notifications


Only the group created by api has group ID

WeChat should also receive the message, but it needs the official account or business certification to open it.
Opening method: workbench - management enterprise - message exchange with wechat

Keywords: wechat DolphinScheduler

Added by fredriksk on Wed, 02 Mar 2022 17:13:25 +0200