DQL query data

4. DQL query data (the most important)

4.1 DQL

(date query language: Data Query Language)

  • All query operations use it, select
  • Simple queries and complex queries are available
  • The core language and the most important statement in the database
  • Most frequently used statements
select[ALL | DISTINCT]
{ * | TABLE.* | [table.field1[as alias1][,table.field2[as alias2]][,...]]}
from table_name [as table_alias]
	[left | right | inner join table_name2] -- Joint query
	[where...] -- Specify the conditions to be met
	[group by ...] -- Specify which fields the results need to be grouped by
	[having] -- Secondary conditions that must be met to filter grouped records
	[order by ...] -- Specifies that query records are sorted by one or more criteria
	[limit {[offset,]row_count | row_countOFFSET offset}];  -- Specify which records to query from

4.2 specify a field to query

-- Query all students  select field from Table name
select * from student

-- Query specified fields
select `studentNo`,`studentName` from student

 -- Alias, give the result a name  AS
 -- You can alias fields or tables
 SELECT `name` AS full name,`gender` AS Gender FROM student
 -- function concat(a,b)
 SELECT CONCAT('name:',`name`) AS New name FROM student

Syntax: select field... from table

Sometimes, column names are not so well-known, and can be aliased (AS)

Field name as alias, table name as alias

Remove duplicate distinct: remove the duplicate data in the select query result, and only one duplicate data is displayed

-- Find out which students took the exam and got good grades

SELECT * FROM result -- Query all test scores

SELECT `studentNo` FROM result -- Check which students took the exam

SELECT DISTINCT `StudentNo` FROM result -- Duplicate data found, de duplication

Database columns (expressions)

-- Query System Version (function)

-- Used to evaluate (an expression)
SELECT 100*3-6 AS Calculation results

-- Query self increasing step size (variable)
SELECT @@auto_increment_increment 

-- Student examination results+1 Sub view
SELECT `studentNo`,`studentResult`+1 AS 'After scoring' FROM result

4.3 where conditional clause

Function: retrieve qualified values in data

Logical operator

and &&a and b a&&bAnd
or ||a or b a||bor
not !not a !awrong
--  ===========  where  ====================
-- The query test score is 95~100 Between points
SELECT `studentNo`,`StudentResult` FROM result
WHERE StudentResult>=95 AND StudentResult<=100

SELECT `studentNo`,`StudentResult` FROM result
WHERE StudentResult>=95 && StudentResult<=100

-- Fuzzy query (interval)
SELECT `studentNo`,`StudentResult` FROM result
WHERE StudentResult BETWEEN 95 AND 100
-- Grades of departments other than student 1000
SELECT `studentNo`, `StudentResult` FROM result
WHERE studentNo!=1000;

SELECT `studentNo`, `StudentResult` FROM result
WHERE NOT studentNo=1000;

Fuzzy queries: comparison operators

IS NULLa is nullThe operator is null and the result is true
IS NOT NULLa is not nullThe operator is not empty and the result is true
betweena between b and cBetween a and b and c, the result is true
likea like bsql matches. If a matches b, the result is true
ina in(a1,a2,a3...)If a is one of a1, a2, a3... The result is true
-- ================ Fuzzy query  ========================
--  Inquire about students surnamed Liu
-- like combination %(Represents 0 to any character) _(1 (characters)
SELECT `name`, `major` FROM student
WHERE `name` LIKE 'Liu%'

-- Query students surnamed Liu. There is only one word after their surname
SELECT `name`, `major` FROM student
WHERE `name` LIKE 'Liu_'

-- Query students surnamed Liu. There are only two words after their surname
SELECT `name`, `major` FROM student
WHERE `name` LIKE 'Liu__'

-- Check the students with strange names in the middle,%odd%
SELECT `name`, `major` FROM student
WHERE `name` LIKE '%odd%'

-- Query 15,18,24 Student No
SELECT `id`,`name`  FROM student
WHERE `id` IN (15,18,24)

-- Inquire about students in Hougang
SELECT `id`,`name`,`address` FROM student
WHERE `address` IN ('Hougang town','Lishi town')

-- =========null , not null ====================

-- Query students with empty address null ''
SELECT `StudentNo`, `StudentName` FROM `student`
WHERE address='' OR address IS NULL

-- Query students with birth date cannot be blank
SELECT `studentNo`, `studentName` FROM `student`

-- It is blank to query students without birth date
SELECT `StudentNo`, `StudentName` FROM `student`

4.4 associated table query

JOIN comparison

-- =================== Join table query join ================

-- Query the students who took the exam (student number, name, subject number, score))
SELECT * FROM student
SELECT * FROM result

1.Analyze the requirements, and analyze which tables the query fields come from (connection query)
2.Determine which connection query to use? 7 kinds
 Determine the intersection (which data is the same in the two tables)
Conditions for judgment: studentNo in the student table = studentNo in the grade table

-- JOIN (Connected tables) ON(Judged conditions) connection query
-- where  Equivalent query

SELECT s.studentNO , studentName , subjectNo,StudentResult
FROM student AS s
INNER JOIN result AS r
ON s.studentNO = r.studentNO

-- RIGHT JOIN  // student is the left table and result is the right table
SELECT s.studentNO , studentName , subjectNo,StudentResult
FROM student AS s 
RIGHT JOIN result AS r
ON s.studentNO = r.studentNO

-- LEFT JOIN  // student is the left table and result is the right table
SELECT s.studentNO , studentName , subjectNo,StudentResult
FROM student AS s 
LEFT JOIN result AS r
ON s.studentNO = r.studentNO

-- Query absent students
SELECT s.studentNO , studentName , subjectNo,StudentResult
FROM student AS s 
LEFT JOIN result AS r
ON s.studentNO = r.studentNO
WHERE StudentResult IS NULL 

inner joinIf there is at least one match in the table, the row is returned
left joinAll values will be returned from the left table, even if there is no match in the right table
right joinAll values will be returned from the right table, even if there is no match in the left table
-- Thinking questions (query the information of students participating in the exam):Student number, student name, subject name, score)
1.Analyze the requirements, analyze which tables the query fields come from, student, result, subject (connection query)
2.Determine which connection query to use? 7 kinds
 Determine the intersection (which data is the same in both tables) >
Conditions for judgment: studentNo in student table = studentNo in grade table
SELECT s.studentNo,studentName,SubjectNo,`StudentResult`
FROM student s
RIGHT JOIN result r
ON r.studentNo = s.studentNo
INNER JOIN `subject` sub
ON r.SubjectNo = sub.SubjectNo

-- What data do I want to query select...
-- Look it up from those tables from surface XXX JOIN Connected tables ON Cross condition
-- Suppose there is a multi table query. Take your time. Query two tables first and then add them slowly


Self connection: connect your own table with your own table. Core: split one table into two identical tables

[the external chain image transfer fails. The source station may have an anti-theft chain mechanism. It is recommended to save the image and upload it directly (img-rrb0bzvv-1641611984843) (C: \ users \ Lenovo \ appdata \ roaming \ typora user images \ image-20220105211321715. PNG)]

Parent class:

2information technology
3software development
5Art design


8Office information2
6web development3
7ps Technology5

Operation: query the subclass relationship corresponding to the parent class

Parent classSubclass
information technologyOffice information
software developmentdatabase
software developmentweb development
Art designps Technology

4.5 paging and sorting


-- ============ paging limit And sorting order by ===============

-- Sorting: ascending ASC ,Descending order DESC
-- Query results are sorted in descending order according to scores
SELECT s.`StudentNo`,`StudentName`,`SubjectName`,`StudentResult`
FROM student s
INNER JOIN `result` r
ON s.StudentNo = r.Student
INNER JOIN `subject` sub
ON r.`SubjectNo` = sub.`SubjectNo`
WHERE subjectName = 'data structure'
ORDER BY StudentResult DESC  -- Sort by grades in descending order

ORDER BY StudentResult ASC    -- Sort in ascending order according to grades


-- Why pagination?
-- Ease the pressure of the database and give people a better experience, waterfall flow

-- Pagination: only five pieces of data are displayed on each page
-- Syntax: limit Starting value, page size
-- Web application: current, total pages, page size
-- limit 0,5    The first to fifth data are displayed
-- limit 1,5    The second to sixth data are displayed
SELECT s.`StudentNo`,`StudentName`,`SubjectName`,`StudentResult`
FROM student s
INNER JOIN `result` r
ON s.StudentNo = r.Student
INNER JOIN `subject` sub
ON r.`SubjectNo` = sub.`SubjectNo`
WHERE subjectName = 'data structure'
ORDER BY StudentResult DESC  -- Sort by grades in descending order

-- first page limit 0,5    (1-1)*5
-- Page 2 limit 5,5    (2-1)*5
-- Page 3 limit 10,5   (3-1)*5
-- The first n page limit (n-1)*5,5     (n-1)* pagesize  , pagesize
-- [pagesize: [page size]
-- [(n-1)*pagesize: Starting value]
-- [n: Current page]
-- [Total data/Page size=Number of pages]

Syntax: limit starting subscript, page size

-- query JAVA Information of the students with the top ten course scores in the first academic year and a score greater than 80 (student number, name, course name, score)

SELECT `studentNo`,`studentname`,`subjectname`,`subjectresult`
FROM `student` s
INNER JOIN `result` r
ON s.studentNo = r.studentNo
INNER JOIN `subject` sub
ON sub.`subjectNo` = r.`subjectNo`
WHERE subjectname = 'java First academic year' AND `subjectresult` >= 80
ORDER BY studentresult DESC
LIMIT 0,10

4.6 sub query

where (this value is calculated)

Essence: nest a query statement within a where statement

where (select * from)

-- ====================== where ======================

-- 1.Query all test results (student number, subject number, score) in the database structure and arrange them in descending order
-- Method 1: connection query
SELECT `studentno`,`subjectname`,`studentresult`
FROM `result` r
INNER JOIN `subject` sub
ON r.`subjectno` = sub.`subjectno`
WHERE `subjectname` = 'database structure '
ORDER BY sutdentresult DESC

-- Method 2: sub query ()
SELECT `studentno`,`subjectname`,`studentresult`
FROM `result` r
WHERE studentno = (
	SELECT studentno FROM `subject`
	WHERE `subjectname` = 'database structure '	
ORDER BY `studentresult` DESC

-- Query student numbers of all database structures
SELECT studentno FROM `subject`
WHERE `subjectname` = 'database structure '

-- Student number and name of students with a score of no less than 80
SELECT s.`studentNo`,`studentName`
FROM student s
INNER JOIN result r
ON r.studentNo = s.studentNo
WHERE `studentResult`>=80

-- Query the student number and name of students whose course is advanced mathematics and whose score is not less than 80
SELECT DISTINCT s. `studentNo`, `studentName`
FROM student s
INNER JOIN result r
ON r.studentNo = s.studentNo
WHERE `studentResult`>=80 AND `SubjectNo`= (
SELECT subjectNo FROM `subject`
WHERE `subjectName`='Advanced mathematics'

SELECT s.studentNo, studentName
FROM student s
INNER JOIN result r
ON s.studentNo = r.studentNo work NNERJOIN`subject` sub
ON r.`subjectNo` = sub.`subjectNo`
WHERE `subjectName`='Advanced mathematics' AND StudentResult>=80

Keywords: Database MySQL SQL

Added by mishasoni on Sat, 08 Jan 2022 16:01:12 +0200